Logic, J.I.D., YBN Cordae

This event is in the past
Tues Oct 8, 2019, 7:30 pm
WaMu Theater SoDo (Seattle)
$52 - $247
Young Maryland MC Logic fits easily into the "sensitive guy" rapper lineage, with his hardscrabble origin story buffeted by beats ripped straight from the turn-of-the-century Kanye gospel-soul playbook and rhymes that can achieve the internal fluidity of B-side Kendrick, with sadly little of the unflinching honesty that marked Mr. Lamar as a major new player. Indeed, this (good) kid can flow, and the production glistens expensively, but one finds little substance beyond the artfully flipped syllables and platitudes dressed up as choruses. by Kyle Fleck

Event Location

WaMu Theater

800 Occidental Ave S Seattle, WA 98134 Venue website

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