

Fuckin' YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! May the Blue Wave permanently wash clean over the toxic Red Tide, and may all the filthy, vile, insanely rich white male RepubliKKKan pigs squirm as the Evil Empire falls.
And FUCK YOU, Dino Mafia Don Rossi.


"After reading positive and negative information about each of the candidates, Rittereiser beats Rossi 50 to 47, Hader ties Rossi 48 to 48, and Schrier loses 51 to 46."

I would sure like to know what that additional information was! Was the shift because people were attracted to Rittereiser's background as a prosecutor, turned off by his opponents' backgrounds (e.g., one was an Obama administration official, another received a prominent endorsement from a pro-choice group), or a mix? Absent more information, it's impossible to know if these are valid results, or the expected effect of a push poll. The only certainty about this poll is that Rittereiser will make sure we all know about it. I would too.

Also, while these are likely voters, are they likely primary voters? Are the people inclined to vote for Rittereiser likely to vote in the primary? In the end, the democrat base may well support a primary candidate that can't win the general.


Ritterieser is the way to go if you want votes from Chelan, Wenatchee, Ellensburg. He doesn't rile the horses. In fact, he makes Rossi look like a big-city carpetbagger.


And we all know how well we can trust polls . . .


@4 Provided the elections aren't all still hacked and rigged by the RepubliKKKan mafia. All the better to utilize grassroots methods to repair the severely flawed system and return to We, the People.


Have to start piling on the facts about Dino's right-wing persuasions. Now.


I hate to say it but my primary vote is going to the Dem that I think has the best chance of beating Rossi which, for me, is really a vote against Trump. Right now, it looks like Ritteriser is our best bet. Additional polling might change my opinion, but we'll have to see. I would like to know more about what changed people's minds when they learned more about the candidates.


@8 Oh, I didn't realize Dino Rossi was going to solve the homeless problem, get everyone off drugs, and legalize meth.


Word of caution: Reading Nate Silver and 538 has taught me to take party-commissioned polls with a grain of salt, especially if the polling data wasn't released in full and all we hear is the "bottom line" that the party wants us to hear.


ROThornhill dear, it was the GOP that gave us homeless camps, needle strewn parks and rural meth labs. We never had homeless until that dementia case Reagan and his Whores of Austerity took over.


@1- calm down, auntie. You're gonna have a stroke.


Raindrop dear, look at you: Accusing me of "rewriting history" (again?) and presenting as proof a curated collection of good news clips from St. Ronnie's reign of dementia.

Reagan waged war against the unions, he cut services to the mentally ill, and pretty much gave away the farm to the wealthy. It was during his era that we started to see homeless people and erosion of the American middle class - which has continued under all subsequent administrations (although to a lesser extent when the Democrats are in control).

He was a stinker. Not as bad as Bush II or the current mental deficient in the White House, but a stinker nonetheless. If you were honest with yourself, you'd admit it.

Don't be a horrible person, Raindrop dear. You're better than that.


That "winning" is within the margin of error


That poll is way too close. With Trump in office, a generic Democrat should be 10+ points up on a generic Republican.


@17 I updated because I link to a full copy of the poll.


@16 It's an R district now. It's going to be a hard fight. The poll shows that the race is winnable, but nobody should think that this race, or any, is going to be easy. The Rs have essentially unlimited money and are going to spend it to prop up the obscenity.

@17 That's not what a margin of error is... LOL


"Rossi's positives from previous campaigns have stuck but his negatives haven't. "They think he's a bipartisan moderate," one person said."

That's actually good news - it means that Rossi is polling as well as he ever will right now, and there's still plenty of time to remind voters of his negatives.


I have to agree with Jeb Fain. This is really good news at this stage of the election cycle, when a large majority of voters probably haven't heard of the 3 democrats. With Rossi's statewide name recognition, he should be polling much better than this. These numbers definitely show that Rossi is vulnerable and beatable.

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