Mrs. Doubtfire

This event is in the past
Nov 26, 2019–Jan 4, 2020
The 5th Avenue Theatre Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
$29 - $169
It seems impossible, doesn't it, to make a good stage musical out of the 1993 Robin Williams movie Mrs. Doubtfire? Go in with low expectations like I did, and you will leave with the unmistakable impression that director Jerry Zaks has done the impossible. It is an exuberant, dazzling, imaginative, funny, and unbelievably good update of the film set in Trump's America. If you have a kid, take them. If you have a joint in your pocket, smoke it beforehand. It's fun for the whole family. This is your chance to see it before it goes to Broadway, where it will win Jerry Zaks even more Tony Awards. The guy's already got four; this musical's bound to win him a few more. by Christopher Frizzelle

Event Location

The 5th Avenue Theatre

1308 Fifth Ave Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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