Sara Porkalob is best known for her solo show, Dragon Lady, a hilarious family history featuring a badass Filipina grandma with a gangster past. The range of characters she's capable of playing with fidelity, and her ability to create a fully fleshed-out world onstage by merely switching back and forth between these creations, is impressive. In addition to launching an intersectional peer-review writing collective, drafting music for a one-woman musical called Madame Dragon's 60th Birthday Bash (which opens at Nordo's Culinarium in January), and prepping for a few upcoming directing gigs, she'll be performing on no less than four stages in the month of October alone. We e-mailed her to find out what she does during the five seconds a week she has to herself.
Favorite meal in Seattle?
Chinese hot pot. Last month, I went to Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot restaurant FIVE TIMES. It's the shiiii. They give you awesome coupons for your next visit—that's how they trap you.
Do you have a go-to karaoke song?
DISCO DISCO DISCO, anything disco.
Which local performer should everyone know about?
Mal DeFleur is a jewel in the night sky over Paris. She is everything.
Any advice for performing artists new to Seattle?
The Seattle freeze is rullll—burn through the ice with your own crazy bright light. Build your website, and make it user friendly and intuitive. If you want to be better at something, surround yourself with people who are better at it than you are, but don't mistake ego fuckery for skill. Hydrate. Always carry your towel.