Features Jan 18, 2012 at 4:00 am

Every Anti-Gay Leader in the State Refuses to Show Up at a Debate


Apparently God even gave them an out with all the snow. Come out into the light all you "pastors". bokbokbok
White feathers for all of those ninnehammers.
Their positions are in-defensible and they know it. The only audience for this stuff is their congregations; put them in a public forum and they sound insane and foolish.
Plenty of insane and foolish east of the mountains, tho. Just read a letter to the editor last night. Sigh.
Experience shows that the harder the gay-bash of the homophobe , the deeper his level of homosexual anxiety. These preachers may be concerned about developing a woodie during the passion of the debate. Republican Presidential Hopeful Rick San ***(expletive deleted) won't shower with other men, probably for this very reason. (though in his case, as an catholic alter boy, and having an undergrad degree from Penn State, there may be other explanations for his penis anxiety)
It's the same reason why none of them turned up to testify on the stand during the Prop 8 hearings.
They cant explain how being a homosexual is "More" a sin then another? 10 commandments? bounce it flip it paint it strech it? not much there on homosexuality.

God said I am the God who saved your ass from Egypt and you will remember that and put no other god before me. (Egypt was full of slave driving Republicans trying to make life sweeter for Republicans with the backs of slave labor and whips)

God said You wont creat my Image as I have created you out of my Image. (God dont take critics or promoters to lightly)

God said you will represent as I have the emotion the greatest of emotions to the point that emotion will blind you.

You will be mercyfull and understanding and represent Me in that way as also my command.

God said you wont yack out the side of your neck about me as I know all your names and where all of you live.

Keep a day of holy rest for me. Reflect on being a slave in Egypt and reflect and rest. and as you are no longer a slave then so nothing shall slave for you on the Sabbath the earth will rest and reflect.

God said respect the elders and take care of them and No killing No getting wicked freaky No stealing No False witness.

God said No Republicans as they covet thy neighbour's wife, and his manservant, and his maidservant, and his ox, and his ass, and any thing that is thier neighbour's.

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