
I told them to use zip ties, not ropes.
The facts are in the video, but the interpretation is willfully stupid. The solution to a weak legislature is NOT to have a governor pounce to usurp their authority to innovate revenue sources. Why do boneheads keep wishing we had a governor willing to take advantage of a weak legislature by arrogating their power? That ain't right, no matter what. And Gregoire knows all too well that any powers she might be tempted to usurp from the legislature stand a great chance of being misused by a Republican successor. Gregoire has plenty of faults, but at least she recognizes that could do more long term harm to Washington voters than good.

No, the solution to a weak legislature is the hard work of strengthening the legislature, not the short cut of wishing for a powerful, easier-to-cover unitary executive.
Or ...

We could just legalize and tax marijuana.

Hey, wait, what did Chris do later today?

The film is an amusing commentary on the fact that our Governor has failed to lead the effort needed to move this state out of fiscal crisis and the bottom of the barrel in terms of regressive taxation. Now is the time to listen to the brave folks leading the Occupy movement and educate the public about the facts about why an income tax makes much more sense to sustain much needed education and social service needs in our state. She needs to work with the legislature to lead this state in the progressive direction we desperately need to go.
@2, anyone who follows slog comments knows that you are trolling for someone. To use your mean-spirited phrase, it is willfully stupid to suggest that this discussion is about asking the Governor to "pounce". How about do anything crafty, gutsy, or visionary? Or actually lead! For all of the years of Democratic Governors and Legislative bodies on and off, we are still in the crapper. As I see this video, EVERYONE is being called to task and all of us are being asked to snap out of an old mindset. In your world view, the best we can hope for is what? More of the same with more or less horror in the budget? I applaud anyone and anything that steps out of establishment Dem politics in this city and state that has left us where we are.

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