Fashion May 6, 2019 at 9:20 am

Once an outsider's sensibility, Camp is now mainstream. Is it time to retire the term?



Chase, I suggest you check out the 1966 television series Batman. Nothing quite says camp like the Batoosi, or Cesar Romero in Joker makeup covering his mustache.


@1 Totally! I had a poster of that series in my college dorm room.


Fat is the new Camp. Put some fat on it. Fat is the final fashion frontier and goes well with everything and that's just tip of the fatberg. By 2012 the LA Fatness chain will even have links in traditionally Fat Averse areas such as Palm Springs and Taos. Fat is where its At. Look for fat soon on a runway model near you.
I know this because i am thin and i never win.


If it's any help, most of the things on your list aren't camp.

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