
Lesbians have sex? Wow. The more you know!
Awesome sweater vest!

I only count three hands in this picture, though...where's the other ha--ohhhh! Mmmmmmm.
Wasn't aware lesbians were capable of having sex. I just assumed they rammed their sexual organs against each other in rage that they can't possible enjoy sex together.
@3: Sounds like a winning submission to me.
What about bonus points for bear sex? I've been to 4 Humps and i have yet to see any.
That's a charming picture, but sprinkling some packing peanuts around would have made it even more so. Where's your art department?
it's free to enter? You mean you don't charge people to make embarrassing sex videos of themselves for the Stranger's profit? How incredibly generous.
@7 - the videos aren't "embarrassing." Have you ever been? I've seen every single entry for the last 7 years. Not shameful or regretful at all.

Also, most film festivals, smaller ones right up thru SXSW and Sundance charge a fee to enter.

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