"Ohio really did go to President Obama last night, he really did win. He really was born in Hawaii, and he really is, legitimately, president of the United States again. And The Bureau of Labor Statistics did not make up a fake unemployment rate last month. And the Congressional Research Service really can find no evidence that cutting taxes on rich people grows the economy. And the polls were not skewed to oversample Democrats. And Nate Silver was not making up fake projections about the election to make conservatives feel bad. Nate Silver was doing math.
And climate change is real. And rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes. And evolution is a thing! And Benghazi was an attack on us, it was not a scandal by us. And nobody is taking away anyone's guns. And taxes have not gone up. And the deficit is dropping, actually. And Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. And the moon landing was real. And FEMA is not building concentration camps. And UN election observers are not taking over Texas. And moderate reforms of the regulations on the insurance industry and the financial services industry in this country are not the same thing as communism."
Every progressive should just keep this on a laminated notecard to read in arguments with right-wingnuts.
I wish my republican friends would stop putting quotes from 200 years ago on the facebook page. Yeah your quote sounds good, it was also made when slavery was fucking legal.
If only we could turn out the voters in mid-term elections, Republicans would be nothing but a noise. Remember that people. Old, white bigots always vote. Every election. Always.
"And climate change is real. And rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes. And evolution is a thing! And Benghazi was an attack on us, it was not a scandal by us. And nobody is taking away anyone's guns. And taxes have not gone up. And the deficit is dropping, actually. And Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction..."
Yeah, the problem is that climate is being ignored by the administration, we're discussing abortion rights on the terms of right wing zealots, some people's guns DO need to be taken away, taxes need to go up, and we're still in dozens of countries waging both known and covert/proxy wars. Democrats need to wake up.
Considering Megyn Kelly is only there to provide sex appeal, falling over and giving Fox viewers a possible peek up her skirt would probably give her a real career boost.
This was excellent. I knew about most of the stuff she talked about, but not all of it. This and Obama's victory speech are definitely required viewing.
I agree with everything on here except the sheer blissful assurance that this is a permanent thing. We all want this to be this new amazing reality in the country, and hopefully it is. It seems to me, though, that a large part of this is that Americans are fickle. A very similar, more screed-like segment could just as easily have come from a conservative talk show host two years ago, amid the Tea Party's disastrous ascent. Rachel Maddow is smart enough to know the pendulum is always in motion.
"And Bengazi was an attack ON us, it was not a scandal BY us."
YOU MUST NOW MARRY ME, RACHEL MADDOW. I swear to god I will learn to like eating pussy.
Every fucking inch of this piece is BRILLIANT - school children should be forced to learn and recite it - but then Rachel so often is. It's a cryin' shame all of MSNBC can't be this great, this smart, this classy, this plum grown UP. Ed Schultz and Lawrence ODonnell et al just get on my fucking nerves. They are why people call MSNBC the Fox News of the left.
LOL I guess wars,signing a bill that authorizes indefinite detention of american citizens with no trial,more unconstitutional wars,more $$ for the military,bigger deficits,trillions of dollars of bailous for big banks,more deficits,net loss of jobs,TSA groping you at airports,Monsantos VP now running the FDA doesnt matter as long as a few gays get to marry and a few states legalized recreational pot(Totally unimportant as its still illegal on a federal level) America is a nation of retards.
LOL I guess wars,signing a bill that authorizes indefinite detention of american citizens with no trial,more unconstitutional wars,more $$ for the military/continuing of the fraud known as "The War on Terror",bigger deficits,a health care bill that is nothing more than forcing people to buy over priced insurance whether they can afford it or not,trillions of dollars of bailouts for big banks,more deficits,net loss of jobs,TSA groping you at airports,Monsantos VP now running the FDA---I guess NONE of that matters as long as a few gays get to marry and a few states legalized recreational pot and a few women won political office.LOL Yeah---Good job America!! Thank goodness the "Con Artist" won out over "The corporate shark" Wow,what a bunch of fat stupid naive retards you people are!!! You're going to get the medicine you deserve,the food you deserve and the government and economy you deserve you stupid sheople. Here's what you can expect:
1)More wars
2)More deficits/a weakening dollar
3)An ever worsening economy/less jobs
And of course,more lies &broken promises from your"cool guy" President,Barrack Obama.
Here's a newsflash for all you liberal morons:If by some long shot this guy tries to do ANYTHING good for the people,or go against the big monied interests that put him in office,trust me,he's going to have a verrrry short 2nd term.
Mark my words.
So Ted Nugent, er, I mean, Tony, buddy: that bit about the President's very short second term, and that we should mark you words, and also trust you on this ... are you threatening the man? Just askin'. Cuz you sure sound scary and powerful. And also, cuz threats on the President's life tend to garner you a home visit from Federal men in suits.
Btw, do me a favor - my memory isn't great - please point us in the direction of your many Slog posts made back when George W Bush was doing all of the exact same things you now find to righteously reprehensible. Starting not one, but two unfunded, unnecessary wars like he did, that helped bankrupt the country n all. Just put up the links when you get a moment - thanks!
And climate change is real. And rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes. And evolution is a thing! And Benghazi was an attack on us, it was not a scandal by us. And nobody is taking away anyone's guns. And taxes have not gone up. And the deficit is dropping, actually. And Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction. And the moon landing was real. And FEMA is not building concentration camps. And UN election observers are not taking over Texas. And moderate reforms of the regulations on the insurance industry and the financial services industry in this country are not the same thing as communism."
Every progressive should just keep this on a laminated notecard to read in arguments with right-wingnuts.
Yeah, the problem is that climate is being ignored by the administration, we're discussing abortion rights on the terms of right wing zealots, some people's guns DO need to be taken away, taxes need to go up, and we're still in dozens of countries waging both known and covert/proxy wars. Democrats need to wake up.
She is the best thing in politically oriented media, bar none.
YOU MUST NOW MARRY ME, RACHEL MADDOW. I swear to god I will learn to like eating pussy.
Every fucking inch of this piece is BRILLIANT - school children should be forced to learn and recite it - but then Rachel so often is. It's a cryin' shame all of MSNBC can't be this great, this smart, this classy, this plum grown UP. Ed Schultz and Lawrence ODonnell et al just get on my fucking nerves. They are why people call MSNBC the Fox News of the left.
That Chris Hayes feller, though? Super cute.
the world is such a wonderful place now...
now if we can just find somebody...ANYbody to pay for all this shit.
1)More wars
2)More deficits/a weakening dollar
3)An ever worsening economy/less jobs
And of course,more lies &broken promises from your"cool guy" President,Barrack Obama.
Here's a newsflash for all you liberal morons:If by some long shot this guy tries to do ANYTHING good for the people,or go against the big monied interests that put him in office,trust me,he's going to have a verrrry short 2nd term.
Mark my words.
So Ted Nugent, er, I mean, Tony, buddy: that bit about the President's very short second term, and that we should mark you words, and also trust you on this ... are you threatening the man? Just askin'. Cuz you sure sound scary and powerful. And also, cuz threats on the President's life tend to garner you a home visit from Federal men in suits.
Btw, do me a favor - my memory isn't great - please point us in the direction of your many Slog posts made back when George W Bush was doing all of the exact same things you now find to righteously reprehensible. Starting not one, but two unfunded, unnecessary wars like he did, that helped bankrupt the country n all. Just put up the links when you get a moment - thanks!