Danny Brown, Ashnikko, Zelooperz

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This event is in the past
Thurs Oct 31, 2019, 8 pm
The Showbox Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
$28 - $30
Detroit’s wily, perverted young prince Danny Brown is fresh off the release of his fantastic fifth album, uknowhatimsayin¿. Featuring guests like JPEGMAFIA and Run the Jewels (as well as surprise spots by artists like Blood Orange), the album is lean but retains Brown’s keen observations without losing its sense of play and humor. There’s an old-school rambunctiousness to tracks like “3 Tearz” and “Negro Spiritual” that’s a welcome change from the moody, trap-influenced sounds that have become de rigueur nowadays. He’ll be supported by London-based anime-influence hip-hop artist Ashnikko and slick Detroit rapper Zelooperz. by Jas Keimig

Event Location

The Showbox

1426 First Ave Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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