Film/TV Mar 10, 2010 at 12:09 pm


Krasinski would be the much more daring choice. Dude is tall, so you're right that after a few weeks in the gym he could have a huge physical presence.

I've always thought that the people screaming for Captain America to be the loudmouth jackass were the same people who embrace the Ugly American caricature.

Also, I think a Captain America movie was destined to suck anyway. Then again, I never cared for the character, and truly good comic book movies are few and far between. The bottom line is not every comic book needs to be made into a movie. I still can't believe they're making a movie out of Thor, but I guess they have to set up for The Avengers.

I just found out that the guy who's playing Thor is starring in a remake of Red Dawn. Dumb.
Any idea why they picked Joe Johnson to direct???? I jus' checked out his IMDB resume. Ugh...
I would just like to take this moment to bring up the topic that no one ever seems to address. These actors are using roids to bulk up. I personally have no problem with it, but it does deserve to be mentioned.
I do actually have high hopes for this movie. A WWII Captain America, using the Ed Brubaker style could be really cool.
@2: Fixed! Thanks.

@5: So you haven't heard about the U.S.O. rumors, then, I take it? Google it and then tell me you're looking forward to this movie.
I remember when Ryan Reynolds was that cute funny guy from a sitcom. And then he bulked up for a movie and got hot in a totally different way.

What I mean is... I look forward to seeing this version of John Krasinski.

Those rumors sound pretty bad; but the more recent ones I've heard said it was WWII, book ended by them finding his body in the ice and thawing him in modern times (to tie in with the avengers movie). They also said that the script included the Invaders (but made a little more international to make the American jingoism toned down a little). That I could get behind. Especially if it looks and feels like the Brubaker comics.
I realize that looks are only looks, but how can you call someone with that nose strikingly handsome?
Loudmouth Captain America=Ultimate CA
@10: Yeah, and I think they're shying away from the Millar Captain America. He wouldn't go over so well with the international market, I think.

@9: Maybe I'm biased due to my man-crush, but I think he's really handsome. I tend to not be attracted to people who are good-looking in an Aryan kind of way, though.
Why can't Captain America be a strong half-Asian/half-Black woman?


Time to wake up and smell the 21st century, cause you're in it!
I don't think half Japanese would have gone over very well as a US propaganda hero during WWII, given the racist sensibilities of the period.
John Krasinski is my current fantasy. I'm sorry, the guy is just fucking cute and hot at the same time. And I'd like to see him do something other than corny romantic comedies.

Gay porn could be good!
Mark Valley = Captain America.
I said half-Asian. You know, Pacific Islander and Chinese fits in that category too ...
@15, Valley is charming and interesting. He certainly looks the part... but by Hollywood standards he is waaaay too old for the role.

I'm down with Krasinsky doing it. I'm surprised no one has suggested Chris Pine, who could be a modern-day Harrison Ford two-fisting it in dual blockbuster franchises.
@12- Were this selecting a modern Cap, that would be fine, but doesn't fit for the World War II era. Steve was selected to be Cap in part because he was a blue-eyed blond haired white male. Changing that now, while it may make us feel good, ignores the racism of the era, which would be wildly inappropriate. More appropriate would be for Cap to address the racism involved in his selection and the uncomfortable similarities between it and the evil of the enemy Nazis.
I want a live-action Captain America to look exactly the way Rob Liefield draws him and nothing less will suffice.

Seriously, guys. This is what we need.

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