
Why are you asking that question if you are not giving a Slog Poll?
So the message of that ad is that we shouldn't vote for Bill Clinton?
Why must we rally behind the weaker Democratic candidate? I hear HRC supporters telling me--a Bernie supporter--that I need to get on board, get in line, face facts. It's mind-numbing when that sort of insistence comes from people who once railed against it. "Why can't you just like girls? Just be a man. Face it hetero sex is normal. Get with it." You railed against that sort of messaging because you felt in the deepest parts of you that there was another way that served you and millions of others, better. You fought. You fought. And you won. Well, we Bernie supporters are in your old shoes . . . being criticized, ostracized and name-called . . . because we believe in a candidate who represents something different from the traditional fare we're being told to support. It would be great if you could cut us some slack.
@4: Your candidate lost. There was a democratic process, and the candidate that received the most votes (also the most pledged delegates, also the most superdelegates) will proceed to the general election. Your attempt to analogize losing an election to homophobia is absurd.
They should wait on the nagging until closer to election day, that way we'll know more about who we're REALLY afraid of who may be the next president.
@3- huh, I must have missed those arraignments, trials and convictions.
Given that the next president is almost certainly going to be either Trump or Clinton, November can take it's sweet time getting here, thanks.
Uh, no. There is Hillary Clinton and then there is the misogynist rapist. End. Of. Story. Please don't do the fascist yam's work for him.
@4 Hillary and Bernie voted together 93% of the time while they were both in the senate. They have far more in common than not.
@4, I have a number of reasons: Mexicans, Muslims, women, African Americans, the poor, people with disabilities, etc... Regardless of what you think of Hillary, Trump's deliberately vitriolic rhetoric alone makes him more dangerous for these groups by legitimizing hate speech directed at them. Do you really want Trump to be the one addressing the nation after the next officer-involved shooting of an unarmed black man? And the selection of the next supreme court justice is a huge issue that will have an actual impact on people's lives, especially for women whose abortion rights are under alarming attack.

You might be a middle class white person without a lot at stake regardless of who is elected, but it is disturbing to me that progressives are willing to throw the very groups they claim to be working for under the bus just to make a point.
@4: really, Sanders supporters are an oppressed minority?

I'm aligned with 99% of his positions and analysis, but this persecution complex of his voters has got to stop. how do you think Clinton supporters feel when you tell them they support a 3rd Way Corporatist War Criminal?

the butthurt cuts both ways.
This ad is probably going to sink Bill's chances of becoming our 45th president. I hope that Hillary's people remember that taking swipes at the opponent's spouse is not acceptable, unless your name is Donald Drumpf.
"Your candidate lost"

He was the only person I gave a hot shit about. I don't care about the Democratic party. I'm not picking up phones for Madam Establishment Fuckface 200 Proof. Fuck you.
So these ads are: 1) a woman who's competing for the job being pushed to the background to try and get people to focus on her husband and 2) a reminder that a woman went through shit from her husband and emerged from it even stronger.

Yeah, that sure sounds like a truly brilliant strategy by Trump to get the female vote.
@20 We're not voting for a person. I couldn't give a shit as to who's better to have a beer with, or who rubs my fur the right way. This year, we're simply voting for survival. The House is Tea Party Republican. The Senate is Republican, infested with morons like Louie Gohmert, and theocrats like Ted Cruz and Pat Roberts. Are you in some hurry to hand over the White House to a Republican, too?

Do you have any fucking idea what that will mean?

Don't come crying to me when you discover that Trump turned this country into some fascist hell-hole with no human rights, and the brownshirt militias are beating you in the streets.
@20 And having lost, you're now throwing a tantrum, taking your ball, and going home.

Can you kinda see why the rest of us think Berners are entitled little shits?
But we did already elect the "alleged rapist". Twice. So maybe not such a good omen.
So, @20 et al: --- feel free to bitch about the system that landed us with these choices, but the choice now is: if you want Trump to be president, vote for Bernie (or Trump). If you don't, vote for Hillary. It's pretty simple, really.

(Of course your other option is to opt out of voting altogether; if you think that's productive, go ahead & do it. 60 or whatever percent of Americans can't be wrong.)
#14 I like your comment. It's a sad commentary on our political process when someone like Trump can be so popular.
But raindrop will never believe a black victim of police violence.
@26 or Vote Green.

Trump isn't nearly as scary as you white neolibs think. Trump's followers are, but we're not voting for people's followers.

Vote for the best candidate (and, lemme tell you, it ain't Trump or Clinton).
Bill's history of sexual assault should not make you think twice about voting for Hillary, but Hillary's part in the disgusting campaign to ridicule, shame, attack, and brand the woman trailer trash loons for accusing her husband of sexual assault should perhaps make you think twice about voting for Hillary.
Ivana retracted her rape allegation; referring to Trump as an alleged rapist at this point is dishonest.

"“During a deposition given by me in connection with my matrimonial case, I stated that my husband had raped me,” Ivana Trump said in a statement at the time, as the Daily Beast reported. "[O]n one occasion during 1989, Mr. Trump and I had marital relations in which he behaved very differently toward me than he had during our marriage. As a woman, I felt violated, as the love and tenderness, which he normally exhibited towards me, was absent. I referred to this as a 'rape,' but I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense."...Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised 3 children that we love and are very proud of."... Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president."…

Do progressives ever get tired of progressive journalists lying to them?
@31 That's not a retraction. Ivana confirmed that everything happened as she swore it happened when under penalty of perjury. What she said afterwards is that she would not be willing to participate in legal action against Donald: "I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or *criminal* sense."

Yet another conservative lacking basic reading comprehension. No wonder you need talk radio to shout your opinions at you.
@31: So, Satan, when are you going to push to have Ivana prosecuted for perjury?
@29 - i.e., vote for Trump, practically speaking. Of course voting for the best candidate in your view is a great thing. I could vote for my wonderful high-school history teacher. (Anybody else remember Mr. Prebezac from Roosevelt?)

I'm not terribly scared of a Trump presidency --- I don't think this country is fragile enough to be brought down by one more dangerous idiot president (probably). I just don't think it would be a good thing.

BTW, I'm not white, and from what I can tell I'm not a "neolib" either. But of course you couldn't know that.
@32 Well, this definitely WON'T be worth it, but I'll try.

During her divorce from Trump she described a time when they had sex and he was not tender and loving, and she felt bad, as 'rape.' Later she said "Please don't take that literally." Did you get it this time?

@33 Is that a serious question? Uh, let's see, when I go back in time to before the statute of limitations ran out and get a job as a prosecutor in that jurisdiction?

@35: Do you see any indication she wanted that sex? Any expression of consent? No. She said she felt "violated." That's rape. And " I do not want my words to be interpreted in a literal or criminal sense" does not mean things didn't happen exactly as she said-- again, UNDER PERJURY. It means she doesn't want you to interpret her words as meaning what they actually mean. An expression of what she "wants" does not retract what she said.

Do you get it now?
@36 yes, anytime someone feels bad after sex it is rape. Run along back to your campus safe space now.
I wonder how many of the people up in arms about Bill's rapeyness were even old enough to remember when all this stuff came out the first time he ran for President.
@37: My god, you're a moron.

She didn't consent. Therefore, it was rape. It's not that difficult to understand, unless you're a rapist. Are you?

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