
Nothing in your intro about WikiLeaks posting excerpts of Clinton Wall Street speeches?
We're shocked.
@1: Probably because there was no revelation in the leaked speeches? Unless you count faked ones, of course.
Everyone knows Hillary is in the tank for Wall Street. That's what the Democratic primary campaign was about. Bernie couldn't close the deal and Wall Street won, as it usually does.

Nobody cares about those leaks because they confirm something that was already obvious: Clinton is a triangulating politician dependent on donations from plutocrats who tailors a message to the audience. Good luck trying to sell that "dog bites man" story.

What's much more interesting is why the latest Trump tape has former endorsers running for the exits. It's also utterly unsurprising - everyone knows Trump is a narcissistic boor, and he's ALREADY SAID TERRIBLE SHIT ABOUT WOMEN IN PUBLIC, FOREVER. From here it looks like they were looking for an excuse to bail in light of the poll numbers after the first debate.

I'd revel in schadenfreude except I think there is a decent chance that the GOP might sort out a way to force Trump out, get the election thrown to the House of Representatives through some legal chicanery, and/or having retained slender majorities in both houses impeach Clinton and Kaine for the high crime of being Democrats immediately upon their inauguration. If I've learned anything from the last 20 years of American politics, it is that comity and respect for the electorate is utterly dead.

The emails don't appear to express positions significantly different from Clinton's public statements regarding financial regulation, assuming of course they're even genuine, which according to intelligence analysts who have examined the documents is very much in doubt given Assange's professed hatred of Clinton AND the fact we now know for certain Russian hackers have compromised both the DNC and RNC servers. So, it's not like there's really any sort of hoped-for bombshell in this, despite the GOP's attempt to use them to deflect criticism from the on-going saga of Trump's vile expressions of boorish, vulgar, puerile misogyny.
Does anyone know of any place in Georgetown or South Park showing the debate?
OMG Hillary totally won the debate!!!

Trump looked and acted like a petulant miscreant.

(Now to head to Hotel Hotel and have fun!)

I live in Portland and so would be of no help to you in finding someplace up there. But it's on regular broadcast TV (CBS.)
Download the Fox News Radio app for your smartphone.
Don't be toooooo smug, Hillary.
@9: no.
Are we going to have someone wander across the stage periodically with round placards?
Someone please give Trump a hanky - I'm afraid he's going to have a nosebleed any second now.
But Hillary went over her time!! You yelled at Donald when he went one second over!! You let her go over!! GoOverGate!!
I miss the live Slogs where us proles could comment in the discussion. The comment density is too low. here.
Where are you @fakedansavage?

You notice she just happened to "win" the "coin toss" to determine who gets the "opportunity" to respond to the first question first?

@15: but then you open it up to spam troll. i'm ok with this format, but it needed more density.

lindy west would have been good
Oh dear, I fear Donald will get a boost out of this - how big remains to be seen. He started of haggard but he was effective as it went on.
@19 Very effective considering that he also had to simultaneously debate the blatant Hill-bot homo and harpy.
@20: no.
@15, 18,

Didn't that "Cover it live" format allow for monitored slogger comments? Like they'd have to be checked & approved for relevant/worthiness prior to actually entering the thread?

I remember being frustrated by that software's lag time and responsiveness, but at least it did allow us to actually contribute to the threads. And given that slog was using it several years ago I'd wager that a lot of the issues were just processor/server speed related and should be better now.

I kinda feel like a jerk as I've bitched about all the formats that they've tried and this does seem like one of the better ones largely. But the contributors here also really are significant part of the appeal. Despite what Sean Nelson & Jen Graves may think.
I fully expect that the fly repeatedly landing on Hillary throughout the debate will give Breitbart (and similar alt-right cesspools) the only story they need:

"Did Hillary actually die from pneumonia? Is George Soros piloting her corpse remotely like a drone? We interviewed the fly to find out!"
For once I agree with @19.
Anderson Cooper lost the debate for the Clintons last night. He was interrupting Trump more than Hillary was with his petulant whining and wouldn't give her a chance to debate The Donald herself, which she proved in the first debate she is very capable of doing. Cooper made Hillary look weak by circling back to the gossipy TMZ type of non-issues over and over, thinking that would somehow help her.

Actually, I think both Cooper and Raddatz did about as good a job as possible (under the circumstances) of at least trying to keep the candidates focused on the questions, rather than going after each other directly, which is, after all, what is supposed to happen during a "town hall" style debate. Clinton did a much better job of sticking to that protocol, keeping direct contact with the audience and with individual questioners (whereas Trump seemed almost exclusively focused on the cameras or on the moderators), and for the most part only addressed Trump when given time to respond. Trump, per usual, was like the proverbial bull in the china shop: just lumbering around, both physically and verbally, stomping about the stage, interrupting, shouting over the moderators, going over-time (he actually spoke just slightly more than Clinton, despite his petulant whining about not being given enough time), and apparently trying to get into every shot - I don't think he sat down once after the debate started - and as physically close to Clinton as possible without actually invading her immediate personal space; clearly an attempt at intimidation, which Clinton, to her credit, generally ignored.
Dozens of Haitian protesters gathered outside the Democrat National Convention in July and railed against the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation for their long-reported history of using their global connections to exploit the resources and the poor people of Haiti.

“The main message is that Hillary Clinton belongs in jail,” one protester said at the time when asked what the overall message of the protest was. “We believe that the world should know about the crimes the Clinton family has committed against the country of Haiti–the money they have stolen from the earthquake victims. And we believe that were this to be anyone else, they’d be in jail right now.”

“She’s not in jail because she’s being protected by the Obama administration, the Justice Department, State Department,” the protester said.

Yeah, we know, you read Brietbart, like that's any surprise...

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