
A cure for personality disorders! a cure for some pain! a cure for insomnia! and a cure for post traumatic stress disorders! pot brings a wide variety of relief for many!

not mentioned much is a hallucinogenic quality that can leave first time users and many time users in a total spaz is a Paranoia brought about by your mind tuning in and out?

you may hear voices! Real voices may sound closer than they really are and the rhythm of rain or the hum of a fan may bring out strange noises that can lead to a paronia state.

Some can smoke pot like they breath air and some can just smoke a little bit before they need to stop!

You have to be aware of your self and stay away from morons who have no brains for pot to affect as they will keep passing you a joint all day and night!

like all "good" drugs you can use it or abuse it?

slightly addictive as all good things are like sex and chocolate pot is a natural goodness of earth and there should be a giant statue somewhere on the earth to represent what it means and in fact has "dose" for people over the existence of human life?

Unable to hook people like the opium dens of old and all of the other "pimp" drugs that have dealers turning people into slaves pot is brings in the heavyweight class of drugs as its take it or leave it and you can do both!

Very much the herbal tea of drugs its very much a medication when used in moderation and respected for its individual effect on different people.

Can't say I blame Mr. Stoned Parent- Even though I understand the need to get stoned while babysitting in order to preserve one's sanity, articles like this can be misconstrued and used against you by Child Protective Services and Divorce Lawyers.
I love this article! Thanks for sharing, guys.
this article was awesome, made my day. Agree completely.

i have infinitely more respect for frizelle after reading that.
Pot just freaks me the fuck out. Next thing I know, I'm peaking through the blinds, asking where the cops are.
You guys are retards! Smoking pot hasn't improved your lives - it's only improved your perception of your inept qualities.

Pot doesn't make you better in bed, it just blocks your ability to sense how bad you are.

I believe it works well for gardening & hanging around the in-laws - but the fat ass is still a looser for needing to get stoned to enjoy moving his body the way humans are intended to.

The shitty parent is a real fuck up for having to get high to appreciate their kid over bar-hopping & jacking off!

Take a little interest in something other than yourselves and get over your overblown sense of entitlement.
It's an interesting read. Being a total square, I've never tried anything more "wicked" than whiskey.
@1 All drugs have side effects, and the Stranger is not the FDA.

And really, how much of the readership of the Stranger do you think hasn't tried marijuana?
How to Come Up with Really Good Ideas (by smoking pot):

Well, it's pretty straightforward. Just smoke some pot and you'll come up with some fairly interesting ideas (your friends will too!). Here are some gems we've come up with:
1.) Afghan Mountain Ride Extreme for Wii - You attach your wii-mote to your couch and you go down a mountain in Afghanistan; the catch is that you have to dodge goats and bombs exploding at you.
2.) The title of my first novel: "The Shed of Dignity".
2a.) Then go on a book tour, and let people ponder what the philosophical meaning of which the title is indicative. After people are exhausted from theorizing, come clean that you made the title up when you were stoned. The end.

Yep...these things are all so stupid.

Were you beaten by a marijuana plant as a child or something?
You guys are retards! Your lives aren't any better, you've just blocked out how inept you are at fucking, parenting and writing.

I believe it works well for gardening and dealing with the in-law!

But if you need to get stoned in order to enjoy moving your body the way humans are intended to, then I'm sorry fat ass, you sound like a real boring piece of work! It's not exercise's fault you aren't motivated, it's yours for destroying yourself w/ cheese-its!

Shitty Parent is a major fuck up for needing to get stoned to appreciate her child over bar hopping and jacking off!

Your over blown sense of entitlement and self absorbed narcissism is nothing to brag about. You're still inept - you're just to stoned to notice.
Oops, I wouldn't have posted twice if this website worked properly - stoners!
oh man...i laughed so hard. perfect!
@12 i love you soooooooooooo much.
The most amazing thing that I have discovered while smoking is that Oscar The Grouch & The Grinch are THE SAME PERSON. Think about it. They are both green, grumpy, grouch & grinch are pretty similar words, both live in shitty houses, both have very large & dark eyebrows, both are hairy.
That's the ridiculous thing about with the hempfest crowd -- pot cures EVERYTHING!

I attended some lectures at last year's event and the speakers stressed the need to mainstream marijuana, to get the majority of Americans comfortable with it. These were followed by an expert who explained how hemp oil had cured cancer in 2 weeks and can almost instantly cure virtually every disease known to man.

I'm all for legalization myself -- it doesn't make any sense to me for pot to be illegal when alcohol is legal, let alone prevent doctors from prescribing it to patients. But you're not going to be very persuasive in mainstreaming it when your leading spokesmen are spouting claims that sound patently absurd to anyone who does not have a religious zeal for all things pot.
#8 is just jealous because he's a total bitter asshole and no one wants to share a joint with him.
See, I liked this article. I'm like Kim in that I haven't smoked before, and previously the only justification I ever really heard from potheads I have known was "it's cool" and "i like it," which honestly isn't very convincing. (Well, there was also "it helps me forget how shitty and miserable my life is," but, uh, that was not applicable to my situation.)

But I do hate weeding. And scrubbing the bathroom. And while I don't have a baby, I'd imagine if I did, I'd be pretty bored, because babies, and the care, feeding and entertainment thereof, are boring.
@17 Wow! Dude. That's like, so... right. I never thought about it that way before, but it totally is.
hahaha- damn people be taking this seriously!! again i still agree- awesome write up. You guys are correct, and NO-weed does not "improve your perception of your inept qualities". that's a cop out. Have you ever ridden a bicycle HIGH!???!?! OMGGG
@8 aka Sall -- This is a PUBLIC CHALLENGE to your "it's only improved your perception of your inept qualities."

Let's compete. Me high, you not. I will take you on in anything, high. Basketball one-on-one, jam rock out, baking, dancing, arithmetic, foot sprint, pull up contest. You name it.

We can video tape the results and post. I'd be interested!
drugs, alcohol, sex....blah blah blah. The Stranger and it's ownership knows what attracts readers. Thanks for more of the same usual crap.
I lit up at work today in tribute to this article. Huzzah!
#18 Look in to the research on which those claims are founded. Using a search engine, you could find a pile of scientific demonstrations of cannabis killing cancer cells in probably less time than it took you to respond to this article.
I find this incredibly disturbing. Pot is not the panacea for all ills. It really is subject to individual experience.

It makes me paranoid and psychotic.

As result, my averssion to pot only adversly effects my social status in the Pacific Nothwest (my peers are bewildered why I keep passing bowl ... I have no conceivable weed hook ups either.)

I will fight for peoples right to partake, so long as they don't marginalize my shitty marijuana experiences.

Individual results may vary!

Fucking Hippies!
as with everything, it's not for everyone. i just wish the selfish nazis would stop being concerned with what i put in MY body!
holy fucking piss christ! no-one has mentioned 'Work'?

thank you pot for giving me the perception that work is 'fun'. oh thank you thank you thank you.
Jeez guys, I thought you'd all be too stoned to care about my posts. Chill out - you're more sensitive than the fat people Dan picks on.

Like I said, smoking pot while gardening or before meeting the wife's family (or my own) is a great idea. So is smoking when hiking or during other outdoor recreations.

But using it as a tool to overcome your preference for bar-hopping and wanking vs. spending time w/ your child??? What the fuck?

You guys are relating with a person who has a boredom conflict with exercising and who's only friends are Cheez-its & Mr. Peanut; and a bar hopping chronic masturbater. Fucking winners!

Your fidelity to any ole positive pot review is disappointing. You guys ever hear that before - that you're disappointing?
Pot can make the most menial boring tasks entertaining. However, as far as doing productive and important things such as PARENTING, I agree with #8. Play with your kids and interact with them, don't get stoned and watch them jump off furniture. And I completely disagree w/ working out and smoking. Good luck trying to bench 250 lbs while high. You'll probably crush your rib cage.
@ 23, I like challenges! Pull up contest sounds fun! But if you're good at pull ups then you're good at pull ups, stoned or not. So What will that prove?

I'm not saying people who smoke marijuana are losers, that would be ridiculous , I'm just saying the ones in this contrived Stranger write up are...and most of these sloggers are too.

That's their excuse for smoking it, not because it's fun at work or on a bike ride, but because they're lousy fat ass disappointments to themselves.
who cares about any of this wishing bullshit? it's futile. i've been smoking for like 5 years and the one thing i've learned over that period of time is: those who think weed should be legalized will ALWAYS think weed should be legal. and those who think that it should remain illegal...have never tried it, and probably won't because they're so narrow minded and set in their ways that they will not compromise. pro-legalize and anti-legalize people are alike in this one area, they're not going to change their minds. and unfortunately, for the time being, pro-weed followers are the minority. so stop complaining, thinking you'll actually change something, and just wait. it'll be legal soon enough. and if not, keep in mind that it's the easiest drug to find and to grow.
Smoking pot also helps me read articles about pot on the internet...
I'm no expert in the field of childcare or marriage for that matter but you seem to have a real problem with this guy masturbating, and I dont see why. Is it like illegal to do when you have kids or something?

Also how could you blame the guy? Did you read his story? Instead of being uninterested by doing silly things his daughter enjoyed, he enjoyed participating. How is that a negative? Hes not getting stoned and ignoring his daughter or letting his girl starve like hundreds of junkie parents have done in the past. No instead hes being a good parent and enjoying, man what an asshole.
This article is incredible. It makes me sad that I have no pot on hand to honor it! I'll get some tomorrow :3

@12 you're amazing XD

@27 are you a really mean person or just grouchy today? The article didn't say that pot is for everyone. I recommend that people try it once, but I'm not gonna judge if they don't want to or if it's just not for them, just like I expect not to be judged for my personal choices that don't hurt anyone. Pressure sucks, dude. We're not making you do anything!
@36 ... I get cranky, because asshat weed fiends DO marginalize my marijuana experience, when I lived in Vermont, when I lived in Oregon, and sometimes in Seattle.

But I think it's great that it works for them!
@ 35, No problems with people masturbating here! Take a deep breath. I don't mention that I have a problem with pot either in any of my posts - just this bad write up.

I'm joking around more than anything by picking on these guys.

But as a young parent myself I can blame the guy. I think that people who need to get stoned to appreciate their kids (that is basically what he said he has to do) probably wouldn't recognize their own kid in a lineup of children - not because they're stoners, but because they are too involved with themselves every second of the day to really pay attention to other people's needs.

Don't any of you damn teenagers ever have a sense of selflessness anymore?

A great read! We lead a similar life my friend...and a wonderful one it is.

After reading the comments I felt I must remind people that those who smoke often are more tolerant to side effects (like paranoia) making it easier to deal with day to day activities high, such as working and exercising. Having no kids, I can't relate to the parenting part but I can imagine it being a blast when playing with your kids.

To this guy 'sall' guy. Eat a dick. But first, pull your head out your ass and read this:
Read your comments again:
"You guys are retards! Smoking pot hasn't improved your lives - it's only improved your perception of your inept qualities.That's their excuse for smoking it, not because it's fun at work or on a bike ride, but because they're lousy fat ass disappointments to themselves." -sall

You don't know everything, you obviously don't know what people think, and you're missing out on life acting like you do.

Sorry, but you sound like the "retard".
I'm guilty to all of the above. In fact, pot has helped me in my career as well. I work in IT and it's hard to describe how extremely repetitive and boring it can be. Working with computers however, is the easy part. The real challenge is to having to repeat for the 10th time to boomer generation inept computer users, how you create a shortcut, send an attachment, or other retarded instructions kids of today learn when they're 6-8 yo. Not to mention the Buddhist like patience required to deal with inflated CEO's who have crackberries, iPhones, Vonage routers, 4 different computers, and want you to install and sync everything to work in the entire world with the click of a button, when they can barely access a freely available wireless network without instructions.

In short, pot has helped me deal with these people. Initially my Lutheran upbringing and drug scare programming told me that I was a looser for smoking pot on the job. Now after I've doubled my salary from 40 to 80k a year, and recently took a position on a Caribbean island to dodge the shoddy employment market in Cali, Luther ain't got nothing on me. The Jamaican dirt weed being boated into this country is not as good as the California uberweed I'm used to. But hey, it does the job. So do I, with a smile on my face, these days raking in even more cash since it's tax free here on the island. Thank you Mary Jane.
I'm guilty to all of the above. In fact, pot has helped me in my career as well. I work in IT and it's hard to describe how extremely repetitive and boring it can be. Working with computers however, is the easy part. The real challenge is to having to repeat for the 10th time to boomer generation inept computer users, how you create a shortcut, send an attachment, or other retarded instructions kids of today learn when they're 6-8 yo. Not to mention the Buddhist like patience required to deal with inflated CEO's who have crackberries, iPhones, Vonage routers, 4 different computers, and want you to install and sync everything to work in the entire world with the click of a button, when they can barely access a freely available wireless network without instructions.

In short, pot has helped me deal with these people. Initially my Lutheran upbringing and drug scare programming told me that I was a looser for smoking pot on the job. Now after I've doubled my salary from 40 to 80k a year, and recently took a position on a Caribbean island to dodge the shoddy employment market in Cali, Luther ain't got nothing on me. The Jamaican dirt weed being boated into this country is not as good as the California uberweed I'm used to. But hey, it does the job. So do I, with a smile on my face, these days raking in even more cash since it's tax free here on the island. Thank you Mary Jane.
sorry for the double-post, so much for my IT credentials. i blame the molasses slow jamaican wireless connection i'm using that didn't update my page. or perhaps it's just my impatience since i haven't smoked for days. see how that goes. peace all.
Great article - although it's not a panacea, it can definitely narrow you into a mindset that is conducive to what you're doing... alternatively, it can narrow you into mindsets which don't help whatsoever. It's up to the person to find out, though!

and @18 (and everyone else, really) - my mom had recurring skin cancer on her nose and was facing expensive (and slightly disfiguring) surgery to remove it permanently until she happened to sit down with me while I was watching the Phoenix Tears documentary. She got an ounce from her friend's mom with a medical card, made a TINY amount of extract, put it in some carmex ointment and applied it regularly to a band-aid for about three weeks. It's completely gone.
Nice article, funny stuff.

I smoke regularly, and what I managed to figure out so far is that weed sort of shows to others what you try too hide from the rest of the world. So stuck up people tend to stay that way when high with with the bonus of paranoia, since they tend to over-worry about stuff but mostly about themselves. While naturally relaxed people don't have such problems, and tend to direct their experiences a lot better.
Pot is mind bending but it is your mind that is bending so if you have bad experiences don't blame the drugs, they just open some doors into your mind. People should worry about what sort of things go trough your mind rather then what the weed does to you.
People who just say no are boring and suck ass, but are truely a good example of what not to be or become, a prisoner of your own frustrations and worries, or even worse of other peoples expectations.
smoke on
money is the life
Good ol' mind-numbing pot. The cause of, and solution to, all of our problems.
@ 39, that is a harsh response to some rather tongue & cheek comments! Relax man!

I was commenting on other comments in that quote; and also kind of pretending to be a gym teacher dick while at the same time pointing out how dependent these people are on pot.

A lot of the sloggers seem to enjoy the shit out of it or need it for medical reasons - I'm on board! Totally on board! But the ones in this write up (some of them) are using it to better their parenting and social skills. Kind of codependent and lame if you ask me.

I think you guys are taking the critiques of this write up a little too hard. So I'm going to stop ragging on it.

People are reading these comments as though they are black or white, either all for or all against marijuana use - with me, that's not the case at all. I think you guys are posing a false dilemma in your reactions to my posts and are being way too hypersensitive on this issue which makes me think you don't really smoke enough pot.

So, in your cases, smoke on....
So this guy's a bad parent? What about the father who comes home after work, has 4-5 drinks between dinner/bedtime and is engaged with his child for that time? What about the PTA mom who had back surgery and is now addicted to Percocet/Pain Pills and sleeps 14 hours a day? The show "Intervention" is a classic example, there's been an episode on almost every addiction in the book, but you won't find one on weed, because MOST people who are "stoners" smoke responsibly, at the appropriate times, and are more than capable of excelling in their given field.
@ 39, Did you just use imagining what being a parent is like as proof of your argument? That is such a fucking awesome stoner move!

You're not far from voting a straight republican ticket!
8 has valid points. but, 12 has a better sense of humor. this article was fun to read stoned. you too can be better at reading (by smoking pot).
these comments are yet another reason why smart people CAN do drugs!
@ 50: You're right about 12 - that was pretty good! I meant to acknowledge him way earlier...
OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP! i am not going to read this article, i just can't even stand it anymore. why does there have to be so much advocacy for this stupid fucking drug? it makes people boring and ugly and the sight of your dirty little fingers rolling a joint turns my stomach. if you all love it so much why do we need to have articles about it? who are you trying to convince? if people like it, they already like it and don't need a fucking article, and if they don't, like me, you just ruined their lunch break.
I'm just going to second everything blah910 said. And add this: you're in Seattle, the most liberal city in the country. You're not edgy for smoking pot. You're a bunch of trendy, hipster sychophants conforming to local norms. Big deal. How rebellious. Get over yourselves.
@ sall

while i agree with you that people should not use pot to make their children tolerable, i don't believe that's what the poster was doing.

"when it comes to the mind-numbing repetition of playtime, a little puff makes the experience not just bearable, but enjoyable. It helps keep me saneβ€”and during the first year of parenthood, sanity tends to be in short supply.

Take my daughter's current obsession with a set of cheap plastic cups. These cups vary in size and color, and she can spend hours having me stack them in the proper order just so she can quickly unstack them. It's a game that never gets boring for her; every time the cups are stacked, it's as if they've been stacked for the very first time. And during these extended sessions of monotonyβ€”first green cup, then blue cup, then red cup, then yellow cup, then orange cup, then rinse and repeatβ€”a quick hit of pot can cut through the stress and noise that comes with new parenthood and instead keep me focused, patient, and engaged with my daughter's development."

there is a vast difference between a parent who is so uninterested/uncaring about their children that they have to get stoned to treat them right, and a parent who tokes so that play time will be more fun for them, witch usually makes it more fun or the child.

i am not a parent yet (one on the way) but my mom did daycare and for the last three years i have spent nearly every weekend playing with my wife's nieces and nephews. i can tell you from experience that no matter how much i may love the little tykes, it sometimes takes all my patience to not scream out loud when one of them wants to play the 20th round of push-me-on-the-swing-set.

sorry to be so long winded here, and i agree with you on some of your points sall, but i don't think that the poster is one of these parents your where talking about who couldn't pick their kid out of a line up. i am not him so i can't speak for the poster, but i never got the impression from the article that he "need(s) to get stoned to appreciate (his) kids."

"I think that people who need to get stoned to appreciate their kids (that is basically what he said he has to do) probably wouldn't recognize their own kid in a lineup of children"

anyway thanks all for the great comments and thanks Jesse for the great article!
omg. 53's lunch break!!! Goddamn it.

Also.. regarding the parenting.. can everyone just chill? I mean, I understand that it's a DRUGGGG and all that. But let's take a look at the situation in this case. The writer talks about his little girl playing in a way that she finds enjoyable because lack of experience in life, etc. Obviously, an adult is not NEARLY as entertained by this playing, though.

Now we all know that smokin a little chronic definitely makes boring things seem interesting, so why not apply that here? I mean it's not like he has to hit a joint before he can appreciate his daughter's first steps or anything.. but i can totally understand how stacking cups would be boring otherwise. i really don't see the parenting problem to this, sorry.
I love these well-written, insightful and honest articles and also enjoyed reading the comments.

As to the child-care issue: would you say someone isn't qualified to look after a child after they'd had a beer? There could be a problem if someone gets overly stoned and an emergency happens; perhaps parents who indulge for child care could be sure the other parent is a "designated driver" at the time. (I too have noticed increased relating with children after a puff. It's nice for both of us.)

As to commenter #53, who won't even open his/her mind to the positive side of what is mostly a positive mind stimulant, he/she is only thinking of the visible overuser rather than the nonvisible responsible smoker that is the norm. Many luminaries throughout history have found cannabis inspirational and our culture has benefited greatly from their work (see

That science is discovering we have cannabinoid receptors all over our brains and bodies supports the notion that it really does affect a great many of our human traits. In fact, we seem to have co-evolved with cannabis, and it's insane to prohibit it.

As to the f@#$ing hippies comment, we ended the Vietnam War and the draft. Most of the posters here would be in Iraq against their will right now without the hippies. What has your generation done except go to raves and Burning Man?

And as to those who get paranoid on pot: could it be because it's illegal? The reason to keep talking about it is the injustice of the laws.

An interesting book just came out: Marijuana is SAFER, So why are we driving people to drink? Put that in your pipe and smoke it.…
#53, Notice how alone you are on this comment list... I live in Orem, Utah and am surrounded by completely blind, mentally challenged people like you. I'm %100 proud to be a pot smoker due to the herb opening my eyes to closeminded people such as yourself. GROW THE FUCK UP!
#53, Notice how alone you are regarding your on this comment list... I live in Orem, Utah and am surrounded by completely blind, mentally challenged people like you. I'm %100 proud to be a pot smoker due to the herb opening my eyes to close-minded people such as yourself. GROW THE FUCK UP!
number 57, number 53 here. are you in high school? because I have been hearing impassioned arguments like yours about the positive and benign aspects of pot since then--nearly twenty fucking years ago. i DON'T CARE. I also don't care if people use it, luminary or not. Lots of people i know and love smoke the ganj, I just don't want to myself, or even be around people when they are if i can help it, and i certainly don't want to read about it in a newspaper when there is actual NEWS to report. leave this shit to High Times.

"And as to those who get paranoid on pot could it be because it's illegal?"

That is the most retarded rational as to why ....

Look, I'm not against ANYONE smoking pot, and yes I tried it ... And aftr my brief boredom cycle, I would slip into the paranoia cycle ... and then my brain would like it was wadded with cotten for a week and a half.

AND PEOPLE FUNCTION LIKE THAT! Fine! There is nothing wrong with people who think it is fun, or it relaxes them etc. etc. Great! But seriously, I'm not going to nark you out or judge you for smoking .... But some of you guys get so baked and narcisistic that you think everyone's body chemistry is the same ... it's ludicrous!
I have been waiting a long time to read an article like this. It addresses something that is neglected in the all too familiar dialogue about pot - how everyday people can use and hold a balanced, healthy life. It's no longer a story dominated by images of unmotivated stoner adolescents or hippies. This is how the movement to reschedule/decriminalize this drug is going to come about - a stratification of people from all socioeconomic groups, including highly successful ones, coming forward and admitting to smoking marijuana. This will essentially eliminate the negative social stigma (which is the ONLY grounds there was for making it illegal in the first place*).

*Marijuana is currently a schedule 1 narcotic along with heroine and cocaine, which means it has at least one of these few qualities: A. highly addictive and has a risk for abuse, B. No medical benefit or the health risks overshadow any benefit it may have, C. a negative social stigma. Decades of research have shown to debunk ANY claims that A and B are true. Now we need to work on C. Let people come forward, tell their stories on how they integrate marijuana into their life without harm. And let the FDA reschedule this drug once and for all.
I have been waiting a long time to read an article like this. It addresses something that is neglected in the all too familiar dialogue about pot - how everyday people can use and hold a balanced, healthy life. It's no longer a story dominated by images of unmotivated stoner adolescents or hippies. This is how the movement to reschedule/decriminalize this drug is going to come about - a stratification of people from all socioeconomic groups, including highly successful ones, coming forward and admitting to smoking marijuana. This will essentially eliminate the negative social stigma (which is the ONLY grounds there was for making it illegal in the first place*).

*Marijuana is currently a schedule 1 narcotic along with heroine and cocaine, which means it has at least one of these few qualities: A. highly addictive and has a risk for abuse, B. No medical benefit or the health risks overshadow any benefit it may have, C. a negative social stigma. Decades of research have shown to debunk ANY claims that A and B are true. Now we need to work on C. Let people come forward, tell their stories on how they integrate marijuana into their life without harm. And let the FDA reschedule this drug once and for all.
@53 You said you're not going to read the article because it wastes your time, yet you take extra time to post a comment about how your time has been wasted... Good one. No one's trying to convince someone that already likes it, articles like this don't seem to have any political role, just some suggestions to the use of pot. However, I think more people SHOULD be convinced that it's safe, so we could get it legalized. Go do some searching on the net, see how many weed-related deaths you can find. Spend exactly an hour looking. Then go search for alcohol-related deaths, and spend only 5 minutes. I guarantee the second set of results will be infinitely larger than the first.

@54 You think people smoke pot to try to be trendy and hip? How close-minded can you possibly be? It's not some Hello Kitty fad for teenagers trying to be cool. It's an all natural, safe drug to make people feel better, and to make things more fun. I really hope you don't drink alcohol, or take any prescription drugs, because your post would make you a hypocrite. Also, how can you say smoking pot is conforming to a local norm? You're the conformist here, joining up with right-wing conservatives that bash pot and people who use it because they can't control it. You're just a sheep, a blind follower who knows nothing of their outside world. Go out, live a little, try pot. I guarantee you won't find any situation worse while high, and hey, guess what? You won't be destroying any vital organ of your body while you use it, unlike it's legal and more deadly counterpart.
@ 49: I wasn't making an argument so your post makes no sense. You should leave the commenting to the competent.

@63: Wonderful observation and information!

As many know, one of the main reasons marijuana was deemed illegal was due to the many uses of hemp. These uses were (are) so practical and economical that already existing companies (ex. paper mills) would have been put out of business. Since these existing companies already had power and money, they were able to persuade government leaders into making marijuana illegal.
Hopefully, these decades of research will be able to overcome the will of the greedy old business man.
puff puff..."ear"...ahhhh

If you didn't know, "ear" is the most commonly used phrase among pot smokers. Literally
@62/63 Actually, the negative social stigma has no place in why pot is illegal. Originally, it was made illegal by a man named William Hearst, a paper industry tycoon. Hemp was to rival the paper industry by becoming a much cheaper and easier substance used to produce paper, so he went into action to have it made illegal. It remains illegal, however, because of the economy. It's true that if the government capitalized on marijuana there would be a lot of money able to be made. However, the problem exists in the side effects marijuana production has on the agriculture. The government wouldn't be able to officially grow, harvest, and produce marijuana on a large scale without seriously damaging existing ecosystems, therefore, removing the possibility of profit. Sure, independent growers that currently exist could expand their business and it wouldn't cause too much of a problem. If you take this argument to a government bureaucrat, they'll be able to make up many economic reasons against allowing the legalization of marijuana, and many of them make sense.

I'm not saying I agree, I think it should be legal, but it would really help the cause if everyone knew all the facts about it, and stop all of their personal speculation.
@64. Guess what? I smoked pot for years, and then I got sick of it because it made me paranoid and gave me panic attacks. I don't care if other people use it, I don't care if they like it, and I don't care if it's legal or illegal. And you know what? I don't drink either. I don't think alcohol is any better. I know it's easy to call me a right-wing fundamentalist, but I'm not right-wing, I'm just opposed to people suppressing their emotions with substances instead facing themsevles, their problems and life's daily struggles. So I have been out in the world (lived in two other countries, actually), and I've been immersed in the drug culture, and I'm just saying that smoking pot is just as trite as not smoking pot. There is nothing exceptional about a bunch of kids in a dorm getting high or some wannabe artist getting stoned before painting. It's just boring. Boring. Boring. Boring.
#65/#67. You are absolutely right about why some people lobbied for the illegalization of marijuana--their motivations to monopolize the paper, crop, and fuel industry. But your reasons do not describe how. The FDA could not outright make marijuana a Schedule 1 narcotic unless it had one of the three characteristics I outlined (#63). It is well documented that the men, such as William Hearst, who worked to make the drug illegal didn't run on a platform of hemp's ability to out-compete other industries, but rather used a smear campaign to spread disingenuous images and information of the effects and users of the drug. This misinformation caused the negative social stigma, allowing the FDA to make an easy case for making it a Schedule I narcotic. To rid of the social stigma will allow a rescheduling, not an increased awareness of the motivations of those who lobbied to make it illegal in the first place.
@ 65, touchy today are we?

@ 63, good points!
@ 39, you tricky guy you. You stuck two of my sentences from separate posts together as thought they were part of one.

Like I said, you're not far from voting a straight republican ticket with that imagination!
@68 - Very reasonable, but not reasonably advanced. Or, rather, presumes motivations not in evidence. I seem to get into this same argument about my tattoos--how there's nothing subversive about getting tattoos anymore. Now, I imagine that depends on the content of one's tattoos, but even granting that argument, the only motivation for getting tattoos that eliminates is the will to subversion . . . which is actually the least of my reasons for getting them in the first place.

I certainly don't think you're a right-wing fundamentalist for getting bored with it; a lot of my acquaintances over the years reached the same conclusion. And bully for you for not drinking. Still, I wonder how many people actually do engage in these activities for the sake of being interesting, or why one would be any more likely to engage in such for that reason than they would be to consume black coffee or listen to jazz to the same end.

As to suppressing emotions, I'm not convinced that drinking or smoking weed has any more to do with that than does watching television, wearing bright colors, or choosing a satisfying career. We all mitigate reality in whatever way we can to make it palatable. Sure, there times when our canes become crutches, but that's no more subject to objective measure than the number of angels that can fit on the head of a pin.
sall - How is smoking because your mother-in-law bores you less self-absorbed than smoking because the play modes of a pre-verbal child bore you?

I could go on my usual rant in defense of self-absorption; suffice it to say that we'd probably never move out of the house, get jobs, develop tastes or interests, or be interesting lovers without at least a bit of it. It requires moderation, of course, but I, for one, would say that a little toke before playtime is well within reasonable parameters.
Sall- I do what I want.
Now I want to get high.
I would enjoy getting high too after reading this...Simply Marijuana can be used as a form of meditation in everyday life. Slows down our racing minds and he complexities of our society and allows one to focus on the now...That present moment whether it be with a child, gardening, writing whatever. It disintegrates the worries of tomorrow and opens you to the purity the awesomeness of this current moment of what your participating in...Life..
the simplest way to describe it is that pot just makes everything better. everything.
Grow up.
More proof that the Stranger as a publication in general hasn't grown the fuck up. Might be an interesting article if it weren't written by a publication that already harbors the ideal of numbing yourself to the already unsatisfying lifestyle that Seattle has to offer.

@The parent who is brainwashed into thinking they are becoming a better parent by smoking pot: face the issues at hand. If your child playing with cups is too distressing and miserable a situation for you, you probably shouldn't have had the child. That's fuck up number one. Fuck up number two: assuming the child was born under appropriate circumstances, you aren't being present to your relationship with your child. Big mistake. Smoking obviously will alleviate your stress in the short-term, but I encourage you to write a review of this experiment, oh, maybe 10 years from now. Chances are you won't remember anything that meaningful from the relationship with your daughter.

@The quasi-author who thinks pot makes them a real author: Look up the etymology of the term 'pipe dream.'
This may seem like an obvious point to me, but for those such as the infamous Sall, as well as the pro-marijuana zealots, pot does different things for different people. For some, (perhaps because of a military style police force, almost a century of blatant and not-so-blatant brainwashing, and not to mention the threat of being thrown into prison for a harmless substance), it makes them as paranoid as a cracked-out Tricky Dick in a jet fighter at Mach 1, heading directly for South Central LA. For others, it is an unbelievably euphoric experience leading to complete incapacitation, and consequently some highly dangerous repercussions for society as a whole (pun definitely intended).
Maybe, however, this article points to how mundane many of our lives actually are, and how for good or worse, we need to implement some sort of mind altering substance or activity to make it bearable. Let's try and find some new outlet eh? Take control of your life; smoke pot, start a revolution, or go take a freaking hike. Don't just sit and complain about how the status quo sucks.
how to fuck up-by smoking pot, how to fix fuck up- by smoking pot, how to blameshift fuckup-by smoking pot, is it the pot being smoked or the smoker who is fucking up- by smoking pot, its all about who can and can't or who should or shouldn't smoke pot-by smoking pot. If you havn't smoked pot how can you know or criticise-by smoking pot. This can go on and on and on-by smoking pot.
well then #53 fuck off to something that does interest you or just fuck off or just go to the toilet n jerk y.self off for lunch. I dont smoke it but i also am not acting like a fuck stick.
i <3 this article very much
what i dont understand is how people can make all these claims for or against the drug if the only research they have done is to watch their biased media and what they think is stereotypical of a drug user. nobody ever stops to think that everybodys body chemistry is different, every strain in every single bag you buy is different, this plant affects people in different ways...the same way any type of pharmecutical medicine does. nothing is going to affect me the same as it affects anybody else...the medicinial, helpful benefits of the plant far out way the dangers; and thats JUST the medicinal benefits...
if you dont like it, dont do it. i dont like cabbage, so i dont eat it. but i did TRY it to decide if i didnt like it. the freedom to make that choice needs to be there for everybody.
out weigh*
I'm 19 years old, I've been smoking pot regularly since I was about 15, and now a significant amount almost every day. That being said, I do have conflicted feelings about it.

As for any argument about functionality and/or motivation, despite smoking throughout high school and half of college, I've maintained exceptional grades and always been active in other activities as well. I've taken done homework high, given presentations high, and even taken tests high (not that I would recommend any of these). I'm also one of the most motivated and ambitious people I know. I've proven to myself that I can function at a high level while being high -alot-. Michael Phelps showed that even the best athletes in the world can smoke (though I seriously doubt he smokes during the season or tokes before competitions).

As for the idea of having an open mind or affecting the way you think, I believe that these qualities go much deeper than pot can. So people who for whatever reason have a mind more open to new experiences will react a certain way, and those with a more closed mindset or more anxiety or emotional negativity will react differently. In fact, I think everybody will react differently. I think that marijuana slightly alters the way the brain functions in ways that are still not fully understood, and each person's reaction, unlike with a drug like alcohol, has more to do with what's already going on in their heads than the pot they're smoking.

That being said, I'm not a weed apologist or one to think that it's a miracle-drug that will solve all your problems. I'm not qualified to speak on any health benefits/risks, but I know that it can affect situations negatively as well as positively. There have been plenty of times when I was high and wished I wasn't, so that I could think more clearly, calm social anxieties better, or not have to worry about being detected. But like each person's personal reaction depends on their own mindset, I've found that my mindset, whether I'm stressed, relaxed, anxious, upset, affects completely the way that I react.

I've also had a couple of important realizations about myself, my life, and the way I want to live it while high. These are realizations that have stuck with me past the time I was high and that continue to influence my life. On the other hand, I've been convinced of a lot of bullshit thoughts while high.

I guess I'm somewhere between those who think weed enhances everything in the universe and offers eternal wisdom and those who think it turns people into nonfunctional idiots or psychopaths. I do know that not seeing things in terms of "right-wing conservative closed-minded tightwad" and "loser slacker stoner" aren't going to advance anybody's thinking.
Reading this article was like having a 37 year old excitedly tell me they had finally learned how to ride a bike, only to find out they still need the training wheels. God bless coping mechanisms, they get us through the day. However, aren't we capable of moving past them?
Reading this article was like having a 37 friend excitedly tell me they had finally learned to ride a bike, only to find out they still need the training wheels. God bless coping mechanisms, they get us through the day. However once we've learned to cope, we move on.
I submit to you the following: Modern consumer culture with its many pleasures, stimulations and diversions, creates in us an over-stimulated mind and a short attention span. Our minds are racing and over-stimulated, just at baseline, and this makes it hard to achieve the calm mindset necessary to do the very things that, due to the imminent collapse of the consumer economy, NEED to be learned and done well ASAP on a widespread basis, e.g. gardening, cooking, fucking, childcare, or let's say any type of craftsmanship. You can get there through pot but I'd say it's a shortcut, and as you know a shortcut isn't always a shortcut, and in the case of pot there are certain costs... money of course, plus the effects are temporary, the habit is sort of demanding, and there are certain side-effects) or you can get there through a long-term practice of deep breathing/meditation as Schmader says or I'm sure there are a million ways of achieving a contemplative state.

fun + problems

just problems
I've never been able to hit the gym on a regular basis because it. is. so. god. damn. boring. I'm totally gonna try out getting stoned before the gym when I get home. If this works and I get fit, I will be in your debt forever. Fuck trainers and diets, my friendly local Strangers have all the answers.
This is my mantra, minus the kids and workout section. Don't have kids, and have never found pot did anything for my workouts or strenous hikes except make me feel like I have on cement shoes.

Gardening and housework a joy while under the influence of the lovely herb!
#84 you are so right. I dont smoke it now, after being a long term toker (not user, there is a difference)i do have the right to express an honest opinion based on experience. There are some real fuckwits out there that want to vent there shit, deluded and very hipocritical, only to offend and nothing more. The crap that can fall out of some peoples mouths is only a measure of the actual offender/s-FUCKWITS. Good artical that has flushed out the RIFF RAFF of society.
I don't have anything against smoking pot in and of itself, but until it's legalized, is anyone thinking about the consequences of buying pot? I mean, people are really suffering in Mexico as a result of drug cartels that are driven by the illegal use of marijuana in the U.S.

Obviously, this issue could easily be resolved by legalizing pot--which is certainly no more harmful than cigarettes or alcohol--but until that time, the writers at The Stranger seem to be intelligent folks--aren't they at all concerned about this side of the issue?

Oh, or all they all growing pot in their green houses?
really dude? really? you think that people are buying pot from the drug cartels? that weed that they import from mexico is called dirt weed for a reason. it is utter shit.

the weed that i buy (actually bought, i'm on probation for possession right now) is all locally grown. from the growers, it goes through my friend's supplier that i introduced him to, then on to my friend and then to the consumers. so there is one person involved in the process that i don't know, and he certainly isn't parading around the city in a black SUV shooting AK's at innocent civilians, then paying off the press and government to act like nothing happened. if i were to do cocaine or meth, yeah that might be the case as those are very highly profitable drugs that mexicans are good at producing, but i don't support cartel activities, and i don't support the drugs that they supply.

furthermore, i have started growing a small personal crop for myself, so unless i sleepwalk and am flying to mexico every night to team up with the cartels and kill civilians, i am almost completely sure that my weed is conflict free.
Wow, so many blanket statements on all sides I'm surprised anyone can breathe.

Fact: The same drug can and will have different effects on different people. This applies to all drugs, including OTC.

Fact: Pot is significantly less harmful than alcohol and has not been proven to be chemically addictive. It can, however, be seriously abused through psychological addiction, and can in that manner ruin lives.

Fact: It is only a matter of time before pot is legalized in the US. This will not happen under Obama. He is not so stupid as to associate the first black presidency with pot legalization.

Fact: Most users of pot are, like myself, casual and occasional users. Most I have met in this group are smart enough not to fall for either the pothead line (pot as panacea) or the prohibition line (pot as a great evil), and are annoyed by both.

Final and Overall Fact: Just about everything to do with marijuana is far more complex than the zealots on either side would have you believe.

Stoned or sober, don't forget to think, kids.
BlahMcBride - You guys come off as big time assholes whether or not you've ever smoked. Whether you like it or not it's a hot topic right now for a lot of people.
"I'm tired of it so don't do it?" Seriously??? What else can the rest of the world not do because you're not interested or you had a bad experience? You don't like it, move along, like you do with tv, the radio, or idiot stoners.
@73, Smoking pot before being around family is self-serving, not necessarily full-blown self absorbed - in my opinion. Being a parent who smokes pot occasionally isn't self absorbed either. It's just the way that article was written that seemed to me like that person just isn't that into being a parent.

@ 74 aka sohigh_notfat, I'm glad you do what you want, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Did I say you shouldn't? You still manipulated my sentences, which is, not cool.
I don't know you - but I love you.
I am the epitome of the description given of Betty Crocker with a joint. Come 2 am every morning any passerbye can sample the smells wafting from my kitchen. Maybe its pancakes. Maybe its pasta in alfredo sauce. Most likely it contains bacon. But it is always delicious. You may think i am an overweight stoner. Alas, I hold two jobs and go to school full time, I am also in shape. I just like weed, and your metabolism is sped up which is why you get the munchies anyway. So take a hit after your scrumptious meal and youre smooth sailing. Your description was spot on. Nail meet head.

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