Elections 2023 Feb 16, 2023 at 9:00 am

And She Contains Multitudes

Tanya Woo wants everything, but she has no idea how to pay for any of it, and she doesn't want to raise taxes. South End Photography



Good to see a new voice in the primary. There are many stories to tell of changing Seattle including gentrification, displacement, BIPOC who want better police services after all. Glad you’re here, Tanya Woo!


“She knows only two cops who speak Chinese…”
Nobody speaks Chinese (or Canadian, American, Mexican).
But they might be speaking Mandarin or Cantonese.
If Seattle is really this tone deaf to the needs and people of the International District, small wonder someone from the ID is running for a district seat. It’s frankly depressing for me to walk through the ID and see businesses that I used to go to boarded up and closed.


"Woo tirelessly advocates for the CID–even when it means aligning with Republicans and NIMBYs as she did in her effort to pause the SODO Service Hub expansion."

I'm not a Republican or a NIMBY but that's the best thing I've read about a Seattle politician in a long, long time. Someone who will fight for their priorities regardless of which "side" it puts them on? Sign me the fuck up.


So many people are hopeful that Morales will just give up her seat. That’s not how it works, and voters are better off with an incumbent that wants a future.


@19: CMs Herbold, Juarez, and Sawant have all announced each “will just give up her seat,” so that is indeed “how it works.” (CM Mosqueda will do so if she gets a seat on the King County Council.) Given the utter failure of Seattle’s City Council to address every issue, from homelessness to bridge maintenance, and their resultant deep unpopularity with Seattle’s citizens, why would it be odd for voters to expect another CM to step down, especially when a more-qualified candidate has now appeared?


Good point @11 about the diversity of language and cultures. We need to get rid of stereotypes that lump diverse peoples under one label. Regarding the election, as a D2 resident, I will be voting for Tammy Morales. I've met her in person and she is a thoughtful and compassionate person not in the pocket of corporate interests. You can usually tell a politician's allegiances by the list of their donors and endorsements. Furthermore, while it is easy to scapegoat political leaders for the violence, crime, and poverty of society, it takes all of us to fix that, beginning with how we use our words, our actions in daily life, and an understanding that our own individual happiness is intertwined with everyone we meet, our compassion and care for other species, and the natural environment upon which all life depends.


@23: “I will be voting for Tammy Morales.”

The deadline for potential candidates to file is mid-May. Aren’t you being just a bit premature?

(Also, impressive list of CM Morales’ accomplishments you’ve given there. Snicker.)

Between @19 and you, it’s good to know CM Morales’ supporters are scared. You should be.

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