Features Apr 17, 2013 at 4:00 am

With the Help of a Professional Psychic Hired by The Stranger

Marian Li Pino, Abbey Blackwell, Shana Cleveland, and Alice Sandahl create pastoral, hazy songs with simple, perfect harmonies. Kelly O


Why aren't more bands required to visit psychics?
great article, one of my new favorite bands!
Oh, how I love La Luz
"Killer technical abilities."
Just listened to a couple of their tracks via their FB page. Excellent! Also, I am in lust with Abbey Blackwell :-)
I've literally never heard musicians as technically superb! They have truly mastered their instruments. The keyboardist is more skillful than any other keyboardist I have ever
heard. The beachboys, the Doors, all amatuers
compared to these brilliant young musicians!
im so glad youre reviewing local music that isnt shitty punk! yay
Fabulosity........those girls kick asseypoo! Don't know about all the predictions.....we shall see....... But, fairly easy to predict that something good is coming round the bend!

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