
The more the media tries to take him out with bullshit like this, the more votes he'll get.
Today's truth:

Not all Trump supporters are white supremecists, but all white supremacists are Trump supporters.
a) If you think Donald Trump is racist, you're easily tricked. Congrats.
b) If a rapist votes for Bernie Sanders, that doesn't = Bernie loves rape.
This is the country for which countless people sacrificed their lives, folks.
I'm crying on the inside and the outside.
Good for him!
Maybe instead of "liveslogging the funny/stupid parts" and tossing up links to silly videos you could try liveslogging interesting/insightful commentary on what they say? If I want to read debate snark I can get that in a zillion places. There's a reason people liked Paul Constant.
Hm, when Duke says "European Americans" is that all-inclusive? Like, is he embracing European Americans of Irish or Italian Catholic descent? How about European Americans of German Lutheran descent? Those of Polish descent? Because I'm pretty sure all these groups (and more) were once considered the "Mexican Rapists and Drug Dealers" of past generations.
I'm with you emma, this situation is amazingly terrible.
hey RentBoy, read this!
I'm still holding out hope that Trump is trolling everyone, that he's a Dem plant, and his aim all along has been to (a) have fun and (b) destroy the Republican party. He's going along with it for as long as it lasts, but he's as amazed as the rest of us that it's lasted this long.
Democracy clearly doesn't work. Let's see if we can get the Windsor/Hanovor/Saxe-Coburg-Gotah or whatever the hell the royal family's last name is these days and see if they want to rule us as absolute monarchs?
Hey everyone! New fun game!
Propose actions that either the Republican Party, Democratic Party, or Washington "Establishment" (e.g. DoD, CIA, Secret Service, FBI, Congress, etc., or other nefarious factions within) will take to "neutralize" Trump once he gets elected!

I'll go first:
1. He'll "catch a cold" just like Yuri Andropov did, and die within the first 100 days due to "heart complications" of the illness or somesuch.
@16 - Our democracy is broken, it's true, but Trump is not an example of this. He is the nationalist populist candidate that 'middle America' actually wants. He "speaks his mind", and people find that refreshing and 'honest' (even though we know his "facts" are not).

Loads of regular people, middle-class people, workers of many stripes have felt sold out by the "globalist" Republican elites, ignored, abandoned, jobs lost, benefits reduced... and Trumpypants is their response. He is actually democracy in action.

America has a not-politically-well-educated population, and that is in part by design (I believe), through defunding education, vilifying teachers, breaking unions, "freeing markets", etc. etc. The Republicans (and the Democrats as well) have spent a lot of effort to 1. reduce Labor power-sharing, and 2. keep people less-educated & ill-informed.
The elites have worked tirelessly, over generations of political leadership, to keep actual democratic activism to a minimum, and out of the mainstream as possible. They learned the lesson of the 60s and have tried to keep the people from interfering with their elitist, globalist, neoliberal, help-the-wealthy plans. And they've largely succeeded.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost, the fruits of all those efforts are coming to bear.
And Trump is quite the juicy fruit indeed.
@16 - Even Pat Buchanan agrees. Trump is riding a wave that probably can't be stopped. If Trump is sidelined personally, someone else will rise espousing the same rhetoric. The Repubs are in real trouble.

So is everyone else.

The triumvirate of big media, big donors and big political parties has until now successfully excluded every challenge to its authority. But like every aristocracy, it eventually got lazy and profligate, too sure it was loved by the people. It's now shocked that voters in depressed ex-factory towns won't keep pulling the lever for "conservative principles," or that union members bitten a dozen times over by a trade deal won't just keep voting Democratic on cue.

// Matt Taibbi
@22 - But the establishment hates Trump. The establishment loved Dubya.
Major difference.

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