Features Oct 21, 2010 at 4:00 am

The whispering about what may or may not have happened to Congressman Dave Reichert's brain during a freak wood-chopping accident misses the point. Doesn't anyone remember what his brain was like before?

justin degarmo


Isn't this guy Will Kelley-Kamp's mentor?
I don't know much about the guy. But I should go look for some video clips to get a few laughs.
The summer after my freshman year of college I got an internship with a medical advocacy non-profit. The staff was tiny, and since I was a Political Science major, the Executive Director decided to let me manage a lobbying campaign for a couple federal-level bills. I planned our pitch and later met with congressional offices all around Washington—it was actually a real cool experience for a youngin'.

My last meeting was with Reichert. At that point, the Executive Director had removed the proverbial "training wheels" and let me do the meetings on my own. I was really excited because, with Reichert, I had a meeting with the actual rep for the first time.

I walked in the office and he greeted me in a frat boy-esque tight pink polo (though his collar wasn't popped). We sat down and I began to review our org's lit. While I spoke, he placed his arm on the table, and glanced down at it. He proceeded to lift his pink sleeve a couple inches and flex his biceps, clearly trying to show off his "guns." I kid you not. To be fair, he's in great shape for being over 60, but it wasn't exactly what I expected from a member of Congress. I have a fairly athletic build (played sports seriously in HS and beyond), so I'm not sure if he was trying to show dominance, impress a young athlete, or maybe even seduce me, but to this day it was one of the more surreal experiences of my life.

As for the rest of the meeting, he didn't say much and let his Dolly Parton-looking chief of staff take my lit and do all the talking.
I was at the Newcastle debate and I heard Reichert complain afterwards that his voice is weak. He said it was due to laryngitis. I also noticed that he looked older than the last time I saw him. The speech itself was meandering. He mostly spoke about a couple of books he said he's reading. One book was critical of the Bush tax cuts, and Reichert said that it may be surprising to hear a Republican say it, but he agreed that the tax cuts were a bad idea. Still, later in his speech Reichert called for low taxes and less regulation.
Great article, Goldy. Congrats on the Stranger cover.
Hey, Goldy, Get Dan Savage to tell all the young boys and girls some of the stories of Washington state politics that would make Dave Reichert look like Jim McDermott.

Remember when the Wa state GOP carried Pat Robertson in their state primary? Now THERE's'a bag full of nuts for you. And speaking of nutty bags, remember when they also ran Ellen Craswell for governor? Tell 'em, Dan.
Yes I do Remember what his brain was like before!!! Smart enough to catch a LIBERAL SERIAL KILLER!!!!!!!!That took 20 years hard work, somthing a LIBERAL dos'nt know how to do!!!!!
Yes I remeber what Daves' Brain was like before the wood accident!....Smart enough to catch a Liberal Serial Killer! That took 20 years hard work, something a Liberal doe'st know how to do.
smater... are you suggesting that Gary Ridgway was a liberal, or that he killed liberally? They're not the same thing.

And no, Dave Reichert did not catch the Green River Killer; in fact, it was his early bungling of the case — his obsession with hounding an innocent cab driver at time Ridgway was already a prime suspect — that allowed Ridgway to go on killing for 20 years.

It was only the individual initiative of somebody in the sheriff's office to DNA test an old saliva sample, that finally brought Ridgway to justice. Reichert just happened to be Sheriff at the time, and claimed all the credit.
I assume this Smarter.. fellow is putting us on. I don't think any sensible conservative would want to open this line of discussion after BTK.
Chris @10,

Well, I'm accustomed to the comment threads at HA, where it's hard to overestimate the stupidity and hatefulness of my trolls.
I wonder about what his brain was like before.
You mean we elected a drooling idiot? I'm shocked. American Politics today consists largely of pea-brained egomaniacs being handled by gaggles of avaricious, opportunistic sycophants.
Don't blame me. I voted for Chuck Pillon.
A non-medical person diagnosing someone with brain damage, using information gleaned from the web?! Is this journalism? Commentary? What the hell? This is the lowest the Stranger has sunk, to date.
Uh! you know some used to be republican now democrat that tells "you" all that hate and gossip?

I could toss a stick in any direction and hit a "Ignorant" Republican politition? None would be Reichert as he is not ignorant and he is not a politition by classic definition.
And if I'm not mistaken (my brain, too, is no longer what it used to be) he voted AGAINST health care reform from his hospital bed while being treated for this head injury courtesy of his government health insurance.
I thought that what 'got' Ridgeway wasn't Reichert's work, but the crime lab's. They discovered paint particles in the necks of the strangled women, and that paint came only from Ridgeway's shop. Though the DNA could establish that Ridgeway had sex with the decedents, he could argue that he indeed had sex with the prostitutes but didn't kill them. The microscopic paint particles nailed him as the killer. And then Reichert took credit.
dave..... who?
pretty good piece, maybe a game changer. I liked eli's piece on sanders piece more, it was overly long, but also more complete. the stranger is hitting the sweet spot with these pieces. alas the riechart also felt pretty long and belabored, could have been tightened up a lot. Medical context would have been better with some doctor anecdotes or patient quotes of best case examples of professionals who suffered similar issues and how they perform at complex jobs, rather than just italicizing the word _significant_. and it was really missing the key component of how he has been doing in his job as congressman, off the campaign trail. What is his reputation in the house, what does his staff say, impression of people who have worked with him on bills. With 3 terms, there should be a pretty big trail of evidence! definitely conveyed that he is useless and brain damaged campaigner, but Reagan managed to be president at half-steam and basically pulled it off. In short, is reichert a useless boob when he is actually doing his job, too? good enough to get Stranger cover but this piece didn’t get the sort of 360 degree access that would hammer the story in an award-winning way. stay the course goldy quit the rambling and do the footwork better to achieve greatness. --your guardian angel
pretty good piece, maybe a game changer. I liked eli's piece on sanders piece more, it was overly long, but also more complete. the stranger is hitting the sweet spot with this work. alas the riechart also felt pretty long and belabored, could have been tightened up a lot. Medical context would have been better with some doctor anecdotes or patient quotes of best case examples of professionals who suffered similar issues and how they perform at complex jobs, rather than just italicizing the word _significant_. and it was really missing the key component of how he has been doing in his job as congressman, off the campaign trail. What is his reputation in the house, what does his staff say, impression of people who have worked with him on bills. With three terms, there should be a pretty big trail of evidence! definitely conveyed that he is useless and brain damaged campaigner, but Reagan managed to be president at half-steam and basically pulled it off. In short, is reichert a useless boob when he is actually doing his job, too? good enough to get Stranger cover but didn’t get the 360 degree access that would hammer the story in an award-winning way. stay the course goldy quit the rambling and do the footwork better to achieve greatness. --your guardian angel
@14 nullbull: this is profound: "American Politics today consists largely of pea-brained egomaniacs being handled by gaggles of avaricious, opportunistic sycophants."

Twenty years later, this is my second stay in the area. Though there are, as before, loads of intelligent, insightful people and the culture thankfully hasn't yet been extinguished by corporations, Great Jumping Jesus in Day-Glo Spandex! There are some dumb people in Washington. Gloriously, brazenly, proudly greedy, selfish, servile, and numbingly ignorant. It's no surprise Reichert is in office, but maybe he gets his walking papers this time.

Pardon if this sounds superior, but the shock has been great.

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