Film/TV Oct 1, 2009 at 4:00 am

Rome Is Burning


This sounds AWESOME!
I went to one of these movies at Central Cinema and stayed for the 2nd of the double header after hearing them talk about it beforehand -- liked it better than the first film, but you're right, he was a helluva salesmen.
this is f*cking great. way to stick it to the man and take it into your own hands dude.
Very well written article... I wish more of us who don't possess the ability to settle into a 9-5 job that steals parts of our souls would just take a step toward doing something like this -- something that might help another person realize their own potential and encourages everybody to ignore the "way things work". It sounds like Todd and his team of "bros" understand that there is still something positive to that word, that being someone's bro can mean a lot sometimes, whether it Is inspiring them to do something out of the ordinary, or whether it is helping another artist in your field realize the kind of potential you do have in reaching some kind of audience. That is really all the industry needs, this kind of support and work ethic.
This is my favorite thing I've ever heard of. Wish I would've known about it earlier...
I was just at the Woodstock Film Festival and Ted Hope talked about this tour in his acceptance speech for the Trailblazer award. I can't believe I missed this when it was here, it looks pretty...awesome ;)
Is this a direct reference to the Pavement song?
I'm seeing these in San Francisco next week!!!!
most definitley IS a Pavement reference -…
"I have no idea if Todd Sklar is a good filmmaker" is the best first line of an article I've ever seen.

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