
And anti-social character that fall in love with a computer OS - how is that not a creep?

As an aside, I am intrigued by this one.
I think it looks like good. I'll see it.
Whats-his-face seems buried enough in character, but I wish he'd chosen a less distractingly-celeb voice, but that might be more my issue than the film's.
fucking moustaches
That's a mustache straight out of the NAMBLA handbook. Oh and I too would fall in love with my computer if it was Scarlett Johansson.

So. Then what happens? The jealous computer lady tells Tom Selleck to kill Amy Adams?
I'm interested. Also, I think Where the Wild Things Are was one of the most underrated films of the last decade. To be fair, though, I'm susceptible to the particular charms of sun-soaked emo, if it's done well.
I wish it was called 'Her?'
Siri inspired movie = meh/barf
Reminds of that movie w justin timerlake and whatherface where the rich stay young forever and the poor get old and die- v much struck me that that was inspired by the observation that rich celebs get tons of plastic surgery to look young for a long long time and the non-rich don't-- I don't know-- something about seeing the obvious blah-inspiration behind a movie that doesn't inspire me personally..
@1: I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but comments like yours make me want to shout out loud, "The patriarchy hurts men, too!!!"

I mean, the reality of life is that we all have our own quirks, strengths, faults, and finding someone who works with those can be a challenge... particularly for the more introverted, or the more strongly quirky.

When a woman chooses to retreat from the search into romance novels, her vibe collection, etc., some might find it sad, but most progressive-types encourage her right to make self-protective & self-gratifying life choices. There are lots of different men, so not finding one that melds with you is OK.

When a man retreats into porn, fleshlights & falling in love with Siri, he's a creep. Why? I'd posit it's because "real men can pick up women." Since all of us with vaginas are basically prizes to be won, any man who chooses not to play is a loser & a creep, instead of someone who's not able to find the right individual woman for him.

Again, I doubt you meant it when you said it, but comments like yours are part of an underlying, deep misogynist stream in our society where men can be individuals but women are vaginas to be won.
@9 - While I'm sure some will "accuse" you--perhaps not entirely without reason--of over-thinking, I really enjoyed that analysis. It's very rare that a comment on the internet actually makes me think in a way or to a degree that leaves me feeling like I learned something. So kudos!
Wait - are we judging the trailer? or what we think the MOVIE will be like? Which is it?
I've watched Arrested Development too many times to not hear a question mark at the end of that title.

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