Film/TV Feb 5, 2009 at 4:00 am

Chocolate: Autism-Fu


Yea, the beginning was quick and rather confusing, if you weren't paying special attention, but the rest of it flowed well. Had the perfect amount of action w/ style and authenticity, good breaks between fights, and managed to build up the heat just right.

At times both funny and awe inspiring, the action will have you alternately cracking up and cringing in your seat w/ sympathy for anyone who gets in her way.
She "learns karate by watching kung-fu movies"? That's like picking up German from taking Spanish class.

I do agree with you on the acting, though--Jeeja's great.

I really enjoyed this flick.

The beginning was a little confusing, but once I caught on I really appreciated how fast everything was set up. They did NOT waste a bunch of time setting the pieces in motion. The star-crossed romance was by the numbers, but that just let it get to the good stuff all the quicker.

I _would_ disagree that NONE of the other characters were developed. I thought the blink-and-you've-missed-it part about the father in the beginning set things up nicely, both for the character of his offspring, his initial interest in the mother, and the denouement.

I particularly liked how wind turbines represent hope for the future now - I wonder when that started?
I'm kicking myself in the back of my own head for missing this. Does it get a real run at any point, or should I start keeping my eyes peeled at the vid store?
Howdy thelyamhound: It's on DVD right now. Not quite as good as a theater, but you can at least rewind and watch the crazy-ass moves over and over again.

And I'd like to thank you, Paul, for always responding to my frivolous queries in the comment field of your reviews of various head-cracking action flicks. It's awfully kind of you to indulge me. :)

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