Features Jan 29, 2014 at 4:00 am

We Interrupt Our Award-Winning Sports Coverage to Bring You This Important Story

So here’s a photo of a Chihuahua. Kurt L. Geissel


In my head now:

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel

Ida never wanna feeeeeeel
The Red Hot Chili Peppers' music was used to torture prisoners in Gitmo. It was blasted at them for hours.
Tim Heidecker doing a 'new' Chili Peppers song is the best: http://rhcp2014.com/

With you 100% on this one. Most horrible band that ever touched a microphone.
"Give to me sweet sacred bliss/Your mouth was made to suck my kiss"

But really that last word was "dick" when they do the song live. If it makes you feel any better. Which it probably doesn't.

The early Chili Peppers albums were fun in a sexist funk kind of way, but then they got really soft-rock crappy.
Thank you for this. I hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers SO MUCH.
Any excuse to link to Emily's amazeballs review of Anthony Kiedis's autobiography:

you may not like their music. ok. but they are very accomplished musicians with the utmost respect from many of their peers.
The only thing I like about them is the Higher Ground video. It makes me smile when they do their group circle dance. That was a cover, so I could listen. Otherwise, I don't wanna either.
Maybe they thought RHCP would appeal to all those edgy stoners from the legal pot states?
Well crap on a cracker. I am old enough, and stoopid enuff, to admit that I saw teh Chili Peppers back in LA, '84, Club Lingerie. They were just starting to hit the big time, the club was packed to the walls, and the Peppers *killed it*. For the encore they played wearing nothing but a sock over their ding dongs, which they had to walk across the club floor to and from the dressing room in (yay for naked young man bootie). It was definitely one of the craziest, rawkin'est shows evar.

And all their records suck.
There are MUCH worse entertainers than the Red Hot Chilly Peppers. Maroon 5, for instance, or Lady Gaga, or JayZ, if the last album is any indication. I'd much rather see RHCP than JayZ. And I love "Give It Away" and "Under the Bridge" and "Soul to Squeeze". Those are great songs. And I'm a tough sell when it comes to modern pop music. But the RHCP songs have energy, melody, and a good beat. That's why they're still popular enough to play the Super Bowl. That's not to say I'm a fan overall. I'd rather see the Foo Fighters. (Or Metallica, for sure.) But I like some of their music. It's too bad you folks at The Stranger are too cool to enjoy a fun song that happens to be popular.

You just aren't high enough.
Oh, of course, cause the RHCP are way too un-cool for all the hipsters running the stranger. What a load of crap you meatheads are.

fuck you, stranger hipsters "wanna tell me who is cool enough" to pass your through your white hating shit-o-meter.

Have a nice day, and remember I love you :-)
I used to actually like the Chili Peppers, until Keidis turned into a pussy.

I read his autobiography, and while he writes with some humility and some genuine self-understanding in parts of it at least, their more recent music SUCKS!!!!
Jack Irons will always be cool though.

I am with you, no Chili Peppers please!!

At least we don't get Bieber.. ;)
My friend Shaina put it best when she said that the way Anthony Keidis writes songs is to write a bunch of random words on a bunch of random pieces of paper, put them in a hat, pull them out and write them down in that order. Except when she explained it she was using the tune of Around the World and it was hilarious. I could never recreate it.
Reminds me of this video of the RHCP:
I like the Chili Peppers. I don't love em, but when one of their songs come on I don't recoil from the speakers in pain. Most of their recent stuff is pretty bad though.

I find it odd that the author of this "article" would write 8 paragraphs spewing their hate of the Chili Peppers. I guess they needed to fill some space or something.

Sad though, instead of actually writing some quality journalism the stranger just went with this lazy shit. Whatever is clever I guess. Whatever.

saw the chitty peppers at the key arena. they were recording a video or some stupid shit. so the professionals were on the stage blocking them. he was only singing to the vid cameras & basically not giving a fuck about the audience. no encore. and they suck live. I would rather see Britney lipsyncing up there.
Things that make me unable to completely hate RHCP:

1. Flea is in Back to the Future and Big Lebowski and played the bass line to Bust a Move by Young MC.

2. John Frusciante is a wildly interesting guitar player and the solo record he made when he was completely smacked out is hauntingly beautiful.

3. I liked them when I was 11 years old.
You are all world class haters and elitists. And that's all the time I have for this BS, putting on a Pepper's album....
Wow, White boy funk is rather annoying, but really? A whole article ripping on the Chili's? Gee hipsters, did all your fix-gears get flats at the same time? even though they're not as cool as they used to be, this is pretty harsh. Where's the article ripping on Macklemore, Seattle's safe-for-grandma-ears, white Fresh Prince? How dare I mention this since most of you were probably sucking Dick's burger while watching him film his video.
Why don't you just put Anthony Kiedis on a cross already? Wait...they already did...

So.. Ms. Seling, a Stranger music critic, likes being entertained by Bruno Mars and can't stand RHCP. Am I in bizarro world?
Yeah I'm pretty bewildered by this whole thing. I mean, CREED?! That's harsh. Very, very few bands deserve that, if any.

It's one thing to not-dig the RHCP, but this amount of vitriol is difficult for me to wrap my head around. Especially in service to Bruno Mars, whose new music I, admittedly, haven't heard, but a family gathering that the preteens ensured was inextricable from both "Grenade" and "Just the Way You Are" left me utterly unable to consider his charms. I did meet someone on the bus, though, who was glowing after his Key Arena performance, told tale of wonderful audience rapport and described him as "a god," so perhaps I just haven't had the opportunity to experience what's there...
AAAAIIIIGGGGHHHH! What IS it with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and publicly flashing their wangs?!? Any chance of Flea catching the flu, or suddenly getting his tongue frozen and comically stuck on his wang so he can't sing? Couldn't we have gotten Soundgarden or Deathcab? What's Ben Gibbard doing? Instead, THIS is what we've got for halftime at MetLife Stadium tomorrow afternoon?!?

At least we won't see Miley Cyrus's pathetic little "Badass", or have to watch Justin Beiber punch out a photographer.
Sheeeeeee-it! I hope we at least have decent referees!

In recent years....it's hard to stomach any of the half time shows. We typically use the time to do shots, slam beers and watch the Puppy Bowl. I can't stand most mainstream "music" and though am not a fan, prefer the RHCP's to Bruno fkg Mars any day of the week. And it's icky that they are BOTH going to do this show. I will for sure, not be watching. Next year, NFL...step it up. Put on an actual performance that doesn't involve tits flying about, wrinkled, aged short guys threatening to whip out their old man junk and try getting someone that hasn't forgotten what actual music is. If you're trying to cater to both the younger and older generations by "mixing it up"...you fail. Big. Huge. Fail. Oh, and this article literally made my morning. Awesomely written and my kind of funny :) Love it.
You place Metallica - "Gimme foo, gimme fah, gimme tha wi I d'zah", Napster-suing douche bags Metallica - over the RHCP?

I'm sorry, Megan. This relationship... just isn't going to work out. I think we should break up.
this article sucked…the chili peppers have a fun ass funked out rock vibe, they can wail on their instruments and flea and john F. are two of the most talented in the game since they came on…You like crying whiney rock music? The critic is such a weak ass she doesn't even recommend a suitable act cuz she too much a pussy (srry ladies) to stand behind what she likes instead of just rippin on what she doesn't. RHCP reps for having feelings but not bein fkin weak, reppin strong for life underneath it all cause thats what you need to survive and fun is a way better life than whining. And Keidis' lyrics hit it on the head for the fellas sometimes so maybe a female will not understand also…Even for playing a played out song like give it away, and Bruno Mars is just biting a lot of old styles while rhcp have been prolific for years….see if Bruno is making shit that reps for almost 30 yrs!!! Betchu he's here today gone tomoro another pop fad….please don't let this girl write on music , she acting ignorant like "cmon what do you mean guy did you have a stroke" like this girl don't have a clue about what music means to some creative folks whom it actually like saves their lives and doesn't kiss the systems ass like most pop music….Bruno don't even seem to say shit for brown folks, he jus wanna be like michael jackson…and also you quoting album sales like that means shit to people especially from the days of copying tapes to CDs and now downloading….never let this chick write about music again shed rather write about wedding cakes…saying that Bruno Mars tour received "critical acclaim" is like saying that whoever wins a grammy automatically made the "best music" because some jerkoffs voted it so…check out RHCP live show Organic Soundball promo from 2002 ROX! And I mean really girl you didn't even rep for like "why wasn't there any woman in the halftime show?"….this chick is confused
SEAHAWKS!!!!!! 43-8!!! SuperBowl XLVIII Champions!!! It doesn't get any better!

BONUS: Flea DIDN'T embarrass everyone here in the United States by flashing his wang at the halftime show.
This is the worst piece of crap writing I've read in years. Well, started reading. Too boring to finish. Shame on the stranger.
Don't do that. Really Megan, what are you doing? I know that you love the RHCP. Comparing them to Creed is ignorant. Secondly, don't be The Strangers troll.
What you fail to realize is that RCHP are actual musicians who write their own material (which few other super bowl acts can attest to) and have been doing so for 20+ years. It's OK if the music does not resonate with you, and I concede that they aren't very relevant anymore, but to shit all over them, compare them to creed or metallica is just ignorant. I know the live band is nearly dead these days, but if you are one to appreciate musicianship RHCP are some of the most talented players at their respective instruments. Flea has also collaborated with Thom Yorke, Mars Volta and various other projects. So you don't like their music...fine. But someday soon our Super Bowl acts will be exclusively filled with the Lady Gagas and other robotic acts of corporate music where producers trump artists, and we will no longer know what an actual band sounds like.

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