McKenna said he voted for domestic partnerships and will accept without reservation the voters' decision on same-sex marriage.
It's tough to nail down any evil, incompetence and bad intentions on his part and you failed here, though you tried mightily and somewhat desperately.
Mostly, he's legitimately that geeky dude you see. The one with numbers running through his brain and ideas coming out of his mouth. When compared with Inslee it does not speak well of our state that this race will even be close.
King County is vitally important to his chances, yes. Inslee is counting on monolithic, intellectually vapid voters to pull the lever for him. And it might well work out for him.
But if you were to sit down with both with a truly open mind it would quickly become obvious McKenna is the real deal.
You can paint it however you choose but this article boils down to the usual four words: Vote for the Democrat.
Above, you say "it is our nearly two-to-one Democratic advantage that keeps Washington reliably, if modestly, blue." Is that intended to say "Olympia" instead of "Washington"
The way you described Congressman Inslee is that of some ultra Soviet bureaucrat who wants to keep Washington in it's mediocre status in employment and production. While McKenna does hold key Republican ideals such as lowering taxes for everyone and creating a competitive economy in Washington State. Lowering taxes for corporations allows them to hire more people. More people working = more tax revenue for the Government. Why do Liberals not understand that basic fact?
Also, Charter schools are an excellent idea! Why not build a system where schools need to compete for business? Aren't our children's future worth finding the best education available? Or do we want to continue with incredibly low graduation rates in some high schools?
Has King County forgotten that we live in a CAPITALIST country? Where competition drives the economy. Stagnation through government incentives and oversight only hinders the growth of jobs and businesses. Everything relies on the ability to have jobs so that our communities may thrive and our children can have a future.
Otherwise please move to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, China, or Vietnam where Socialism is embraced and everyone gets fair treatment...
The governor has the power to issue what are called "executive orders" where he can mandate rules for state agencies and employees. Should gay marriage or marijuana legalization pass, McKenna could cite federal law and give executive orders to state employees to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or permits for marijuana-related businesses.
Anyone who votes any Republican in this election has to be fucking stupid. Every one of them are corrupt, lying, tea-baggers backed by Koch brothers and Kemper Freeman. Every one of them will sell their soul and your right to vote in a heartbeat, if it means accomplishing the right-wing Republican agenda. No to Rob Mckenna, no to Bill Finkbeiner, no to Kim Wyman, no to James Watkins, no to John Koster, no, no, no. We snooze this election, and we can kiss our liberty and economic recovery goodbye.
If you: use public transportation -or- work for, or depend on, any form of government institution -or- belong to a union -or- give even the tiniest shit about the environment -or- would simply like to keep this country from having to compete with Haiti for third world status AND you vote republican: you are the dumbest mother fucker on the planet.
@6 It is King County's nearly two-to-one Democratic advantage that keeps WA state modestly blue. Republicans can't win statewide when they get less than 40 percent of the King County vote. That's McKenna's bar.
Oops, caps lock on. Oh well, you gotta shout to be heard in this noise bath...
@14 Inslee has said he would defend Washington's marijuana laws, and try to persuade the feds to work with state in fully implementing the initiative if passed. McKenna has made it clear that he would not defend the law from the feds.
As for same-sex marriage, it's harder to see what McKenna could do to disrupt it. But I think it's fair to view this issue as a litmus test of where McKenna's values depart from ours. How is a governor morally opposed to marriage equality as a matter of faith, going to act on other equality issues? It's why women should be concerned too on access to reproductive services.
Hey Stupid, The Stranger and apparently too many of it's readers seem to lovingly embrace profanity and name-calling. Although I would concede it has it's dramatic place, it is ultimately vacuous if not backed up by something of substance. My response to the provocative and Stupid headline, is that I was STUPID enough to pick up your magazine. Hmm. The following is my response to your "substance," --I use the term advisedly, you adolescent morons--hey, see I can do it too! Isn't that special? "Romney/Ryan class warfare:" They believe in a more equitable responsibility by all Americans--you know, make a dollar (income) give the government 10%--they don't care who you are, Bill Gates, or a deep-thinker at the Stranger. "Union busters:" Well, yes, collusive extortion needs to go bye-bye. "Ban gay marriage:" Yep. I might point out that attempts to pass gay marriage by the people (something I thought you might care about) has always been defeated. "Cutting taxes for millionaires, and corporations:" Democrats love corporate welfare, conservatives do not, and see previous point on "millionaires."--Stupid.
It's amazing to imagine that an article like this would sway even one thinking voter. Unfortunately, i am eft with no choice but to vote for McKenna. Because his opponent is as confused about how the government actually functions as the author if this article. As if calling you stupid isn't a childish thoughtless way of getting someone to change their opinion.
You have a mind use it. Hey, maybe even look into the candidates a bit? Vote for whoever you want.
Or just mindlessly go with whatever your entertainment newspaper says.
Jay Inslee's plan is to divert billions of dollars from education and direct it to his corporate buddies in the "green energy" sector. None of these can actually survive without massive taxpayer subsidies. The only energy plan that may work long term is nuclear... but Inslee hates it.
Are we going to continue to massively underfund education in order to pay Inslee's corporate snake oil salesmen? As you read this comment billionaire corporate lobbyists are spending millions to back Inslee. Why?
If you really think Rob McKenna is going to ban abortion or cut down gay rights... We don't need your stupidity in our state!
Jay Inslee's plan is to divert billions of dollars from education and direct it to his corporate buddies in the "green energy" sector. None of these can actually survive without massive taxpayer subsidies. The only energy plan that may work long term is nuclear... but Inslee hates it. Most likely because their lobbyists have not paid him enough yet.
Are we going to continue to massively underfund education in order to pay Inslee's corporate snake oil salesmen? As you read this comment billionaire corporate lobbyists are spending millions to back Inslee. Why?
If you really think Rob McKenna is going to ban abortion or cut down gay rights... We don't need your stupidity in our state!
Maybe McKenna doesn't like light rail because it hasn't been successful:…
But I appreciate the fact the Stranger took the time to tear down McKenna, but did not offer a single reason why we should support INslee. The debate this week confirmed for me what I suspected from the commercials: Inslee is dramatically under-equipped to hold executive office. The notion that "hundreds of millions of dollars" in inflation savings from helaethcare reform - reform that has not even been implemented - will pay for $1 billion in necessary education funding next year shows that Jay can't do simple math.
The fact that so many McKenna supporters are flooding the comments is a good sign that this article is getting out to the people who need to read it. I'd be worried if it was just the Slog regulars here, because that would mean you're preaching to the choir.
Actually, there aren't that many McKenna fans. "Chris_84" is a sock puppet screenname for "Cletus", who also posts a lot under unregistered names. Cletus gets paid $20/hr by one of the Koch Brother fronts to troll the Stranger comment threads. He gets a bonus ($10, I think) every time he gets first position.
This article is exactly the reason why Jay Inslee will lose out on being Governor. He has virtually no ideas or vision for the future of Washington state. The entire Democratic strategy in the race is to try and peg McKenna to the national republican agenda, which he has disavowed. The truth is that McKenna's policies can be implemented with bipartisan support tomorrow. Inslee is basically "do nothing" Gregoire 2.0. I will definitely be vote splitting come November.
McKenna personally opposes marriage equality, but he has stated many times that he agrees that marriage equality, if voted by the people (aka r-74), he will respect even though he is against. (Watch the debates, they are all in youtube)
About Marijuana, both candidates oppose the current bill. They both have different reason, but not that different.
Abortion, once again, the article is wrong. McKenna has been very clear about his view on abortion. He is pro Choice, but the parameters (which the article claims that there are no details) are that if a minor is having an abortion, parents must be told. Beyond that he is in favor of all the other reasoning pro choice. (Once again, just watch the debate)
Finally,in Education, neither Inslee or McKenna have given a clear plan of what they are going to do to fund education. Charter schools are a dumb idea but the other side hasn't offered anything concrete either... (Again, please watch the debate)
I personally am against McKenna because, like the article did mention, he has a staunch conservative positions in the economic matter of politics. He gave the state of Washington a bad name by going against the Affordable Care Act, and his environmental track record is not good.
In my opinion, McKenna does think we are stupid to vote for him, but based on this article "The Stranger" thinks we are stupid as well, if they are willing to throw facts that can easily be fact checked.
McKenna personally opposes marriage equality, but he has stated many times that he agrees that marriage equality, if voted by the people (aka r-74), he will respect even though he is against. (Watch the debates, they are all in youtube)
About Marijuana, both candidates oppose the current bill. They both have different reason, but not that different.
Abortion, once again, the article is wrong. McKenna has been very clear about his view on abortion. He is pro Choice, but the parameters (which the article claims that there are no details) are that if a minor is having an abortion, parents must be told. Beyond that he is in favor of all the other reasoning pro choice. (Once again, just watch the debate)
Finally,in Education, neither Inslee or McKenna have given a clear plan of what they are going to do to fund education. Charter schools are a dumb idea but the other side hasn't offered anything concrete either... (Again, please watch the debate)
I personally am against McKenna because, like the article did mention, he has a staunch conservative positions in the economic matter of politics. He gave the state of Washington a bad name by going against the Affordable Care Act, and his environmental track record is not good.
In my opinion, McKenna does think we are stupid to vote for him, but based on this article "The Stranger" thinks we are stupid as well, if they are willing to throw facts that can easily be fact checked.
Hey, 27. I post my own thoughts under the name Cletus only. Nothing else. Zip. To think someone would pay me to voice those thoughts is simultaneously flattering and frightening.
Yes, it is possible for people to have opposing viewpoints.
Hey Cletus,
How mighty nice to hear you say are posting as yourself and not being paid to. What I find ass-biting hilarious is how well the Republicans play the victim card. They cry and moan about how the "liberal media bias" is against them. Then when the truth comes out that the so-called liberal media has actually been bought out by Koch Enterprises and is now running ads for McKenna, what is the reaction of these Tea Baggers? Why, complain about the liberal bias of The Stranger, of course! These fascist Republicans just won't rest until EVERY SINGLE MEDIA OUTLET is in the tank for their guys. Can't tolerate any form of dissent or freedom of thought. Hates anyone who doesn't think or look like them. Can't resist buying off and stealing elections. I dunno, but kinda sounds like the Nazis to me. Maybe the Republicans in our state aren't full-on fascists just yet. Maybe Rob McKenna, Kim Wyman, Bob Ferguson, and company are baby fascists in their training wheels. But I tire of this constant spewing of hate by the Republicans, calling us Democrats stupid, partisan, lazy, whatever. I never heard of any politician trying to "win over" Democrat voters by spewing toxic hatred upon us nonstop. If we are truly a blue state, then we should start acting like it. I'll start by wearing our tolerance and love of equal rights proudly and just tell these intolerant fucks who want to kill off poor people, minorities, and our grandmas just to pay a little less in taxes to go move to another state.
Rob supported the Repeal of Don't Ask Don't tell in 2010! Far before he announced he was planning on running for governor:
"Washington Attorney General Rob Mckenna” Weekday. Puget Sound Public Radio. KUOW, Seattle. 22 Jun. 2010. Radio.
24:46: Thomas (Caller): Hey how are you this morning Steve?
24:50: Steve Scher: Very good, thanks for calling
24:51: (Caller): Hey I had an unrelated question, as an elected representative who represents military personal in Washington, where do you stand on lifting the ban on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?
25:06: Rob Mckenna: Well of course it’s federal policy, but I think it’s time to make that change.
Rob Mckenna supported the REPEAL of Don't Ask Don't Tell publicly in 2010 during an interview on KUOW. Here's the transcript:
"Washington Attorney General Rob Mckenna” Weekday. Puget Sound Public Radio. KUOW, Seattle. 22 Jun. 2010. Radio.
24:46: Thomas (Caller): Hey how are you this morning Steve?
24:50: Steve Scher: Very good, thanks for calling
24:51: (Caller): Hey I had an unrelated question, as an elected representative who represents military personal in Washington, where do you stand on lifting the ban on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?
25:06: Rob Mckenna: Well of course it’s federal policy, BUT I THINK IT'S TIME TO MAKE THAT CHANGE.
25:16: Caller: Ok, so you back that?
25:17: Rob Mckenna: Yeah
25:17: Caller: Ok
25:18: Steve Scher: I appreciate your call…
You cannot try to paint Rob Mckenna as a right winger. He just Isn't. He is the most experienced candidate for governor BY far. WATCH the debates. I guarantee you will see that Rob has a clear plan and a new direction for Washington State.
You have every right to write/vomit a column like this. However, did you list it under "Feature" just to make the Seattle Times feel more like journalists after their McKenna ad?
Hard to imagine that the McKenna campaign could ever doubt your journalistic independence after reading this.
P.s., Here's an IQ quiz for you - What WA State politician (currently active) has been running for governor LONGER than McKenna? Answer: Jay Insless (sic). In fact, unlike McKenna, Insless actually ran before for this office (1996) and considered it again in 2004.
half the people that read this rag more than likely don't know the difference between a red and blue state or if obozo supporter probably on the list of those taking my money in the form of welfare.
Goldy, re @20 and @21: I take it you're being sarcastic about how Rethugs and their blind faith backers firmly believe that if they lie often enough, it MUST be true.
@26 Cascadian, and @32 Occupy Seattle: WAY TO GO!!!!!
I could not have said it better!!!!
McKenna not only opposes legalizing marijuana, he opposes the Violence Against Women Act. I had one of his ogres on his Facebook page try to tell em differently, so I posted a link to the story. I believe they then deleted my remarks. He also has psychos like Roxanna Banguis all over his page, ranting psychotically, and making up some pretty bizarre tales from the frightening depths of the mind of someone who blindly follows party lines.
I voted for Inslee in the primary and intended on voting for him in the general...and then I watched the last two televised debates. Inslee delivered some of the most disappointing drivel of any candidate that claims to be a Democrat. In addition to his gutless position on taxes and his constant references to "lean management" to get him out of even a modestly complex question on fiscal issues, his response to a question on keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill was beyond appalling. After McKenna talked about legislation he recommended to the legislature to tighten the state gun laws after the Virginia Tech shootings, Inslee rambled on how we need to teach young men how uncool domestic violence is. Whatever the problem, Jay has a platitude to fix it.
I don't want to vote for McKenna. I really don't for all of the reasons described at length above. But I feel like a vote for Inslee validates the Democratic Party's decision to force yet another candidate on us who has no bold ideas (or, in Inslee's case, no ideas) and then turning around and saying the alternative is 100 times worse. But maybe that's because the only thing more mythical than a "Dan Evans Republican" is a "Progressive Democratic Governor."
I voted for Inslee in the primary and intended on voting for him in the general...and then I watched the last two televised debates. Inslee delivered some of the most disappointing drivel of any candidate that claims to be a Democrat. In addition to his gutless position on taxes and his constant references to "lean management" to get him out of even a modestly complex question on fiscal issues, his response to a question on keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill was beyond appalling. After McKenna talked about legislation he recommended to the legislature to tighten the state gun laws after the Virginia Tech shootings, Inslee rambled on how we need to teach young men how uncool domestic violence is. Whatever the problem, Jay has a platitude to fix it.
I don't want to vote for McKenna. I really don't for all of the reasons described at length above. But I feel like a vote for Inslee validates the Democratic Party's decision to force yet another candidate on us who has no bold ideas (or, in Inslee's case, no ideas) and then turning around and saying the alternative is 100 times worse. But maybe that's because the only thing more mythical than a "Dan Evans Republican" is a "Progressive Democratic Governor."
Let's not forget McKenna's obsession with attacking online prostitution sites like Backpage (he's appeared on national TV shows regarding this). Sure, "moderate" Rob will tell us that this is only about protecting kids, but I doubt he's personally for consenting-adult prostitution either -- just like he personally doesn't think adults have the right to decide which sex they'd like to marry or ingest marijuana.
Would Jay Inslee lead the charge for safe, legal, regulated adult prostitution in WA? Probably not, given his lack of courage on the marijuana issue -- but at least I can't envision him signing legislation requiring all patrons of adult prostitutes to register as sex offenders (like I can see McKenna doing).
I agree with Savage and Goldy: Anyone who cares about these personal-liberty issues and votes for a Republican for a position with any significant policy-making power is a moron.
giliniro, I thought your post was great. Factual, reasoned and straight up.
I disagree with you on McKenna. He has the intellect to deal with economic issues outside political parameters. Inslee brings nothing to the table. Is anyone, even in the conservationist community, buying the "green jobs" panacea anymore?
I still find it surprising that no one has argued my previous statements. And NO, I'm not an alternate person writing here like #27 said. But anyway, does any ultra liberal want to argue the point that lowering taxes will allow companies to hire more people? lower taxes = more jobs = more tax revenue.
[re posts 40 & 41 by Fuckd]
I'm leaning towards voting for McKenna as well. I usually vote Democratic though consider myself an "Independent". I will be voting for Obama, but am undecided about the governor's race.
I agree with Fuckd.
Basically, I'd rather risk being wrong about McKenna (i.e. he ends up being much more conservative than I'm comfortable with) as opposed to right about Inslee (i.e. he ends up maintaining the status quo in Olympia, without the resolve to make necessary changes).
The Democrats in Olympia will still hold majorities in the house and senate which will make it difficult for McKenna to push throw radically rightist ideas, and which might make the Democrats up their game.
I usually vote Democratic though consider myself an "Independent", yes, Dan. I will be voting for Obama, but am undecided about the governor's race.
Perhaps I am stupid. Dan and the Occupy poster may be right. I should be humble about such things. While I don't feel brilliant, I don't feel stupid, but that may just be an illusion...
I'm leaning towards McKenna, for many of the same reasons Fuckd mentions in posts 40 & 41.
Basically, my logic is I'd rather risk being wrong about McKenna (i.e. he ends up being much more conservative than he currently portrays himself) than risk being right about Inslee (i.e. he ends up maintaining the status quo in Olympia, without having the politic will/drive to make necessary changes.)
The Democrats will still have a majority in both houses, which makes me believe if I'm wrong about McKenna, there is a limit to the damage he can do.
On the other hand, the Democrats still having majorities in the house and senate means that it would be hard for even a strong Democratic governor to effect real change/reforms, as Inslee proposes to do.
McKenna is not Rick Perry, Dan. There are still different kinds of Republicans as there are different kinds of Democrats.
I am still undecided and appreciate reading the comments here that go beyond the rhetoric on both sides.
Cletus, I am not here to help Republican trolls like you. If you want to be with your brethen, go comment on the other newspapers. Every article is teeming with racist, homophobe comments designed to generate enough fear amongst us "God-fearing white folk to vote Republican." Or, as your Tea Party friend in Ohio's T shirt says "Put the white back in the White House." The concept of fairness and balance only goes so far, if we are having a dialog with intolerant, bigots. If I say everyone deserves equal marriage rights and you say we should throw gays in jail, is it the fair and balance thing to take the middle of the road between our viewpoints? If I say women deserve equal pay for equal work and you say women need to stay at home and mind their manners, should we try to please both sides by agreeing to let women work for less pay? I don't think so. Your GOP party has gone bat shit crazy in the past few years, reintroducing ideas that will put ALL OF US back in slavery. If I say that every American citizen deserves to be able to vote without harassment and you think it's all right to harass just the Hispanic, African, and Asian American voters, we are supposed to be cordial by saying you have a good point? You want us to quiver and shake because you think we are being rude for calling out your bullshit and not standing down. You want us to doubt our awesome candidates Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, Kathleen Drew, Maria Cantwell, Susan Delbene, and others - when these guys are smart and will do the right thing for our state. AND they are not funded by the right-wing American Taliban that think Todd Akin is a swell guy, slavery was a good thing, and evolution didn't really happen. Forgive me if I don't feel inclined to indulge in polite chitchat with the crazies while your brethren are engaging in wholesale slaughter of our rights in other states.
Listen, Occupy Seattle. If you're trying to make the case for somebody having gone batshit crazy you've succeeded.
Yes, Republicans can disagree with you without being any of the things you describe. Maybe you should step back a bit. You're really out of control, if you don't mind my saying so.
I have a dream: One day i will wake up and the people of this state will see how the Democrats have been attempting rape us for every hard earned dollar we earn. We have among the highest sales tax in the country, We have among the highest Property taxes in the country and we have among the highest deficit of any state in the country. This state is next on the list to be added to the distinguished list of States in Bankrupsy. An All the people can do is Praise the administration for all the great things they have done for us. I think its time the people of this state get off their asses and learn the truth about ALL the candidates in ALL elections and make EDUCATED decisions instead of listening to trash campaigns designed to discredit anyone with a different point of view.
I have a dream: One day i will wake up and the people of this state will see how the Democrats have been attempting rape us for every hard earned dollar we earn. We have among the highest sales tax in the country, We have among the highest Property taxes in the country and we have among the highest deficit of any state in the country. This state is next on the list to be added to the distinguished list of States in Bankrupsy. An All the people can do is Praise the administration for all the great things they have done for us. I think its time the people of this state get off their asses and learn the truth about ALL the candidates in ALL elections and make EDUCATED decisions instead of listening to trash campaigns designed to discredit anyone with a different point of view.
The two most compelling arguments against McKenna from this article are Medicaid (assuming his position is as black and white as portrayed...a point I'm not completely sold on) and his embrace of Eyman tax policy. But Inslee ceded most of the contrast on taxes by refusing to offer any innovative solutions himself. His whole argument is that more jobs and lean management will fix everything.
The choice we seem to be getting is a Democrat who will manage the decay in state government with socially progressive leanings and a Republican who could shake things up but also potentially take us backwards in terms of budget priorities and the social safety net (if the nightmare scenario outlined here were to come true). These are not attractive options.
Cletus, glad to know I've gotten under your skin. And too bad you couldn't address what your Republican candidates plan to do about the GOP party that is out of control. Is it because you yourself are one of them and cannot see how extreme they are? Or is it because you yourself are not sure whether your Republicans are really conservative or moderate? After all, they've said so many things behind closed doors among their own brethren. Were they lying when they swore they were one of them and were they lying when they told the rest of us that they were nothing like "those" Republicans?
Sorry, but your diatribe is false. How dare you insult those of us living in King County with such lies. Do YOU think we're stupid? Is that how you treat your readers? To think that we would believe any of this is unbelievable to me.
McKenna's anti-healthcare suit showed what he really is: a servant of those who will pay his way, just like Romney. He argued he only objected to the mandatory coverage requirement, but sued to overturn the whole thing. I've known him since serving with him on the Regional Transit Committee in the late 90's. He perfected the Etch-a-sketch method before Romney thought of it.
@54: Republicans are batshit crazy and out of control because they can't get laid. Really. Rush Limbaugh could be launched as this year's Goodyear Blimp in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Then again, maybe not----they'd need a crane for all the gross tonnage.
You go girl, Auntie Grizelda. Doesn't surprise me one bit that "I hate public transportation or anything else that might help poor people" Rob McKenna would be the one to invent etch sketch policies. It's also fucking hilarious how much manufactured rage these rabid Republicans are spewing because the Democrats are nailing for Rob McKenna, Reagan Dunn, Kim Wyman, and John Koster's anti-women and anti-choice views. Where was all this faux rage when the Congressional Republicans like Paul Ryan were passing bill after bill to make abortion and contraception illegal?
This man is potential disaster...yes, even worse than he has proven to be in the past - I'm not supporting Sheik Obama this time around- but this is one Republican I will not vote for - vote for your puppy dog - or your pet snake - anything but McKenna.!!
what is the drinking water....seriously? how can anyone trust a R after the bush era? my mind is warped just listening to him talk...remember people...they pushed bush to the forefront and assured us everything was going to be ok....they got away with it and will do it again. they see no problem with that type of leadership. and while republicans roll back womens rights in red states....its totally fine for our possible Governor to just smile and act quiet? shouldn't the person representing washington state be STANDING UP FOR WOMEN...not hiding his head in the sand?
if you are middle or lower class....MCKENNA HAS NO INTEREST IN HELPING YOU. He will intellectualize inane policies that will....shock of all shocks...make you poorer! and golly...the rich will get richer! It's not rocket science...they've been doing it since the 80's!
Bemusedchicken, you decoded the Republican strategy. When Republicans Rob McKenna, Reagan Dunn, Kim Wyman, and James Watkins claim that they are "non-partisan" - what they mean is that they will stand back silently while their fanatic Tea party backers roll back civil rights, women's rights, and voters' rights. That is, if we are lucky. If we are unlucky, they will actually lead the charge in stripping away all the safety nets and progress we've made over the past 30 years.
When these Republicans accuse Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and Kathleen Drew of being "partisan" - what they mean is that these and other Democrats will actually stand up to powerful special interests, create a fair and equal playing field for middle class and poor Americans, and defend the rights that are stated in our Constitution. And I find it hilarious that the very Republicans who claim to be so fucking smart (like dork king McKenna) can't even answer basic questions about science & technology:…
@7, charter schools would be a good idea if there were a single shred of evidence to suggest that they do any better than publicly funded schools. In reality, the evidence shows that they do worse twice as often as they do better, and when they do better, it is only marginally.
So while in theory it does sound like a fantastic idea, in reality it is not - it simply takes money away from the existing education infrastructure for at best a gamble on a marginal gain, and at worst, a reduction in overall education quality.
To add to the morass that is every comment board I've found;
We vote D because every damn R in the last three decades (that I've been paying attention) either comes across as a dirtbag, or as a normal Joe with a not so subtle dirtbag affiliation.
Of course I wish that the D's weren't so damn liberal with our money!
But if money is going to be spent, (because it will!), I would rather see it being spent on the people.
There you have it. Most of us vote for the lesser of two evils. Want someone to run that I would actually vote FOR.
@68: ..Yeah, all bought and paid for with piles of Pulitzer Prize money.
I'm still appalled that The Seattle Times publicly endorses McKenna. Sad!
Hooray to the 100 Times' staffers who protested this outrage!
Stranger---PLEASE don't turn Republican on us!!!!!!
A late night inebriated reaction: Dan sounds desperate. I think I would shoot myself if I had to spend 30 mins listening to occupy and auntie. Is this what the Internet is like here? Is it worth mentioning that I did and will vote for Obama? And that reading this really REALLY makes me want to vote for McKenna? Is it a bad sign when Dems are playing so much defense? Wait, when did occupy start shilling for jay inslee? Wait. What is in my refrigerator?Hold on...
So wait - you're telling me McKenna, a Republican, is supporting things Republicans support? I don't see what the issue is. Seems like a fine candidate for Washington State. He is by far the most solid Republican candidate we have seen in a while, and I think he'd do fine job serving Washington. Gay rights isn't the only pertinent issue to Washington, and McKenna's fiscal stances are much more developed than Inslee's. How about we start taking our heads out of our asses and at least try BALANCING THE BUDGET.
T-shirts should be available for sale across the country by tomorrow morning.
And like the article said, if we dump McKenna now he won't be getting the chance screw us big time later.
It's tough to nail down any evil, incompetence and bad intentions on his part and you failed here, though you tried mightily and somewhat desperately.
Mostly, he's legitimately that geeky dude you see. The one with numbers running through his brain and ideas coming out of his mouth. When compared with Inslee it does not speak well of our state that this race will even be close.
King County is vitally important to his chances, yes. Inslee is counting on monolithic, intellectually vapid voters to pull the lever for him. And it might well work out for him.
But if you were to sit down with both with a truly open mind it would quickly become obvious McKenna is the real deal.
You can paint it however you choose but this article boils down to the usual four words: Vote for the Democrat.
Also, Charter schools are an excellent idea! Why not build a system where schools need to compete for business? Aren't our children's future worth finding the best education available? Or do we want to continue with incredibly low graduation rates in some high schools?
Has King County forgotten that we live in a CAPITALIST country? Where competition drives the economy. Stagnation through government incentives and oversight only hinders the growth of jobs and businesses. Everything relies on the ability to have jobs so that our communities may thrive and our children can have a future.
Otherwise please move to Cuba, Iran, North Korea, China, or Vietnam where Socialism is embraced and everyone gets fair treatment...
The governor has the power to issue what are called "executive orders" where he can mandate rules for state agencies and employees. Should gay marriage or marijuana legalization pass, McKenna could cite federal law and give executive orders to state employees to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or permits for marijuana-related businesses.
What, no high school kids to fuck or bully?
Oops, caps lock on. Oh well, you gotta shout to be heard in this noise bath...
As for same-sex marriage, it's harder to see what McKenna could do to disrupt it. But I think it's fair to view this issue as a litmus test of where McKenna's values depart from ours. How is a governor morally opposed to marriage equality as a matter of faith, going to act on other equality issues? It's why women should be concerned too on access to reproductive services.
It's amazing to imagine that an article like this would sway even one thinking voter. Unfortunately, i am eft with no choice but to vote for McKenna. Because his opponent is as confused about how the government actually functions as the author if this article. As if calling you stupid isn't a childish thoughtless way of getting someone to change their opinion.
You have a mind use it. Hey, maybe even look into the candidates a bit? Vote for whoever you want.
Or just mindlessly go with whatever your entertainment newspaper says.
Sorry Robbo, I'm voting for Jay.
The only stupid thing I see around here is your grin.
Are we going to continue to massively underfund education in order to pay Inslee's corporate snake oil salesmen? As you read this comment billionaire corporate lobbyists are spending millions to back Inslee. Why?
If you really think Rob McKenna is going to ban abortion or cut down gay rights... We don't need your stupidity in our state!
Are we going to continue to massively underfund education in order to pay Inslee's corporate snake oil salesmen? As you read this comment billionaire corporate lobbyists are spending millions to back Inslee. Why?
If you really think Rob McKenna is going to ban abortion or cut down gay rights... We don't need your stupidity in our state!
But I appreciate the fact the Stranger took the time to tear down McKenna, but did not offer a single reason why we should support INslee. The debate this week confirmed for me what I suspected from the commercials: Inslee is dramatically under-equipped to hold executive office. The notion that "hundreds of millions of dollars" in inflation savings from helaethcare reform - reform that has not even been implemented - will pay for $1 billion in necessary education funding next year shows that Jay can't do simple math.
Yet supposedly, I'm the one that is stupid...
Keep up the good work!
About Marijuana, both candidates oppose the current bill. They both have different reason, but not that different.
Abortion, once again, the article is wrong. McKenna has been very clear about his view on abortion. He is pro Choice, but the parameters (which the article claims that there are no details) are that if a minor is having an abortion, parents must be told. Beyond that he is in favor of all the other reasoning pro choice. (Once again, just watch the debate)
Finally,in Education, neither Inslee or McKenna have given a clear plan of what they are going to do to fund education. Charter schools are a dumb idea but the other side hasn't offered anything concrete either... (Again, please watch the debate)
I personally am against McKenna because, like the article did mention, he has a staunch conservative positions in the economic matter of politics. He gave the state of Washington a bad name by going against the Affordable Care Act, and his environmental track record is not good.
In my opinion, McKenna does think we are stupid to vote for him, but based on this article "The Stranger" thinks we are stupid as well, if they are willing to throw facts that can easily be fact checked.
... probably no one will care about this post...
About Marijuana, both candidates oppose the current bill. They both have different reason, but not that different.
Abortion, once again, the article is wrong. McKenna has been very clear about his view on abortion. He is pro Choice, but the parameters (which the article claims that there are no details) are that if a minor is having an abortion, parents must be told. Beyond that he is in favor of all the other reasoning pro choice. (Once again, just watch the debate)
Finally,in Education, neither Inslee or McKenna have given a clear plan of what they are going to do to fund education. Charter schools are a dumb idea but the other side hasn't offered anything concrete either... (Again, please watch the debate)
I personally am against McKenna because, like the article did mention, he has a staunch conservative positions in the economic matter of politics. He gave the state of Washington a bad name by going against the Affordable Care Act, and his environmental track record is not good.
In my opinion, McKenna does think we are stupid to vote for him, but based on this article "The Stranger" thinks we are stupid as well, if they are willing to throw facts that can easily be fact checked.
... probably no one will care about this post...
Yes, it is possible for people to have opposing viewpoints.
How mighty nice to hear you say are posting as yourself and not being paid to. What I find ass-biting hilarious is how well the Republicans play the victim card. They cry and moan about how the "liberal media bias" is against them. Then when the truth comes out that the so-called liberal media has actually been bought out by Koch Enterprises and is now running ads for McKenna, what is the reaction of these Tea Baggers? Why, complain about the liberal bias of The Stranger, of course! These fascist Republicans just won't rest until EVERY SINGLE MEDIA OUTLET is in the tank for their guys. Can't tolerate any form of dissent or freedom of thought. Hates anyone who doesn't think or look like them. Can't resist buying off and stealing elections. I dunno, but kinda sounds like the Nazis to me. Maybe the Republicans in our state aren't full-on fascists just yet. Maybe Rob McKenna, Kim Wyman, Bob Ferguson, and company are baby fascists in their training wheels. But I tire of this constant spewing of hate by the Republicans, calling us Democrats stupid, partisan, lazy, whatever. I never heard of any politician trying to "win over" Democrat voters by spewing toxic hatred upon us nonstop. If we are truly a blue state, then we should start acting like it. I'll start by wearing our tolerance and love of equal rights proudly and just tell these intolerant fucks who want to kill off poor people, minorities, and our grandmas just to pay a little less in taxes to go move to another state.
"Washington Attorney General Rob Mckenna” Weekday. Puget Sound Public Radio. KUOW, Seattle. 22 Jun. 2010. Radio.
24:46: Thomas (Caller): Hey how are you this morning Steve?
24:50: Steve Scher: Very good, thanks for calling
24:51: (Caller): Hey I had an unrelated question, as an elected representative who represents military personal in Washington, where do you stand on lifting the ban on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?
25:06: Rob Mckenna: Well of course it’s federal policy, but I think it’s time to make that change.
25:16: Caller: Ok, so you back that?
25:17: Rob Mckenna: Yeah
25:17: Caller: Ok
25:18: Steve Scher: I appreciate your call…
"Washington Attorney General Rob Mckenna” Weekday. Puget Sound Public Radio. KUOW, Seattle. 22 Jun. 2010. Radio.
24:46: Thomas (Caller): Hey how are you this morning Steve?
24:50: Steve Scher: Very good, thanks for calling
24:51: (Caller): Hey I had an unrelated question, as an elected representative who represents military personal in Washington, where do you stand on lifting the ban on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell?
25:06: Rob Mckenna: Well of course it’s federal policy, BUT I THINK IT'S TIME TO MAKE THAT CHANGE.
25:16: Caller: Ok, so you back that?
25:17: Rob Mckenna: Yeah
25:17: Caller: Ok
25:18: Steve Scher: I appreciate your call…
You cannot try to paint Rob Mckenna as a right winger. He just Isn't. He is the most experienced candidate for governor BY far. WATCH the debates. I guarantee you will see that Rob has a clear plan and a new direction for Washington State.
Hard to imagine that the McKenna campaign could ever doubt your journalistic independence after reading this.
P.s., Here's an IQ quiz for you - What WA State politician (currently active) has been running for governor LONGER than McKenna? Answer: Jay Insless (sic). In fact, unlike McKenna, Insless actually ran before for this office (1996) and considered it again in 2004.
@26 Cascadian, and @32 Occupy Seattle: WAY TO GO!!!!!
I could not have said it better!!!!
I don't want to vote for McKenna. I really don't for all of the reasons described at length above. But I feel like a vote for Inslee validates the Democratic Party's decision to force yet another candidate on us who has no bold ideas (or, in Inslee's case, no ideas) and then turning around and saying the alternative is 100 times worse. But maybe that's because the only thing more mythical than a "Dan Evans Republican" is a "Progressive Democratic Governor."
I don't want to vote for McKenna. I really don't for all of the reasons described at length above. But I feel like a vote for Inslee validates the Democratic Party's decision to force yet another candidate on us who has no bold ideas (or, in Inslee's case, no ideas) and then turning around and saying the alternative is 100 times worse. But maybe that's because the only thing more mythical than a "Dan Evans Republican" is a "Progressive Democratic Governor."
Would Jay Inslee lead the charge for safe, legal, regulated adult prostitution in WA? Probably not, given his lack of courage on the marijuana issue -- but at least I can't envision him signing legislation requiring all patrons of adult prostitutes to register as sex offenders (like I can see McKenna doing).
I agree with Savage and Goldy: Anyone who cares about these personal-liberty issues and votes for a Republican for a position with any significant policy-making power is a moron.
When you ratchet up the partisan rhetoric you're not really helping.
I disagree with you on McKenna. He has the intellect to deal with economic issues outside political parameters. Inslee brings nothing to the table. Is anyone, even in the conservationist community, buying the "green jobs" panacea anymore?
But I respect your opinions. Very refreshing.
I'm leaning towards voting for McKenna as well. I usually vote Democratic though consider myself an "Independent". I will be voting for Obama, but am undecided about the governor's race.
I agree with Fuckd.
Basically, I'd rather risk being wrong about McKenna (i.e. he ends up being much more conservative than I'm comfortable with) as opposed to right about Inslee (i.e. he ends up maintaining the status quo in Olympia, without the resolve to make necessary changes).
The Democrats in Olympia will still hold majorities in the house and senate which will make it difficult for McKenna to push throw radically rightist ideas, and which might make the Democrats up their game.
Still undecided...
Perhaps I am stupid. Dan and the Occupy poster may be right. I should be humble about such things. While I don't feel brilliant, I don't feel stupid, but that may just be an illusion...
I'm leaning towards McKenna, for many of the same reasons Fuckd mentions in posts 40 & 41.
Basically, my logic is I'd rather risk being wrong about McKenna (i.e. he ends up being much more conservative than he currently portrays himself) than risk being right about Inslee (i.e. he ends up maintaining the status quo in Olympia, without having the politic will/drive to make necessary changes.)
The Democrats will still have a majority in both houses, which makes me believe if I'm wrong about McKenna, there is a limit to the damage he can do.
On the other hand, the Democrats still having majorities in the house and senate means that it would be hard for even a strong Democratic governor to effect real change/reforms, as Inslee proposes to do.
McKenna is not Rick Perry, Dan. There are still different kinds of Republicans as there are different kinds of Democrats.
I am still undecided and appreciate reading the comments here that go beyond the rhetoric on both sides.
Yes, Republicans can disagree with you without being any of the things you describe. Maybe you should step back a bit. You're really out of control, if you don't mind my saying so.
The choice we seem to be getting is a Democrat who will manage the decay in state government with socially progressive leanings and a Republican who could shake things up but also potentially take us backwards in terms of budget priorities and the social safety net (if the nightmare scenario outlined here were to come true). These are not attractive options.
Then again, maybe not----they'd need a crane for all the gross tonnage.
if you are middle or lower class....MCKENNA HAS NO INTEREST IN HELPING YOU. He will intellectualize inane policies that will....shock of all shocks...make you poorer! and golly...the rich will get richer! It's not rocket science...they've been doing it since the 80's!
sincerely- frustrated gay man.
When these Republicans accuse Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and Kathleen Drew of being "partisan" - what they mean is that these and other Democrats will actually stand up to powerful special interests, create a fair and equal playing field for middle class and poor Americans, and defend the rights that are stated in our Constitution. And I find it hilarious that the very Republicans who claim to be so fucking smart (like dork king McKenna) can't even answer basic questions about science & technology:…
I see a cartoon with Mckenna on a -short leash led by a Blethen,
So while in theory it does sound like a fantastic idea, in reality it is not - it simply takes money away from the existing education infrastructure for at best a gamble on a marginal gain, and at worst, a reduction in overall education quality.
We vote D because every damn R in the last three decades (that I've been paying attention) either comes across as a dirtbag, or as a normal Joe with a not so subtle dirtbag affiliation.
Of course I wish that the D's weren't so damn liberal with our money!
But if money is going to be spent, (because it will!), I would rather see it being spent on the people.
There you have it. Most of us vote for the lesser of two evils. Want someone to run that I would actually vote FOR.
I'm still appalled that The Seattle Times publicly endorses McKenna. Sad!
Hooray to the 100 Times' staffers who protested this outrage!
Stranger---PLEASE don't turn Republican on us!!!!!!