Features Dec 20, 2017 at 4:00 am

Why won't Facebook, Google, and Twitter disclose vital public information?


Thanks for writing this, Eli!
Remember David and Goliath? Seattle is David . . . . without the slingshot.

But really, almost nobody living in Seattle wants David to win any battles with Goliath (what could that do to property values and real estate investment?).

Please remember, you're speaking about Big Tech's Holy City. Worship or leave, Dude.
I wonder what these companies find more threatening, this strongly worded blog post or a potential $5000 fine?
I wonder what big tech companies find more threatening, this strongly worded blog post or a potential $5000 fine?
As depressing as it is, mistral, 4 in 10 Americans get their "news" from the internet, and the vast majority of those source it from social media.

Even more depressing is the simple fact that advertising works. And that includes advertising slipped in between posts on the "news feed".

And even MORE depressing is that the majority of internet users cannot even distinguish between advertisements inserted in this manner, and shared news articles.
Any idea how many violations there are at $5k per? Is each ad a violation?

I think it's much more likely that our congress will remove oversight of advertising from state and local governments than that facebook or google will ever do anything about this.
No way would this law hold up if challenged in court. In McIntyre v. Ohio Elections Commission, the supreme court held that the right to anonymous political speech is protected by the first amendment. And, of course, Citizens United v FEC held that free speech protections extend to corporations.
I DID hear and read - numerous times over the past seventeen months, HOW the Misandrists/Hillbots broke numerous laws to hand Killary the Demoncrap nomination . . . . --- https://jampac.us & https://www.blackboxvoting.org & https://www.facebook.com/blackmenforbern… . Pfft!!
@13 Is that all part of the new World of Warcraft expansion pack? It sounds fantastic!

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