Aw look, it's Herman and Lily Munster having a late-night picnic in the cemetery! There are chirping crickets, champagne, a picnic basket... how lovely. Earlier that day, we learn, Herman and Grandpa stitched up a big surprise for Lily in Grandpa's basement laboratory. "Do you know how many cemeteries I went through to find this?" Herman asks as he pulls an enormous Frankenstein'd anniversary gift out of the front of his pants. As they celebrate under the full moon, the gift suddenly gets really big and goes from a healthy red color to a chalky, pale gray green, matching the rest of Herman's freakishly overbuff torso. "Oooh!" Lily coos, "Rigorrrr MORTIS!" and tries to stick the whole thing in her Technicolored bright red mouth.

"Ho-ho-ho," Herman laughs, along with a supercanned laugh track, his giant shoulders bouncing up and down in a spot-on imitation of the late Fred Gwynne. "I knew you'd like a curved one!"

This is definitely NOT an episode of the 1964 black-and-white horror-comedy sitcom that aired once a week on CBS. This is This Ain't the Munsters XXX—one of dozens in 2008's fucked-up new craze of TV-classics-gone-porn. It's directed by a guy named Anton Slayer—but inspired by two other guys named Jeff Mullen and Scott David, who created their own monster in 2008 with the wildly $uccessful Brady Bunch parody, Not the Bradys XXX. Unlike the hilariously creepy-bad 1980s triple-X parodies (think Ron Jeremy in The Flintbones, "Yabba-Dabba-Screw!"), the new Not the... and This Ain't the... titles are actually creepy and, feh, pretty-fun-to-watch pornography. Each new release tries to one-up the last—trying harder and even harder to re-create actual sets, and mimic graphics and soundtracks. And they've clearly spent time and money creatively casting and styling attractive porn actors to tarnish and soil the images of some of television's most recognizable characters.

Not the Bradys was the first, and now the floodgates are wiiiide open. Nothing is sacred, and, I'm guessing, no TV show spared. Already on the shelves: Not Bewitched XXX and This Ain't the Partridge Family XXX. Coming soon: Not Three's Company XXX, Not the Cosbys XXX, This Ain't Gilligan's Island, and a lesbionic Dirty Facts of Life. There also might be— WAIT FOR IT—a Mister Rogers' Neighborhood parody. Jeff Mullen told, back in May '08, "Mr. Rogers will be teaching sweet young girls about pulling down their pants and exploring their 'dirty areas.' We are going to go into the land of the make-believe and fuck it up completely."

Crikey! Does that one take it too far? Then again, didn't Fred Rogers himself invent actual characters named "Mr. McFeely," "Henrietta Pussycat," and "X the Owl"? I think he did. recommended