Film/TV May 28, 2009 at 4:00 am

You Will Cry

Don’t let go of the old man’s hose!


Thanks for the spoiler-infused plot summary!
2, Yeah, no shit.
Actually if you watch the trailers, theres nothing in this summary that wasnt already shown. I originally saw the trailer a few months back when i saw "Monster vx. Aliens", as soon as i saw that i knew I would be watching this film when it comes out, whether my daughter wants to or
@1 and @2 Most of the stuff I mentioned is seen in either the previews or the first 15 minutes of the film. No spoilers, buddies. There's still plenty of surprises.
That wasn't so much a slam on the revealing of spoilers, as much as the sophomoric nature of the film review. It fails to critique the film or add anything insightful apart from an IMDB summary.
I thought it was a great review - this sentence in particular cemented my desire to see the film as it addressed the concerns I have about most films aimed at kids: "The movie's messages about love, friendship, and loyalty aren't saccharine or insincere at all, and the jokes aren't easy outs about farts." A film review of a kids movie for adults considering seeing it...solid.
I saw it a few days ago and loved it. Definitely see it at a theater that's showing in digital format but save yourself the $2 and see it in 2-D instead of 3-D. 3-D effects weren't really noticeable and the glasses mute the beautiful colors!
@ 1 & 5 - Jesus, you're a little tightly wound, don't ya think? Maybe you should try chanting or Xanax or something.

Pixar is so great. They're really on a roll. First WALL-E, now this. Cheers to them!
I cried my eyes out. BTW, there's nothing at the end of the credits so don't wait around. (spoiler alert?)
Dude, ten minutes in? I was bawling by THREE. :D
I cried. And then, after that whole "life in montage" section, the movie soundtrack got very quiet. Which is not so great for trying to subtly blow your nose and mop up your face...

I generally liked Up, but I did feel like there were some really sloppy, lazy storytelling going on at times. SPOILER ALERT. In particular, surrounding the whole "walking the house to the falls thing", which seems like an inexplicable decision to make (they couldn't have climbed up to the house from one of the trees in the jungle?), and surrounding what happened to the childhood hero at the end. There were better ways to accomplish what the writers wanted to do in those sections, and it just seemed like they took the lazy way out...
Agreed, 11, I spent the whole movie going, "Well, they can pull the house sideways, why can't they pull it DOWN?"

Also, fuck you 12 and 13, Mohamed Altoumaimi can go fuck horses onstage in Tijuana for all I care.
@11, 14: Good points, although it might be worth wondering whether floating in the house would have worked if the weather didn't co-operate. It wasn't always windy, and in fact, it seemed still and hot at several points on top of the cliffs.
@11 and 14, not sure what the problem is? They wanted to walk the house to the falls because they wanted the house to be sitting where Ellie had pictured it, you know, right next to the falls. That was the whole point. Am I missing something in your comments?

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