Elections 2024 Aug 7, 2024 at 5:36 pm

Last Night's Dregs Give Us More of the Same

The Stranger stays winning.



Dave is now down 10k votes :(


That is an interesting spin on the Tanya Woo situation. She's only barely an "incumbent," and she almost won in her race against the ineffectual district two incumbent (but Stranger darling) Tammy Morales.


I wanted Smith to go down, but I REALLY want corporate Woo to go down hard. Fingers crossed!


@2: Neither candidate received a majority of the vote, a point the Stranger ignored in the rush to yell about how “humiliating ” this was for the “incumbent” Woo. As you noted, the fully-incumbent Morales had just barely defeated then-newcomer Woo — without the Stranger saying anything about how “humiliating” this was for her (or for them).

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