In the May 13 issue of The Stranger, we published a whole week's worth of music listings from the previous issue. We regret the error.
In the July 15 issue of The Stranger, we ran a cheat sheet for the primary election with the wrong date at the top. We regret the error.
In the September 23 issue of The Stranger, we claimed that Iggy Azalea was playing the Puyallup Fair in the coming week, when in fact she had already played. We regret the error, and hope that if you went to the fair on our advice, you at least got to see some pygmy goats.
Kathleen Richards, managing editor of The Stranger, regrets the fact that she shared an office with a dead, decaying mouse for an unknown amount of time.
Sydney Brownstone, a Stranger news reporter, regrets that Shell Oil's media office never answered her requests for comment after the first couple of times she wrote about one of their Arctic drilling rigs arriving in Seattle. It made Ms. Brownstone feel bad. Honestly.
Shell Oil regrets that Ms. Brownstone wrote about that fucking Arctic drilling rig like a million fucking times.
Stranger social media manager Zach Peacock regrets the aging, conservative Facebook trolls who spend their ample free time "fighting back" against The Stranger. Congrats, you're just fighting one 25-year-old who didn't even write whatever it is you're mad about.
The March 25 issue of The Stranger contained a story by Charles Mudede about how filmmakers Lynn Shelton and Megan Griffiths's new TV project, which takes place in Seattle, could not be shot in Seattle on account of the limitations of Washington's filmmaking incentive program. Stranger arts and music editor Sean Nelson added three letters to the headline of this article—H, B, and O—which necessitated an extremely expensive eleventh-hour recall of that issue from the printer. Mr. Mudede's sources had agreed to speak with him about the project only so long as HBO was not mentioned, which fact Mr. Nelson did not know. Do you realize how much it costs to reprint an entire issue? Mr. Nelson regrets the error, though probably not as much as Stranger publisher Tim Keck does.
In the August 5 issue of The Stranger, we misspelled William T. Vollmann's name. We regret the error.
Rich Smith, staff writer at The Stranger, regrets his tardiness on bills, his lateness for meetings with friends, and his general lack of presence in the lives of his loved ones. Since he's taken on a full-time writing gig, his life has been consumed only with what he is writing, what he has to write, and what he can't but should be writing about. He used to be more fun. We hear.
Dan Savage, editorial director of The Stranger, regrets, for the 10th or 11th year in a row, conceptualizing and launching Slog, the editorial department's group blog. While Mr. Savage is proud of Slog and all the writing, snark, and cat videos that have appeared there, Mr. Savage's "idea" instantaneously transformed editorial employment at The Stranger from a relatively cushy, perfect-for-potheads gig into a howling nightmare of never-ending, minute-by-minute deadlines.
City Hall reporter Heidi Groover repeatedly misspelled Lorena González's last name as "Gonzales" in one of the first Slog posts Ms. Groover ever wrote about Ms. González, who's now a powerful city council member. We regret the error.
Ansel Herz, a reporter at The Stranger, regrets reporting on May 6 on Slog that two Seattle police officers had joked in their patrol car about beating people up on their way to a disturbance in South Seattle. It was hard to make out, but when one of the officers was talking about how his flashlight could "break a rib," he was saying that might happen if they got into an accident, not that he hoped to do such a thing. The officers did, however, deride the people they were supposed to protect with racially coded language—calling them "hos," baby mamas, "baby daddies," and crack addicts—as they drove. That much is crystal clear. Mr. Herz regrets that the Seattle Police Department doesn't give two shits and still employs these power-tripping scumbags.
In the summer issue of The Stranger's arts quarterly Seattle Art and Performance, we forgot to print Kyle Fleck's byline on the jazz calendar. We regret the error.
In the December 7 Slog post entitled "Ijeoma Oluo Was Right. Spike Lee's Chi-Raq Is Insultingly Bad. Why Are Other Critics Failing to Say So?" Stranger film editor Charles Mudede wrote that Chi-Raq, which is an adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata, had set the Black Lives Matter movement back by 2,600 years. But Lysistrata was first performed in 411 BCE, and we are now 2015 years into the Common Era, which means Spike Lee's adaptation of Lysistrata set black feminist politics back by 2,426 years, not 2,600. We regret the error.
Kelly O regrets accidently hitting a lady right smack in the head while throwing free Babeland sex toys into the audience during a screening of HUMP!
Stranger food writer Angela Garbes regrets that Drake's 2015 song "Hotline Bling" is only 4 minutes and 27 seconds long because it is the best 4 minutes and 27 seconds of music conducive to casual living-room dancing ever. When Ms. Garbes is at home dancing in her comfies and feeling herself, which is often, she is in it for the long haul.
Stranger news reporter Sydney Brownstone regrets referring to downtown tunnel-boring machine Bertha on the Blabbermouth podcast as a "she" after raving to her boss and coworkers for months that the TBM was unfairly gendered. Ms. Brownstone quickly retracted the gendering, but her slip was clear evidence of the internalized patriarchy within us all.
Stranger arts and music editor Sean Nelson regrets that you still can't zoom in on Instagram.
In a September 8 blog post addressed to all parents of children in the public schools of Seattle, Stranger staffer Jen Graves wrote that 5,000 teachers all voted yes to authorize a strike. Ms. Graves wrote that Washington's education system is considered criminal by its own judiciary; that the state is held in contempt for it and pays a fine of $100,000 a day for its total inaction on the issue; that Washington has some of the wealthiest people in the world yet unlike most states has no income tax so therefore can't fund basic education; that the state's education system has been broken since the 1970s; that the conditions of each Seattle school depend on whether parents have money (meaning Seattle public schools are, essentially, a private school system as unjust as can be and growing more unjust by the year); and that the disparities between Seattle schools directly reflect the venal history of cruelty, exploitation, discrimination, and bias that breaks the back of the ideal of a just America. In other words, Ms. Graves wrote that what's wrong with Seattle schools is what's wrong with all of it here in America. Ms. Graves regrets that 2,100 teachers voted yes to authorize a strike, not 5,000, but more importantly, Ms. Graves regrets that nothing else in what she wrote was untrue in the least.
Christopher Frizzelle, editor in chief of The Stranger, who also writes the Morning News on Mondays on Slog, reported on November 23 that Northwest Film Forum's new managing director and artistic director were "the first women to serve in the executive leadership in Northwest Film Forum's 20-year-long history." This is not true, even though it was quoted directly from a press release from Northwest Film Forum. The organization was cofounded by Deborah Girdwood, its former managing director is Susie Purves, and its former program director is Jaime Keeling. We regret the error.
Council President Tim Burgess probably regrets that he can no longer pass handwritten notes to council members to secretly recruit them into blocking legislation he doesn't like, because Stranger reporters will PDR (public disclosure request) the shit out of those and put scans of the notes on Slog for all the world to see.
Next to a May 5 calendar item for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at ACT, we published a blank square where the image should have gone. We regret the error.
Stranger associate editor Eli Sanders has been in charge of wrangling "guest editorials" for Slog in 2015, but sometimes he forgets things. For example: the June guest editorial submitted by the leaders of the City of Seattle's Department of Information Technology. The subject of this proposed guest editorial was municipal broadband—which is of great interest to many people. Mr. Sanders promptly forgot about the existence of this guest editorial for six months, until an unrelated public records request by Stranger reporter Ansel Herz turned up evidence of intense work by the administration of Mayor Ed Murray on this long-forgotten piece of persuasion, including multiple revisions, copies sent up and down the chain of command (including to the mayor himself), etc. When Mr. Herz told Mr. Sanders about this a few weeks ago, Mr. Sanders, who has a Pulitzer Prize, replied: "Ooooops."
In November, several Stranger staff writers and editors made the decision to change the default setting of comments on all their articles and blog posts to "closed." Those writers and editors regret every minute they wasted pondering that excellent decision.
In the June 24 film review of 7 Minutes, a second-rate thriller filmed in Everett, longtime Stranger staffer Charles Mudede described Everett as so ugly that it makes Tacoma look like Venice. Soon after the review was published, Mr. Mudede received an invitation from two Everett officials to visit their town. They hoped to change his opinion. Mr. Mudede happily made the trip on a sunny day and, indeed, discovered that Everett is not as ugly as he had always thought. Its west side has a great view of seas, islands, and distant clouds. None of this can be seen from the east side and, of course, it can't be seen from I-5. We regret hurting Everett's feelings.
Dan Savage, who writes the Savage Love advice column in The Stranger, isn't sure how he feels about his name being forever linked to former senator Rick Santorum. While Mr. Savage doesn't regret leading his successful effort to redefine the Pennsylvania Republican's last name ("the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex"), Mr. Savage is acutely aware that he will never be able to top his award-wining "Google Santorum" effort. He is also aware that as Rick Santorum fades from relevance, so too does Mr. Savage.
The Stranger regrets its failure to pair Seattle City Council candidate Bill "Fuck The Stranger!" Bradburd with a suitable sedative.
Zach Peacock, The Stranger's social media manager, regrets being subjected to the whims of Mark Zuckerberg, because there's an inverse relationship between Facebook's declining organic reach in their news feed algorithm and Mr. Peacock's mounting therapy bills.
The Stranger Election Control Board regrets that the rest of the world will never get to hear what Bruce Harrell says to us off the record.
In the March 11 issue of The Stranger, we ran a guest editorial New Column! where the writer railed against daylight saving time. It read, in part: “You want to meet for coffee this afternoon at 2? Great. I’ll already have been there for an hour, GETTING SHIT DONE. No need to apologize for being late. It’s exactly the kind of behavior I’ve come to expect from CLONES.” Upon further reflection, we realized that of course, since we sprang forward an hour in spring, the author would be the one who was late, not the other person. So ultimately the whole thing made no sense. We regret the error.
In the January 28 issue of The Stranger, we described Real Change newspaper as a monthly, when in fact it is a weekly. We regret the error.
Stranger music critic Dave Segal regrets all the untagged MP3s publicists and musicians sent him this year, just as he regrets all the untagged MP3s publicists and musicians sent him last year, and the year before. These untagged MP3s get dragged into Mr. Segal's iTunes but are never heard, because in a player with about 53,000 tracks, those files without identifiers are shit out of luck. All that effort the musicians expended to create those tracks is wasted, because they or their PR team forgot to do one simple thing.
In the May 13 issue of The Stranger, arts and music editor Sean Nelson wrote in a headline that Mad Max: Fury Road "Is the Greatest Film of Its Kind Ever Made." Mr. Nelson regrets his failure to think of more superlative language with which to extol the film's monumental excellence.
Rich Smith, The Stranger's book critic, regrets the $365,000 the Seattle Public Library Foundation paid creative firm Hornall Anderson for the first stage of what could have been a $2 million rebranding project if not stopped in its tracks by The Stranger's hyperventilating criticism. While Mr. Smith was relieved the library board eventually voted 5–0 against going all the way with the $2 million logo redesign and name change, an idea championed by Seattle City Librarian Marcellus Turner, it is impossible not to think of all the other things $365,000 could have gone toward. While that was not taxpayer money, it was money that people donated to the library under the assumption that it would be spent on services aligned with the beloved institution's mission, and $365,000 could have increased the collections budget by more than 5 percent, or could have paid five years' salary for one full-time librarian who makes a measurable difference in the life of the city, or could have bought 19,133 gallons of Beast Corn variety popcorn from KuKuRuZa gourmet popcorn to feed patrons of the library's showings of Seahawks playoff games, or could have paid two years' worth of the salary for an interim city librarian who doesn't cloud ideas with corporate-speak.
Angela Garbes, The Stranger's food writer, regrets listeria, E. coli, norovirus, and other food-borne illnesses that have caused nausea, vomiting, diarrhea—and worse—throughout the city, state, and country this year. But not as much as she regrets the industrialized food system that makes the spread of sickness so easy. Eat local when you can—not because it makes you cool, but because it reduces the likelihood that you'll be lying on your bathroom floor, cramping, sweating, and shitting your pants.
In February, Heidi Groover, a staff writer at The Stranger who regrettably hasn't lived in Seattle for her entire life, misstated the neighborhood in which civic activist Kate Martin lives as "Fremont." According to Ms. Martin, it's actually "South Greenwood, East Ballard, or PhinneyWood." We regret the "error."
On a related note, Ms. Groover called Ms. Martin's plan to replace the crumbling viaduct with a new, smaller viaduct park an "overly nostalgic effort" and furthermore attended a "Park My Viaduct" open house specifically to antagonize Ms. Martin on Twitter. Ms. Groover regrets nothing.
Dan Savage, editorial director of The Stranger, regrets never hitting on the ethereally beautiful boy who worked at the bagel shop next door to the popular Madison, Wisconsin, video store where Mr. Savage was working in 1991 when he first started writing Savage Love, his long-running, award-winning, neologism-generating advice column. Mr. Savage does not deny looking up the boy's account at the video store; the details contained therein included not only the ethereally beautiful boy's video rental history but also his home phone number, which Mr. Savage does not deny writing down on a slip of paper that he tucked in his wallet. There didn't seem to be anything gay about the boy's rental history, and Mr. Savage hesitated to call him that night. Eventually, Mr. Savage concluded that the boy must be straight and, consequently, his crush was hopeless. Twenty-five years later, Mr. Savage would mention the ethereally beautiful boy who worked at the bagel store to a friend who lived in Madison at the same time. That friend would inform Mr. Savage that the ethereally beautiful boy was, in fact, a gay man. Mr. Savage, overcome by regret, took to his bed, where he expired three weeks later.
Seattle Police Officers' Guild president Ron Smith probably regrets texting Stranger cops reporter Ansel Herz things like "Yep! The [Obama] Administrations message has fueled the war on cops!! Quote me!" because some of those texts ended up on Slog. The reason we assume he regrets it is that Mr. Smith texted Mr. Herz a few days later: "Lose my #."
Gillian Anderson, copy chief of The Stranger, regrets all the cock-walkers at Denny Blaine this summer. She doesn't mind a free-spirited nudie going for a swim and letting it all hang out, more power to 'em. But the naked creepers wandering around or sitting on the top of the stairs so everyone has to look at them? At Dyke-Kiki, no less? NO THANK YOU.
Stranger arts and music editor Sean Nelson regrets flying all the way to Los Angeles just to see Blur play a concert. (The fuck he does. That show was the BEST.)
When Stranger news reporter Sydney Brownstone interviewed Sudha Nandagopal, Seattle's new program manager for its Equity & Environment Initiative, she described Ms. Nandagopal as "33-years-old, slight, and [someone who] answers short questions with long, thoughtful answers." Why did Ms. Brownstone have to describe Ms. Nandagopal's physical appearance as "slight"? Would Ms. Brownstone have done the same thing to a male interview subject? Why is Ms. Brownstone, a self-described feminist, perpetuating this kind of coverage of women? Is it the internalized patriarchy again? Does anyone know anyone who specializes in exorcisms of the patriarchy?
Kathleen Richards, managing editor of The Stranger, regrets being racially ambiguous in Seattle. She has been told (by a white guy) that she doesn't look Asian at all, told (by an Asian woman) that she doesn't look white at all, and mistaken (by a white woman) for another Asian person on the street.
Rich Smith, a staff writer at The Stranger, regrets not using one of his many Slog posts about the gum wall to carry on an even longer argument with Stranger colleague Charles Mudede about philosophy, literature, and urban life. Mr. Smith really had big ideas regarding the possibility of using a seemingly trivial municipal phenomenon as a jumping-off point for stirring conversation, but then another mass shooting happened and Mr. Smith's attention was directed instead to the horrible hunger for death-power lurking in the belly of all Americans, one which is enabled by profiteering gun companies, money-loving politicians, and wussy hunters who insist on using rifles instead of bows to bring down rats on stilts (deer).
Stranger staff writer Heidi Groover read every one of those posts on Slog about the gum wall. She regrets the error.
Christopher Frizzelle, editor in chief of The Stranger, regrets that he is often either singing or whistling musicals or Christmas carols in the office, although not as much as his colleagues regret it.
Stranger news reporter Sydney Brownstone regrets pronouncing Oregon "O-reh-GAWN" in front of her coworkers. Ms. Brownstone's only familiarity with the great state of Oregon before moving to Seattle was playing The Oregon Trail game in 7th grade applied tech. Ms. Brownstone also regrets never playing a doctor in the game (and thus not living very long) because the career choice struck her as boring.
Eli Sanders, who was in charge of The Stranger's news section in 2015, regrets that it took him the whole year to learn, by accident, that the news writers spend the entirety of every day in a Slack chat room. Congratulations?
Charles Mudede regrets that only 5 percent of the universe is made from matter that we humans can understand. The rest of the universe is completely unknown to us and maybe unknowable.
In November, Stranger food writer Angela Garbes misquoted the lyrics of local rapper Draze's song "Seattle Sweeties" in a critique she wrote of a marketing and fundraising campaign, also called "Seattle Sweeties," that Draze launched with Cupcake Royale. Ms. Garbes mistakenly wrote that the lyrics were "[I'm] just tryna pick your brain then slide between them thighs." In fact, Draze lyrics are "[I'm] just tryin' to pick your brains NOT slide between them thighs." We regret the error. Ms. Garbes was glad for the opportunity to apologize to the rapper face-to-face and talk through this and (many) other things when they met for nearly two hours at a Starbucks. Ms. Garbes still regrets Draze's use of the word "knockers" in a song intended to celebrate and not objectify women, but she and Draze have agreed to respectfully disagree about that one.
On a related note, in the same critique of the "Seattle Sweeties" cupcake campaign, Ms. Garbes misspelled the last name of Nicki Kerbs, Cupcake Royale's chief operating officer, throughout. We regret the error.
Dan Savage, cocreator of HUMP!, the Pacific Northwest's biggest, best, and only amateur porn film festival, regrets not including that one film with the rosebudding scene in it this year. The majority of the HUMP! jury opposed the film's inclusion in the festival lineup, and Mr. Savage, who as curator of the festival has the authority to overrule the HUMP! jury, lost his nerve. HUMP! audiences were consequently denied the opportunity to watch a straight couple turn each other inside out for purely recreational purposes.
Stranger arts and music editor Sean Nelson regrets several recent hair choices but feels okay about where things stand at the moment.
One hundred and sixty four people in West Seattle and South Park regret wasting their first-ever chance to vote in Seattle's new district city council election system by writing in someone other than the two very qualified candidates who were running for that seat. In the end, the race was separated by just 39 votes, so those 164 could have really made a difference.
Tenant advocate and Stranger-endorsed city council candidate Jon Grant broke the best story of the campaign season (the one about a developer's attempt to shake him down) to the goddamn Seattle Times. He regrets the error.
Heidi Groover, a news reporter at The Stranger, wrote in July that NARAL Pro-Choice Washington had endorsed candidates for city council "for the first time ever." Ms. Groover got this information from NARAL, and so she put it in the headline. It would have taken nothing more than a simple Google search to find out that NARAL had in fact endorsed in city council races before. Jesus Christ. We regret the error.
Stranger associate editor Eli Sanders saved Stranger news reporter Sydney Brownstone from real embarrassment when he caught Ms. Brownstone's regrettable misspelling of Earthjustice lawyer Patti Goldman's name as "Patti Smith." Mr. Sanders said it was one of the best errors he had ever found in a rough draft and then made the newsroom listen to Patti Smith on YouTube. Ms. Brownstone still can't believe she did that.
Zach Peacock, The Stranger's social media manager who twice a year gets conscripted into helping the Stranger Election Control Board cover primary- and general-election night parties, has no regrets about his budding bromance with District 4 city council candidate Michael Maddux, as you can see:
However, Mr. Peacock does regret telling his new friend that he held back tears when seeing Toy Story 3, because Mr. Maddux did not hesitate to chastise Mr. Peacock for his fear of vulnerability.
Stranger staff writer Dave Segal regrets that it is inevitably the blandest local electronic music artists who become the most popular—still! While white-bread acts like Odesza and Beat Connection play all the big festivals and large venues and sign to labels with mighty promo budgets, the more adventurous producers (see anyone who's played the MOTOR, Elevator, or Monster Planet events, Tim Held, Noel Brass Jr., et al.) mostly fly under the media/public radar and struggle to draw in the three figures on any given night.
Stranger essayist and critic Charles Mudede regrets the three big panic attacks he had this year. One of them happened in Vancouver BC, as he was boarding a bus to Seattle.
Kelly O, staff photographer for The Stranger, regrets she's a total fucking wuss and got seasick while shooting photos in a Greenpeace boat. However, Ms. O does not regret that Shell's gigantic Polar Pioneer drilling rig got stopped in its tracks by this new thing called "kayaktivism."
Stranger arts and music editor Sean Nelson regrets the phenomenon of white people calling white people white to the fatuous applause of more white people.
The entire Stranger news department regrets how many times they have been called, texted, and cornered in real life by Kshama Sawant campaign manager and face of the local Socialist Alternative party Philip Locker regarding things that are not actually story-worthy. Philip, seriously, what is it? Can you send it in an e-mail?
Everyone in the state of Washington continues to regret Tim Eyman and the consequences of his shit-brained initiatives, whether they know it or not.
Christopher Frizzelle, editor in chief of The Stranger, regrets that Annie Wagner, a theater and film critic at The Stranger from 2003 to 2008, is no longer in the office fitting her entire body into recycling bins, impersonating seals, or doing the Worm.
On August 11, Stranger food critic and music enthusiast Angela Garbes wrote that D'Angelo's performance the previous night at the Showbox "went there." By "there," Ms. Garbes meant "as much a feeling as a physical place, and the journey was long and satisfying. Every song on the (relatively short) set list was drawn out into feverish, 10-plus-minute spells filled with slow builds, plenty of teases, and multiple climaxes. Grown women (and men) were reduced to wailing puddles." Everyone who did not attend D'Angelo's show should regret that choice forever.
Stranger staff writer Dave Segal regrets that this year's ambient/experimental-music festival Substrata will be the last, as organizer Rafael Anton Irisarri's move to New York state has made it too logistically difficult to continue. Over its five-year history, Substrata proved to be one of the best-curated events in Seattle, full of world-class bookings and ultra-attentive audiences at the Chapel Performance Space.
Stranger news reporter Sydney Brownstone once commented that the interior of Stranger news reporter Ansel Herz's car would look better with door-to-door wood paneling. At this suggestion, Mr. Herz threw an uncharacteristic tantrum and told Ms. Brownstone that she clearly had no taste and would never be consulted for aesthetic advice again. Ms. Brownstone hardly regrets the error, because she's never seen Mr. Herz get quite as upset about anything else and the look on his face was very much worth it.
Jen Graves regrets that the difference between the number of days of Christmas and the number of buttholes her dog has is not 11.
Stranger managing editor Kathleen Richards, having recently edited a story about the toxicity of thermal receipts, now regrets being meticulous about her bookkeeping and also having the compulsive habit of putting her fingers in her mouth. Ms. Richards is officially, thoroughly, grossed out.
Outgoing Seattle City Council member Jean Godden regrets that just wearing a button that says "No wage gap" doesn't actually close the gender wage gap.
Heidi Groover, a staff writer at The Stranger, deeply regrets the incapacitating hangover she had on the Saturday that Bernie Sanders came to town.
Ansel Herz, a reporter at The Stranger, regrets that Seattle Department of Transportation director Scott Kubly still has not walked down Broadway on Capitol Hill with a sledgehammer smashing each and every Smurf turd—those ugly blue bollards of so-called "art" meant to be a buffer between the cycle track and parked cars—into Smurf dust. They're still there, they're still broken, they still spill hazardously into the bike lanes, and they're still an eyesore.
Kelly O, The Stranger's staff photographer, regrets all the scary humans on the internet—especially the creepy dude on Twitter who sent her a death wish after she wrote about #ShoutYourAbortion.
Charles Mudede regrets that booze is not sold in Seattle's strip clubs. This ban makes no sense at all and it has about it the whiff of Christian morality. One can drink and also eat at the strip clubs in Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, British Columbia.
In the September 23 issue of The Stranger, in an article entitled "Things To Do If You're Under 21," we gave a Bellevue, Nebraska, address for the club Ground Zero instead of the correct one in Bellevue, Washington. We regret the error.
Stranger arts and music editor Sean Nelson regrets the time he spent reading your chickenshit letter.
Angela Garbes, The Stranger's food writer, regrets that the best, most beautiful, and honest writing to appear in the paper this year—My Philosophy, the weekly column about hiphop and culture by Larry Mizell Jr.—was born out of the reality of being black in America.
Eli Sanders, associate editor of The Stranger and host of the paper's Blabbermouth podcast, regrets that he can't spend all of each week's podcast laughing with Charles Mudede.
Stranger staff writer Dave Segal regrets the closure of cutting-edge DIY space the Josephine, which shuttered in February. However, he doesn't reget the successful fundraising campaign that is enabling it to reopen as a legit venue in 2016, along with a recording studio, electronics repair shop, and record store.
Gillian Anderson, copy chief of The Stranger, regrets every typo, factual error, and misuse of grammar that appeared in the paper and on Slog this year. She feels terrible about it.
Dan Savage, editorial director of The Stranger, regrets not doing sooner that thing he really should have done a lot sooner.
Kelly O, The Stranger's Drunk of the Week columnist, regrets that Darlene Kaiser, best damn bartender in Ballard for more than 25 years, left her post at the Smoke Shop on Thanksgiving of this year. Darlene is one cool lady with hundreds of jokes and sassy stories, and she will be missed by many.
Stranger food writer Angela Garbes regrets that she cannot eat the tagliatelle with lemon brown butter, abalone, Sungold tomatoes, and shaved bottarga dish from Capitol Hill restaurant Lark, which she ate in late July, every day. It was perfect.