
I love Clark Gregg. I have since way, way before the Marvel stuff. Have you seen him on The West Wing? He steals it.

I hope he has a great career because he's atypical of a Hollywood star but can hold his own against the A-List, which, really, his job in the Marvel stuff. I must see this.
Ugghhh. Shakespeare on the screen is terrible, SIFF Opening night movies are terrible. Seriously, I've been burned on this twice now and I should try to learn from my mistakes. I could feel the "I'm so clever"-smirking through the screen.
Excited to see this. Not surprised that Whedon does Shakespeare well. Those two have a lot in common as writers.
"You sense that Branagh had more fun making the film than we could ever have watching it. Lucky him." -Anthony Lane

Not accusing you of aping Lane, but just observing that these adaptations seem to have a tendency.
You say the music was "simply terrible." For shame, Paul Constant! Trolling does not suit you. Will I be ordering the soundtrack? No. I will not. But the main song was not bad, and I Mo T's voice has the smokey lounge timbre just right.

Music at the after-party. Now THAT was terrible!!!
@5: Half-right, Rhysling. The soundtrack was pretty treacle-ey. Every time I noticed it, I didn't like it. And the after-party DJs have been fucking terrible for many years now. I appreciate that SIFF has a stable location, but the after-parties a decade ago were actually pretty awesome. I forgive you if you don't believe me, having only experienced the HS-prom style affairs in the basement of McCaw.
From SIFF media guide:

"Credentialed media for SIFF 2013 may review all Festival films on the condition that reviews for films with distribution agreements be held until the film opens commercially.

For the purposes of this year’s Festival, reviews are defined as articles, essays, website/blog posts or any other critically focused pieces longer than a mention or capsule review that reflects a tone of subjective judgment or opinion.

Capsule reviews, feature articles, and mentions are permissible for all films, regardless of distribution status.
Capsule reviews are defined as short blurbs, including opinion, of 75 words or less. Feature articles may include stories written about a film’s production, the filmmaker, or cast—including interviews— and are typically 200 words or longer. Mentions are defined as film title lists or
a brief description of a film, typically 25 words or less, as part of a larger article."

Since this film has distribution, isn't this review longer than the allotted 75 words? Is SIFF gonna getcha for it?

Man, this is one of those tickets it felt right to buy a few weeks ago, but here tonight I just couldn't bring myself to go to this thing.
I had a hard time hearing the dialogue. The after party was better.
I really liked the film -- after the blockbusters and big TV shows, this is an intimate entree into the Whedonverse. Hambone acting kind of goes hand-in-hand with adapting Shakespeare's comedies (because, well, they're not funny anymore, so the actors kinda' have to be); I've yet to see a modern day adaption that came anywhere close to deft without also being boring. The one thing Whedon's adaptation does best is make a Shakespeare comedy breezy. I may not buy it, but I'm jealous as hell that I wasn't the one to make it.
@1 - yes! He will always be Special Agent Casper first and foremost.
Shot in cheap black and white digital? Because color digital is so much more expensive?
Nathan Fillion and Tom Lenk were precious jewels (are, always, precious jewels), and I loved seeing Amy Acker break out of her "intense smart quiet nerdy pretty girl" box and be a sharp-tongued and strong woman.
If the cameras and projectors are both digital now, why is B + W cheaper? Do we pay a premium for colored electrons? This RGB monitor is breaking my bank!
What Jessica said.

The audience laughed at this much more than most comedies I've seen in theaters. Recommended.
Loved the movie! I thought everyone did a fabulous job, especially Ms. Acker. And the Q&A session was pretty adorable...even if they didn't really answer any of the questions.

After party, though...holy shit snacks that sucked. Way too small a venue for that many people, shitty VERY loud music, and "vendors" instead of actual hors d'ourves does not a fun party make.

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