
Marco Rubio didn't do anything except try and prove to his kids and wife that he's almost as much of a man as Trump...almost.
rubio is so bad at this.
@2: are any of them actually good at this?
Worth reading Matt Taibbi's Wednesday piece in Rolling Stone about how America made tRump "unstoppable". Which is curiously backed up by this Jan.19th article about an 'obscure' Pat Buchanan aid predicting the rise of the "nationalist populist candidate that Trumpypants is -- back in 1996.

Man, "Rubot"... he will be wetting his pants when he has to face TrumpCard one on one... christ.
at bullying and insulting? yeah, trump is actually pretty good at it. i watch the debates and interviews, and he's terrible of course, but when rubio and cruz try and keep up they look so much worse.
And Marco Rubio just stood at a rally saying "I'm not a little boy". Face it, Trump has this twerp by his balls.
Ah, the sweet sounds of establishment desperation. Trump only grows stronger.
You can't out-Trump Trump. If you try, you just look like a petulant child whining about something being unfair.

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