Stiff Little Fingers, the Avengers

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This event is in the past
Tues Oct 8, 2019, 8 pm
The Showbox Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
$25 - $30
Much-loved 1970s-era punks Stiff Little Fingers are turning up to play, in its entirety and for its 40th anniversary, their debut LP, Inflammable Material. Supporting SLF are one of San Francisco’s original (and frankly best) punk groups, the Avengers. This is a no-brainer, right? Welp, a decade or so ago, the Avengers played the Funhouse opposite a Black Flag COVER BAND at the Comet, and everyone went to see the Black Flag cover band. I still haven’t forgiven you, Crapital Hill coolio punks. That said, don’t fuck this up again. Go see the goddamn Avengers (and SLF), you poseurs. by Mike Nipper

Event Location

The Showbox

1426 First Ave Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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