MTV recently released the trailer for Savage U, which premieres Tuesday after next on, uh, MTV.
Peter LaBarbara, president of the designated hate group Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and full-time Savage obsessive, is freaking the fuck out. From the AFTAH press release:
AFTAH Calls on Viacom Inc. to Cancel ‘Savage U,’ New MTV Show Featuring Perverted Cyber-Bully Dan Savage...Said LaBarbera: “There are two main reasons why MTV and its parent company Viacom should cancel Dan Savage’s new show about sex on college campuses: Number One: Dan Savage is a radical and raunchy homosexual activist who gives unhealthy and reckless sex advice. He aggressively works to undermine the historic ethic of marital fidelity by championing the twisted notion that married couples should allow outside sex – like so many ‘monogamish’ homosexual male couples do. Incredibly, Savage argues that this would lower the divorce rate.”
“Number Two: Savage is an unrepentant cyber-bully who has led a worldwide internet campaign to demonize and destroy Rick Santorum’s name — creating ‘Santorum[dot]com’ to ‘re-define’ it as the revolting by-product of anal sex. He should NOT be rewarded for this evil crusade, nor held up as a role-model for young people.
Oh man. I almost feel sorry for Porno Pete, having to stand by while Dan is literally paid to indoctrinate America's youth. But my glee soon overtakes all would-be sorry feelings.
(Confidential to fans of RuPaul's Drag Race: Isn't "Peter LaBarbara" the gayest name you've heard since Madame LaQueer?)
Thank you, Joe.My.God.