Film/TV Feb 26, 2009 at 4:00 am

Two Lovers: Gwyneth Paltrow Drives Joaquin Phoenix Crazy


"They" and "them" are not singular. You would think a "professional" writer would know that.

And I think we've already seen Gwyneth's boobs.
Wow unpleasant. Read the review, which I enjoyed, see the movie or don't. Why be such a pretentious asshole so early on a Wednesday? Bad coffee perhaps.

The use of "they" and "them" as plural is becoming common because writers, professional and otherwise, feel a need for gender-nuetral pronouns which are not cumbersome (he/she) or absurd (sie, hir etc).

"They" and "them" fit that need.

"Data" is another word which began as a plural and moved its way into the singular. Grammar evolves.

And great review by the way I want to see this movie.

i hope you don't read all these blog response posts about proper grammar. Why people spend the time to berate others online is beyond me.

Fuck you you sissy internet snobs. Get off your mom's computer and stop being such twats.

The use of 'they' and 'them' in the singular has been around for centuries and centuries. It's not a new thing.

But back to Ms. West's article. I, too, thought it was a good review, and now I, too, want to see the movie.

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