
Observed resistance to an antibiotic somewhere in the world does not mean that every bacteria has figured out the mechanism of resistance. However, because of the way bacteria are prone to exchange genes via plasmids and whatnot, it does raise concerns that other, non-resistant bacteria can "freeload" and develop resistance more easily in the future.
Okay, that episode was all right, but not nearly as intense and wired as the previous two.

Did you guys not see the same episode, and the fact that there is a hoard of 30,000 zombies roughly a few miles from the prison and soon to be headed roughly in the prison's direction? Bob fired off a bunch of shots, FROM THE CAR, which as we learned in Season 2 and a lot earlier in the comics means that 30,000 zombies are now ambling their way TOWARD THE PRISON. Combined with the voice on the radio, I think it's a pretty safe bet that the prison, which is already FUBAR, is about to be extra FUBAR. A typical TV show only runs for 7 years maximum and we're already past the TWD's halfway point then. Comics fans know what's coming next.

Tyrese: Gymnasium mode. Glorious fan service and one of the most bad-ass moments in the entire series of comics. In the books, Tyrese gets trapped in the prison gymnasium with around 100+ zombies, surrounded, and is presumed very, very dead. When they open the doors with reinforcements an hour later, he's surrounded by piles of entirely dead zombies, covered in gore. All he can is, "What took you so long?" Trivia: in the books, the character is a former NFL linebacker and is a massive brick shit house. He can practically punch a zombie dead.
Glen is one of the few of characters (on the show, not necessarily the comics) who's somewhat intelligent.
Why does Farmer McDrunky need to be inside the quarantine to administer hot tea in person? To teach an etiquette seminar perhaps?
TWD is struggling this season. Last season, it struggled for the first few episodes before it found a compelling story.

Just upping the number of zombies is not a compelling story. Inventing new ways to kill zombies has just become boring and predictable.

There's no story worth following here anymore.
@2 - Wow, that gym scene seems totally unrealistic. (yes, yes, I know)
@6 it was actually pretty awesomely bad ass in the books. We see a bunch of people pushed back by zombies and fleeing, and the last thing they see is Tyrese surrounded like he was when he got out of the car on the road, as he starts to fight them. They slam the door and bar it, gather everyone, arm up, go back in, and it's over. Actually seeing it was more over the top, in it's lunatic awesomeness. Any other character would have been dead in either version--Tyrese is physically just a monster compared to any ten zombies, plus in both cases (I forget why in the books) he was also roaring on a massive, extra-crazy adrenaline rush.
Antibiotics wouldn't work on a virus anyway. What is Hershel thinking??
Literal transcription as my wife and I were watching this morning:

"You know, if he has any hope of not getting sick, he should probably be wearing some--"
(Doctor guy practically barfs blood all over Farmer McDrunky's face)
"...glasses. *sigh* I really hate how fucking predictable this show is."
What @5 said. All of the now departed creative staff have complained about AMC's free hand with Kirkman and his difficulties wrapping his head around TV. Now that he's show-running we're seeing the result. A lazy, let's-kill-them-off story arc full of dull episodes leading to an inevitable whisper, not a bang.
YAY! Please start watching American Horror Story too so you can chitty chat about it. It's twice as scary, twice as predictable, and a hundred times more awkward about race this season. Kathy Bates is a immortal slave driver. Our heroine witch can't have sex with boys without their brains squirting out of their eyes and ears. It might be even better than Girls.

@9 I was thinking to myself "Wait...this guy's a doctor?". Do you know how many instructional videos those people have to watch every year about covering your mouth and hand washing? AHAHAHAHAHA!

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