Features Mar 5, 2014 at 4:00 am

Why Is Seattle Such a Black Hole?

Kelly O


pretty tame to do's. how about this?

1. work for greater justice and economic equality for everyone; this tends to help people of color more since they've been oppressed more.

2. when you see actual de jure discrimination tending to affect people of color, address it. to wit: DC, Puerto Rico.
why are we rulling over them? then attack economic legacy racism, it, fund schools and programs. might involve raising taxes. do it anyway.

3. unite calls for justice for people of color with calls for justice for all people, poor whites, immigrants, etc.

4. don't focusonly on ez things like decrying racists at Issaquah high school, work on the harder things too, like achieving unity across all races and progressive causes, giving economic content to reforms needed, and realize that YES this is the kind of thing on which we ALL can ultimately win.

"Keep paying attention to where kids feel like they’re being sold short"

What, like in the 70% of black kids in SPS who come from single parent homes?
I don't think it's just race, I think there is a problem with income inequality in this city.
The wealthy whites in certain neighborhoods like to make themselves feel good by playing lip service to the social cause of the week, but don't mean it.
To me this became clear recently. I moved from the Greenlake area to South Seattle. The most recent issue of Seattle Mag discussed Seattle neighborhoods. MUCH more space was given to zip codes north of downtown. In my opinion, this was explained by their own demographic breakdown. It seems that space was proportional to income and diversity (or lack of). It's harder to disparage the more subjective language of each neighborhood's description, but I would argue there are some problems between how Rainier Beach was described vs. Roosevelt. But the wealthy white people in Ballard felt good about themselves, so that's good.
Did you really link to a 14-year old article?

6. Update reporting on minority issues instead of writing think pieces about listening to minority issues.
Yes, racism IS depressing. Very depressing. It's painful to hear friends and co-workers of color quietly mention the bad experiences they have had. From what I can tell, lots of interactions aren't openly racist, but are more subtle and passive-aggressive.
All good point. And well-stated.
All good points. And well-stated.
How about a white privilege conference?

"All is see is blaming someone else."

And yet again, no mention of Asians, who have a higher household income and academic success than any other so-called 'race' (isn't race an illusion anyway?). They just fuck up the Pity Parade.
Why do American blacks and whites fetishize the other so much? Not just sexually and racially, but socioeconomically, intellectually, physically...it's just fucking nonstop.

It is as if race relations between these two groups is some unsolvable biological problem.

As an Asian, the worst racism I deal with is, hands down, from black people. And not the subtle kind, I'm talking the straight up, ignorant, hood wearing, redneck kind.

White people? Sh*t, they have nothing on black racism against Asians in this town.

Asians are not your model minority.
"Pay attention to how racial inequality works in our schools"

Why then does the SPS spend more per student on black students than white students? Believe in equality? Well, all those white privileged kids on the north side are the cheapest to educate, all those black kids on the southend are the most expensive. Dollar per student, it's the white parents who should be demanding 'equality'.

And Asian kids? We clean both your clocks and you'll be working for us anyway.
Did you see Frozen? Not a black person in it. Totally racist!
Man, the dipshit comments after an article on race are always so predictable.

First: "Yawn"
Second: "It's not race it's money"
Third: "The problem with race is black people"

This article is pure common sense and you are all ridiculous. Also your comments, in case you were curious, are deeply racist and you are exactly the problem being described within. @11 especially you
”Pay attention to how racial inequality works in our schools""

Funny that, there’s now an achievement gap between black african kid and African American kids. Why is that? Racism? Or maybe something to do with their values?

Seattle Times:

'Alarming' new test-score gap discovered in Seattle schools

African-American students whose primary language is English perform significantly worse in math and reading than black students who speak another language at home — typically immigrants or refugees — according to new numbers released by Seattle Public Schools.

District officials, who presented the finding at a recent community meeting at Rainier Beach High School, noted the results come with caveats, but called the potential trend troubling and pledged to study what might be causing it.
The Stranger is probably not the publication to write a piece calling Seattle on its' shit because Seattle is pretty convinced it has nothing to worry about. Then there is that affectation of boredom by people who never face squat from anyone because they are Norwegian.

In 1999 when the Makah were successful in hunting a grey whale, I saw exactly what Seattle was made of: Liberal hippy fucking racist bags of shit. And it hasn't changed.
@ 19 Sometimes it is a class issue not a race issue, maybe that one reasons you don't see Asians complain about racism as much, they can be better off economically.
"Asians complain about racism as much, they can be better off economically."

Asians have the highest household income in the USA. Higher than whites, blacks and latinos. You know why? Values, particularly East Asians and South Asians.
@22 Asians are better off economically because they practice family planning and have a low rate of baby-dadism.
If Danielle really wants to complain about injustice to people of color she would note that there are 3 times more Asians then blacks. Native Americans are far poorer and unrepresented then blacks. But blacks dominate the discussion on race in this city.
Thank you -- your words are wise, and urgently needed. I am forwarding your article on to my family and friends, because us white folks need to read and engage your wisdom. You've learned it from living in our city, and the side of it you've witnessed is something I never see because of the color of my skin. Denial of racism won't make our city more welcoming; it only reinforces it.

W. B. Packard
@14 As a Hispanic Lesbian I have had the same experience. I wonder why Danielle doesn't want to bring that out into the open. We are told blacks can't be racist because they are powerless. They are actually the most powerful minority in this country and this city. If you are gay, Asian or Hispanic no one says you can't be racist against blacks because you are powerless despite the advantages they have over you. What a joke
@25 Thanks for the laugh. Now don't forget to wear socks with your Birkenstock like your mommy taught you.
Having kids when you cannot afford them is a major source of poverty in this country.

This is never discussed because it is hard to blame other races for an epidemic of baby daddyism.
"it is hard to blame other races for an epidemic of baby daddyish."

Where there's a will, there's a way!
There are three times more Asians then blacks in this city but blacks get far more of a voice and far more social services. Would Danielle be happy if we divided who gets what by what percent of the population they make up? Meaning blacks get 5% of subsidized housing, food stamps, welfare, advocacy, etc? Of course not- I've noticed that when blacks say "people of color" they mean themselves. Did Danielle or any other black race activist ever voice objection over the racial demographics of the Seahawks? No Asians, no Hispanics, no Native Americans. No women coaches, referees or managers. No blacks complaining because they are well represented.
I am embarrassed by racism in Seattle. Seattle progressives will attend a protest at Westlake because a Hispanic guy shot a black male in Florida but will not protest when a mob of black males stomp to death an elderly man for fun and do not serve a day in jail (the Tuba Man). Is there anyone who can say with a straight face that if the races in this case were reverse it would not have generated far more outrage? Danielle and other black leftists need to stop exploiting white guilt and take an honest look at how blacks contribute greatly to social injustice . Here is a reality check for you Danielle, blacks are not the helpless victim. Blacks treat other groups, including marginalized groups like crap. Why don't you publish a chart showing race and murder in Seattle? Why don't you publish a chart that shows who is receiving city funds? Over half of it goes to your race even though you are not the largest minority.
How about asking Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans what would make this city better for them? Does Danielle speak for everyone who is not white? I doubt it.
"If you are gay, Asian or Hispanic no one says you can't be racist against blacks because you are powerless despite the advantages they have over you."

Huh? That has got to be one of the most idiotic statements ever made on Slog - and that's saying a lot.
This is the most obnoxious article on The Stranger this year. Here we have a summation of nothing less than a guide for us uninformed (that means anyone who is not named Daniel Henderson) to guide us through the maze of political correctness and to call out the pedestals who she deems worthy of our reverence.
Yes, her points have merit but they are already covered by good manners, common sense, by the golden rule, and by being good citizens. That woman in Trader Joe's had already transgressed all of those. There is absolutely no need to extrapolate the obvious for such a narrative.
As Rodney King said, and as Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. said, about getting along and content of character vs. color of skin: these are really the only the guidance about racism anyone of us ever needs.
Any other hints or tips beyond that is repetitious, seeping generalizations, boring, derivative, sophomoric, patronizing victimhood, and above all quite depressing.
Racism exists everywhere in various ways, so address it on a case-by-case basis on a micro level. Stop trying to extrapolate it macro levels - one only ends up getting groups upset as evidenced by these comments.
@33 The quote is true. Blacks are the largest minority group. White guilt over slavery also has made whites more eager to advocate for and more willing to turn the other cheek to abusive behavior from blacks more than any other group, even Native Americas who are far more oppressed (if you want to gage oppression by lack of advocacy, political, economical and societal clout).
"1. White people should stop speaking for everyone."

But a black woman speaking for everyone who is not white as Danielle does is okay?
Danielle listed several incidents of white on black racism and insensitivity as proof white Seattleites have a race problem. Guess what genius? I can make a list 20 pages longs of incidents of abusive, racist (against whites, Asians, and Jews), homophobic, and sexist behavior I have been on the receiving end and witnessed by blacks in Seattle. Do blacks in Seattle have a racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, and sexism problem? Absolutely. Is there anything Danielle can be doing about this except ignore it and make a list of all the faults of white people? Yes, but she choses not to.
Why are people getting so upset about this post? As a white man, I just feel bad that Danielle was treated like this in my town. These points are good points.

Does racism/sexism/homophobism exist in minority communities in seattle? Sure it does, but how does that detract from the point Danielle is making?

Anyways, good post (although I do agree that an update to the 14 year old article you linked to is much needed), and I'm sorry that you've been treated like this in Seattle.
@38 do I get an apology from Danielle for every time a black person has called me chink or asked me if I like Kung fu fighting? How about the near constant times my wife has a black man yell at her 'me so horny' in downtown Seattle? I mean if we're doing collective apologies I want mine from Danielle.
"Why are people getting so upset about this post?" Because it's the same trite, played-out pablum we hear constantly, only this time by some kid who's only been here a few months but feels it's her duty to tell us how it is. It's stupid , shallow and aggravating and that puts people off. Not so hard to understand.
Danielle, as journalists we can be the one, aggregated voice or we can elevate and amplify the just, honest, wise and good voices among the multitude. We can be the soloist, or we can be the choir director or conductor.

We are most effective when we learn how and when to be one, the other or both.

Whenever possible be the editor of the great voices and lift them up to the world to be heard. Let them be your voice, your choir, your orchestra.

Do not waste precious life and time trying to change fools. Don't cast pearls before swine.

Talk to the listening. Help the willing and the working. Teach the student. Listen to your teachers. Discern the difference.

Feed the fruitful, not the stone.

Don't tear down the past, build the future.

Invest your life in today and tomorrow, not yesterday.

We do not overcome our opposition by mirroring them or focusing on them.

When we react we make ourselves subject to another's action.

Move from outrage to creation.

Act from a point of creative energy. Don't react and become part of another's destructive energy.

Be the change.

Yes, you can.

Yes, we can.
Why is this an issue in 2014? Front page in 'The Stranger' enemy of anything white, Christian, male and straight. The blacks are already overly represented reflecting their percentage of the population in every platform available just like Jews and now gays too.

At this rate we will still be hearing about slavery in 300 years from now. White libs get over it and move on, your cultural Marxism and general promotion of degeneracy is a cancer to the nation, the world, is void of logic and controlled by nonsensical emotion.
@38 -- You're mistaking a handful of loud-mouths for everyone.

If you listen closely, you'll hear thousands remove themselves from the conversation rather than participate in a forum where those loudmouths so easily magnify their voices.

Welcome to Seattle, Ms. Henderson. We're some racist fucks. Make sure you get paid up front if someone asks you to be their Black friend. Also, the market on Pike Place is Pike Place Market, not Pike's.
Racism is but one part of a greater evil - inhumanity by way of disrespect, dishonor, inequality and injustice.

To focus on one expression of it (racism) to the exclusion of the whole is to miss the forest for the trees.

We must repair and replace all of the worn, torn and missing threads to restore this ragged tapestry.

The whole must be understood as greater than its parts.

We are either one society or many individuals, one beautiful tapestry or a pile of disconnected threads.
Why is this an issue in 2014? Front page in 'The Stranger' enemy of anything white, Christian, male and straight. The blacks are already overly represented reflecting their percentage of the population in every platform available just like Jews and now gays too.

At this rate we will still be hearing about slavery in 300 years from now. White libs get over it and move on, your cultural Marxism and general promotion of degeneracy is a cancer to the nation, the world, is void of logic and controlled by nonsensical emotion.

The marginalized minorities are far more motivated to action and participation than the comfortable mainstream majority who are already the center of attention without even trying.

It is the scruffy, little underdog that must work harder, smarter and better just to get even with the kept, fat pet that is already the favorite.

That's why you hear more and louder from the minorities.

Your ignorance of this reality reveals you, your highness.

Your Hollywood portrayal of the struggling underdog American minority is cute, it shows your age is young either physical or emotionally.

Slavery, over in 1850s. We fight a civil war partially because of it, in the 60s we create more minority protection laws then any other nation on earth and even a black president, yet the stranger media wants to push us back to the 19th century by putting this story in front page news. These kids were doing the equivalent of talking shit on facebook, who cares? It's hardly news. You think white kids don't face these kind of issues everyday as well? They do, this is 2014. But the stranger, once again will do its best to perpetuate the victim status of anyone who has all the same opportunity that whites have, therefore slowing down any real progress that the black community needs to improve itself.
Great article!!!!!!

Another one for the list:

6. Caucasians need to not look at black people. Keep your eyes on the ground and show respect!!!

@47 I pretty much agree with your characterization of the Issaquah dustup.

However, racism and systemic injustice are not long ago like you would imply.

I have a child in elementary school, and was born while redlining was stealing millions of dollars a day from black families and denying them a part in the greatest American engine of generational wealth. These things have lasting impacts.
@47 It's also worth noting that many of the qualified buyers who were pushed into subprime mortgages in this recent mess were minorities, once again pulling wealth out of those communities and pushing numerous families back down the class ladder.
Haha yes #1 is a great place to start.

There is no racism like the racism of the middle class liberal. The whites of the south end talk about how much they love diversity, but scoff at putting their precisous snowflakes in public schools. Raise you hand if you've heard this line from a bumber sticker liberal: "my child is not a social justice experiment".

Outward racism exists in Seattle, but this closeted bullshit is much more common, in my experience at least.

Also, I agree with the idea that people are more concerned with class than skin color these days.

I hope everyone has a nice day today! Don't let those grey skies get you down!


Your description implied injustice to black families but its so vague no one knows what you are talking about. Something to do with redlining and home loans. You care to explain how the blacks were a target in these scams and whites were not? Can you at least give a hint to what these injustices are?
@54 http://lmgtfy.com/?q=redlining

Redlining is the practice of denying, or charging more for, services such as banking, insurance, access to health care, or even supermarkets, or denying jobs to residents in particular, often racially determined, areas. (From Wikipedia)

If you're at all interested, I might recommend you peruse Beryl Satter's "Family Properties: Race, Real Estate, and the Exploitation of Black Urban America".
@55, I'd read it if I thought that blacks were singled out in predatory lending scams. Everyone knows the only color taken into consideration for that scam was green, the color of money. The fact that black people were part of that demographic is circumstantial, there was no conspiracy to destroy to African American race.
Holy fuck the trolls are here!

Are we really going to pretend that a place that historically robustly redlined minorities south of the city, and was an epicenter of Japanese internment, does not have an active legacy of institutional racism?

That's not even getting into the Issaquah hinterlands.

Go fuck yourselves, racists!
Racism does not apply to one race only. If the stranger really cares about racism it would show racism from all angles, like the disproportionate black on white crimes committed or the human rights violations committed in the apartheid state of Israel. But they choose not to do that, why? Because it's not the trendy sort of hipster bullshit that brings you degenerates here to justify ad revenue for pot shops, hookers, booze, meet & fuck, disease ridden classifieds.
Great article, Danielle. It gave me a lot to think about as a white person living in the CD and a teacher to students of color. This city has a lot to learn but awareness and conversation (listening included) are good starts. You're a needed addition to the voices at the Stranger.
@56 Yes. Reading something heavily sourced and researched that disagrees with your preconceived notions would be... bad?

In so far as it goes, the first half of the book is mostly a biography of Beryl Satter's father and that family starting off in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood.

As I understand it, the author even agrees that it was bad for pretty much everyone, although many benefited financially.

It seems the part that you are glossing over is that there were actual, historical and verifiable-factual policies that made the black community especially vulnerable. There has been institutionalized and systemic harms done to the black community recently as a matter of historical fact.
Cant believe I missed this article.



99% of those laws enacted in the 60s have been overturned. Racial segregation is now more prevelent than it was when civil rights was enacted.

Employment discrimination has become so rampant that a black person with a college degree is less likely to get hired than a white ex con with a high school diploma.

Blacks and hispanics are paid less than whites for the same jobs

Blacks and hispanics (and natives) are arrested more often for crimes whites are the majority of offenders (drug crimes)

Blacks and hispanics are given longer sentences for crimes than whites who commit the same offense, even when the white offenders have longer track records

You mention a black president...remember 47% of voters DID NOT vote for him. A good number of those openly admitted it was because of his race. You believe that narrowly electing Obama means those that didnt vote for him cant be racist by proxy?

Lets use some common sense here.
@30 "hayden c"

Ive notice your only comments on slog regard black people. Always disparaging. The racist hate in the form of a chip on your shoulder against black people is pretty obvious to anyone who clicks you name.

Also, you use a lot of strawmen in your reasoning ("Were told that blacks cant be racist"...who told you that? Who is 'we') as the basis for your assumptions.

I dont want to pull the "fake identity/racist troll" card, but sorry, you fit the bill. Maybe stormfront would be a better place for your to spew your viewpoints and vent your anger and hate at black people as a race?
@61 [citation needed]
"Racial segregation is now more prevelent than it was when civil rights was enacted. "

Really? Them how come my neighbors here in my lily white north of the Ship Canal 'hood are black? Did someone forget to enforce segregation laws?

@63 who needs facts when you have outrage.
@61, please point out any of 'those laws' enacted in the 60s which have been 99% overturned and I will begin to consider the rest of what you wrote.
Love how liberals confuse 'not being able to afford a home in a certain neighborhoods with 'segregation'. If anything shows their inability to separate facts from emotionalism it's that.
@61 and @65

Sources, sure. BUT I EXPECT YOU TO RESPOND to my courtesy, rather than run off and hide like most right wingers do when confronted with the facts.

White excons more likely to be hired than blacks with no criminal record of any education rate - https://www.princeton.edu/~pager/ASR_pag…

Also : http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/01/us/01r…

Blacks and hispanics paid less for the same jobs: http://sundial.csun.edu/2011/09/study-fi…
and http://money.cnn.com/2010/07/30/news/eco…

Blacks and hispanics arrested more for crimes (drugs) that whites commit more often




(from right here in Seattle) http://faculty.washington.edu/kbeckett/a… [spoilers, 70% of illicit drugs are heroine and meth, 80% of drug users are white, yet practically all enforcement in Seattle focuses on Crak which is 4% of illicit drugs, and a more than 60% of those arrested for drugs are black, which are only 12% of seattle drug using population).

Blacks and hispanics given longer sentences for the same crimes?

How about here in Washington?

SO, any retort?
Also @61 and @65

On segregation being as bad as it was during civil rights:

Do discrimination-appeasists just not read the news, because Im pretty sure 75% of these stories were in the slog. Im betting some of you commented in them as well.

Tsk Tsk. Cognitive Dissonance to maintain your privilege.
@65 Off the top of my head, section 4 of the Voting Rights Act (important to keep a toehold in a democracy) was 100% overturned, rendering the rest of the act ineffective for actually securing the vote, huge swaths of the Equal Pay Act have been repealed, and arguably Citizens United imperils the public accommodations section of the Equal Rights Act. So...

@66 "Segregation" means separated, such that even if it were that black people, on average, could not afford to live in white neighborhoods, without there being anything short of a benign or deserved reason for that state, the word would fit.

On the plus side, your argument there is a great example of being completely "separate from facts", so good on you, I guess.
Minorities still enjoy more laws protecting them in the USA than any other nation on earth. Thanks for taking the time to bring up section 4 and a couple other insignificant changes. Your crusade against white privilege can never be accomplished as you can't defeat something that does not exist. In the end it's up to black people to make life better for themselves, it does not help them when white liberals are pushing to sustain and perpetuate the victim status of a culture and a people. That's what you get when you let feelings rule over logic.
Thanks for taking the time to post the news paper articles as your sources but I never asked for them. Only proof that 'all the laws enacted in the 60s protecting blacks from discrimination have been over turned. 99%' as you stated before.
I'm I allowed to be upset about being called "white boy" constantly in the C.D.? if so should I be? It happens more often then you would find acceptable if it were reversed, either way until you start publishing list on how to make things easier for those of us that are not of color I don't think you're anything but a pot calling a kettle er, well you know.

What laws do minorities enjoy protecting them (nice acceptance of my claim + subject change btw)?

WA does not have hate crime laws, and its wrist slapping version of hate crime laws is rarely used, even when police are willing to accept 'racial motivations' (which, knowing Western WA law enforcement, is never).

The supreme court gutted the VRA. Affirmative Action does not exist in WA, and is pretty much only limited to (white) women elsewhere due to statutory changes and court decisions.

Law enforcement, prosecutors and judges are free to reign any kind of havoc on people of color and suffer no penalty or even review. WA's SCOTUS even admitted that the state has a unilateral racism problem within its justice system, then clammed up about holding prosecutors and judges responsible. The legislature, being even less diverse than the state, could care less either way.

No, minorities do not enjoy 'more laws protecting them' anymore than the poor enjoy more of Mercer Island than the rich. Whites enjoy 'ingrained, protected privileges set up for them'.

You ever heard of 'straw man argument'? As in, the premise you set up then argued in a single comment? Based on your own anecdotal claim?

Ill humor you. So are we to take your word on being call "white boy" in central district (which btw is now more white); and not ask you why you place your own anecdotal claims as more meritous than the countless surveyed and research data showing rampant anti black discrimination?

Let me also ask, am I supposed to not get upset when a white person makes a racist nword joke not knowing Im standing behind them in Fremont? What about the white women who clench their purses when I walk by them at Bellevue square or downtown? Maybe the white officer who thinks to himself "whats that *nhword* doing in THAT car in THIS neighborhood" when Im trailed for miles, pulled over and questioned over 20 minutes for "not using my signal"-that I actually did use?

If not those, what about the many many instances where the black applicant arrives for the interview with a higher degree, more experience and better references, only to be patronized by an interviewer and turned down for the white applicant with a lesser degree or less experience?

Are we '

Are we stupid minorities not supposed to not get upset over that, or just less upset than when you hear someone in your imagination call you 'white boy'...someone that is probably also white because, as I said, CD is majority white.

'Anti-discrimination' applies to everyone, not just racial minorities. Unless you are going to tell me the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 is a racial minority protection act.

And thats not even getting into the acts that have been invalidated (most civil rights acts in their racial capacity, not their gender capacity) or simply not enforced?

Or the fact that there is a difference between federal legislation banning something (rarely enforced) and state legislation?

Also, sloppy research buddy. Wikipedia? Come on. Have you ever read any of those acts, or did you just google the term right here?
@75 you are funny. More rapes and crimes committed by blacks proportionately might have something to do with it.

A white lady in bellevue square clenches her purse are you walk by, oh the humanity. Meanwhile black on white crime is an issue no one wants to talk about.

Are you just making this up?

1- most rapes are committed by whites.

2- most violent crime is committed by whties.

3- Most crime is committed by whites.

FBI Crime database, race table - http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/cri…

Im sincerely hoping you arent basing your defenses for discrimination on the stuff you are spewing here, because thats #3 claim or implication youve made that Ive shot down and SOURCED.

I dont want to have to call you a liar, so for now Ill just call you misinformed.

But I will ask you WHERE are you getting your info from? Because you obviously just typed in 'discrimination laws' into google and copy pasted the results without even reading them. Now you are claiming blacks commit more crime, nevermind the facts say otherwise.


Also, 98% of crime is intra racial. Victim and offender are same race. And with the exception of HATE CRIMES and nonviolent property crimes, whites and blacks offend extra-racially (against person outside of their race) at nearly the exact same rate.

Statistically, a black person is more likely to be victimized in a hate crime by a white person, than a white person is to be victimized by a black person in any crime other than a property crime (like theft). And even that margin is narrow.


Sorry, the facts dont lie. Im not sure who dissemenates these 'defenses to anti black racism' online (well, I am sure...stormfront, jared taylors little hateblog network, frontpagemag, fox and the like), but clearly whoever does isnt bothering to actually look at the datasources rather than what some other nut sort of (but not really) implied in a wiki.

Your not reading the raw data correctly. The crime numbers you referenced are posted as is, not based on the percentage that a white or black population represents. In 2011 9504 rape by whites and 4811 by blacks. Data from the census bureau says blacks make up 13% of the population in 2012. You figure it out.
White people can't claim victim status when they are assaulted by blacks because that is how the system is designed.
Your so called fact finding and data research won't change anything. When it comes down to it everyone here will feel safer being approached by a group of blacks in a dark alley then a group of whites. It's up to the back community to work on changing that with nothing but hard work. Playing the victim card and the blame game will just keep things going the way they have been so far, going nowhere.
Haha, well you know what I meant to say.
Lots of angry white people on this thread making themselves look stupid.

No YOU are not reading the numbers correctly.
YOU stated that blacks commit more crime. Those are raw numbers, not percentages.

If the raw number for black crime are less than the raw numbers for white crime, they there is no mathematical way blacks could be committing more crime.

But if you want to CHANGE your argument to percentage...while you have yet to give one single source, and Ive supplied you with plenty, Ill still humor you. Youre positions seem to make you the posterchild for 'misinformed on racial issues'.

1- Blacks are 15.2% of the population, not 13, as per the amended census accounting for undercount.

2- Yes, blacks are arrested for offending in SOME categories higher than the population. But you obviously did not read the initial set of links you begged me for that I gave. Law enforcement TARGET blacks more than whites, even for crimes white are more likely to commit and actually do commit more (see drug offenses, illegal contraband and traffic offenses).

So the problem is parsing out how much of that 'higher percentage' is due to targeted policing. Well if you read the UW academic report for Seattle, you would see its [pardon my frano-dutch] a great fokken deal of it is. Heres that link again, incase you forget it AGAIN: http://faculty.washington.edu/kbeckett/a…

3- FACTS are everything. Your little assumption is based purely of PREJUDICE and STEREOTYPE, which in this case are NOT based in fact.

The fact that any white person 'feels' safer when being approached by a group of whites than blacks is very much evident of the problems of racist stereotypes not based in fact.

The same group of white women who feel fear when they see a pair of black guys walking down the street are, statistically, FAR more likely to be sexually assaulted by the group of white guys they see but dont have that fear reaction towards.

The same goes for any violent crime. Most of it is intra racial. Its not the fault of black people that some white people are afraid of us because of some bs stereotype they buy into, that isnt even true in the first place.

Now that youve switched argumentative rails a 5th time, whats your counter now?

Go back and read your FBI data on black crime and white crime and keep in mind while you do that, blacks make up 15% of the overall USA population. End of story.

By your posted FBI data overall white population in the USA is 73% and committed 6.5 million crimes in 2011.

On the other hand you have the black population of the USA that made up 13% and committed 2.7 million crimes in 2011.

Who is more likely to commit a crime a white or a black? The data says a black. Sorry to share political incorrect news.
Also blacks committed more murder even though they make up that small part of the population. 4149 murders by blacks and 4000 by whites. This is an important fact proven by the FBI data that you posted yourself. Think about that.
Pretty much every crime in the list you posted http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/cri… makes blacks looks like criminals when compared to whites considering the population numbers. More crimes are committed per person from the black community. What's the perpetual excuse for it all? Slavery that they never experienced. They have had every opportunity that anyone else has had but try so hard to remain the victim even convincing themselves that imaginary crimes are being committed against them by whites when in fact blacks are the most criminally active race in the country.
You would hardly guess that blacks are 5 times likely to commit murder after reading some of the lies that Charles Maude writes in the stranger or watching blacks on tv plot revenge over Tryvon, or watch Django unchained or 12 years a slave. Or spend time in a liberal university that blames everything on whites. It's clear that whites are not wanted anymore in society. The stranger once again doing anything is can to help genocide anything resembling white, male, straight or Christian. Good job guys your brainwashing is paying off, people can't even read FBI data without thinking that whites are somehow responsible.
@70 "Minorities still enjoy more laws protecting them in the USA than any other nation on earth."

You've said that a lot in this thread, juche.

I will grant you that quantity is an objective measure, so I can see why you might think it is worth regurgitating multiple times, but wouldn't the correct measurement actually be quality?

As you've pointed out, the institution of slavery was abolished about 15 decades ago, and a lot of this "enjoyable" civil rights legislation was passed five decades ago; if that work was done completely and correctly, should not black people have similar outcomes after all that time?

Strangely enough, women gained some protections around that same time, and yet still only make $.77 on the dollar.
@70 I've only said it twice now because I had to, not as some kind of mantra.

If women were doing everything men did and getting paid less for it all business would hire women only. The purpose of a business is to make as much money as possible, increasingly every quarter. You imply that the purpose of business is to sustain some kind of conspiracy against woman, which goes against the true purpose of business and I don't buy it.

The western feminist movement had a purpose once to grant equal rights to women, somewhere around third wave feminism they became lost, forever grasping for that imaginary elusive thing they are being told men are withholding from them. They will never be happy. Third world women in male dominated societies live more contented lives even with the absence of materialism. White people aren't even hardly breeding anymore in the demographic that the stranger represents which by their own account is 20 to 30 something affluent urbanites and I'm gonna add white to that because we know its true.
I meant @96
@97 "why don't you compare blacks to other minorities?"


With slavery, (some rich) white people controlled every aspect of (most) black people as much as was humanly possible.

Then slavery ended.

Now, despite numerous, documented ways that black people have been systemically held back in this country and decades of protections that you assure us are more than fair and adequate, you're arguing that it says only things about the black community that they are lagging in some measures against people that arrived more recently, voluntarily and with only the manipulation of immigration selection criteria?
I'm one of those old fashioned people who truly believes that the most important job in the world is raising children well and that nature has endowed a woman as the most capable being to carry out that task. I don't believe that making a shit ton of money is the most important thing on earth and that men and women should fight each other over it. Someone needs to spend more time with the kids, especially babies and women just seem to do it better by nature, why go against nature? Of course there are always exceptions to the rule but they don't change the overall picture.
@98,56 It appears that you keep discounting documented and widely acknowledged cases of systemic discrimination because you have not seen some SPECTREesque round-table of villains conspiring to create those conditions.

Do I understand correctly that such is what you require to "buy it"?
102 I have no idea what your talking about. I guess I will have to just respectfully disagree with you about extreme western feminism movement. Hope your happy and live a fulfilled life in whatever you do,
White is a color motherfucker.
@103 "I have no idea what your talking about."

Yes. You seem to have had a lot of trouble around basic terminology and theories of discrimination; might I respectfully submit that you should stop holding such ill-informed notions about it?

Still, I thank you for your nice wishes and I hope that history treats you kindly.

Well, now that I know you are a racist whitepowertroll, Im not going to waste the time fleshing out explanations when you will just post 8 double sentence replies to every statement.

Also, you seem to be skipping the sourced materials I provided and AGAIN YOU ARE MAKING UP STATISTICAL DATA WITHOUT A SOURCE, that flies in the face of the FBI sources (if you are going to quote them, get the damned numbers right).

So Ill just repeat:

Yes, blacks are arrested for offending in SOME categories higher than the population. But you obviously did not read the initial set of links you begged me for that I gave. Law enforcement TARGET blacks more than whites, even for crimes white are more likely to commit and actually do commit more (see drug offenses, illegal contraband and traffic offenses).

So the problem is parsing out how much of that 'higher percentage' is due to targeted policing. Well if you read the UW academic report for Seattle, you would see its [pardon my frano-dutch] a great fokken deal of it is. Heres that link again, incase you forget it AGAIN: http://faculty.washington.edu/kbeckett/a

FACTS are everything. Your little assumption is based purely of PREJUDICE and STEREOTYPE, which in this case are NOT based in fact.

AND to reiterate the initial point you cowered away from with your tail between your legs between your random subject changes:

Employment discrimination has become so rampant that a black person with a college degree is less likely to get hired than a white ex con with a high school diploma.

Blacks and hispanics are paid less than whites for the same jobs

Blacks and hispanics (and natives) are arrested more often for crimes whites are the majority of offenders (drug crimes)

Blacks and hispanics are given longer sentences for crimes than whites who commit the same offense, even when the white offenders have longer track records

You mention a black president...remember 47% of voters DID NOT vote for him. A good number of those openly admitted it was because of his race. You believe that narrowly electing Obama means those that didnt vote for him cant be racist by proxy?

Lets use some common sense here.



Ill wait for you to provide counter sources to your claims. I know the HATETROLL game, and how it works. You make multiple short comments filling up the page and the comment count. Youve already lost the argument and been proven a liar, so your only hope is to get the last word and 'flood' the comment section.

Good luck buddy. Racist Troll busting is a hobby of mine.

Also, you really need to start reading the links I give, Juche. It makes you look ignorant when you keep saying one thing, yet a source I already gave you says the opposite.

You said blacks are more likely to commit crime?

If you would have checked THIS linek

...by the WA State Judicial Committee Report on race and crime done by UW and Seattle U law, you would have seen where it specifically says:

"The study found no definite link between race and the likelihood of a person of that color committing a crime."

So please, make some other excuse for racism up, and flesh it out here.
Damn, Danielle talks about racism in Seattle and the commenters go out and prove how racist they are.

"The Stranger is probably not the publication to write a piece calling Seattle on its' shit because Seattle is pretty convinced it has nothing to worry about"
I once thought SF residents were the most self-righteous, arrogant, holier-than-thou ppl on the Earth. Nope! Congratulations Seattleites you've bested SF at something! You really do love the smell of you're own farts.

Progressive city....my ass....
Who's more racist, black people or white people? It's black people! You know why? Because we hate black people too!

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