Features Mar 25, 2015 at 4:00 am

A Real Movie-Star-Handsome Man Sits on Sheila Heti's Fictional Couch

Several years ago, Sheila Heti was given a shallow blue cardboard box by her friend, the artist Margaux Williamson, who discovered it in a pile of free stuff on someone’s lawn. On the box was a sticker with the words “Make a Picture Story” and inside were 21 paper backgrounds and 67 paper dolls. Created in 1947 by the US psychologist Edwin S. Shneidman, the MAPS test was used with disturbed adolescents and "adults of at least dull intelligence" with an aim of understanding "the individual psychodynamics" in any given patient.


I know this person, in fact... I dated him early last year. The thing that I found the most complex about this human is that not only does he see the woman as sick and in danger (in which case he can't help her), he also uncounciously puts her in the position of metaphorical death and depression. I've never experienced as much psychological abuse as I did from this individual, and thank God I had the intelligence to leave before it escalated to a point where I couldn't find myself in the thick of his projection. At one point he had me pretty convinced of his reality instead of my own, which is partially due to my own history of being too trusting of people based on (sometimes false) intuition. I thought I must be crazy and became the sick woman who he could not help. As easily as I can surmise from our discussions during this time, the same thing happened with his prior wife who is stronger now that she has left the relationship. Coming out the other side, I can see how so much delusion about women derived from his socialization as an attractive and desirable male, as well as well as a repetitious cycle created from his early relationship with an alcoholic, toxic mother. Unfortunately his lack lack of self-awareness keeps him in a perpetual trap of unhappiness and disappointment, and lends itself to being abusive and misogynistic, even if it's not his intention. I can feel pity for him in some respects, but he's old enough to know better.

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