Given the number of gay stars on HGTV, the number of gay hoowners featured in individual episodes, and the highly gay audience demographic, putting the Benhams on that network was doomed to failure.
omg... i thought it was gonna be the property brothers and i was gonna be soooo disappointed in them... PHEW! thank goodness it wasn't them cause they're my favorite...
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Dark Side.
Hence, Darth Seattleblues. Full of fear inspired hate. Now we just have to wait for the apprentice to do his or her job. It's the cycle of the dark side.
@3: I know, right?
@23: Oh how I love to see you squirm. Your grandchildren are going to be embarrassed by you. Your views are headed for the curb SB, and it can't happen soon enough.
"He is evil in his actions and in his desire to destroy others to justify himself. But if an adult can't see something that obvious I suppose they're more to be pitied than censured. "
True that Subhumanblues, you are indeed worthy of nothing but pity. It is obvious you are incapable of understanding the world around you and are very very frightened. Your ignorance, fear, an anger have reduced you to a subhuman quivering pile of shit.
Censor you, no. Better to expose your ilk to the bright sunshine. Eventually you'll dry up and blow away. Yours must be a lonely empty life. Pathetic.
Just as "Christians" say about Gay people: they shouldn't push their agenda out loud at people. If "Christians" kept to themselves, we would never have problems with them. But all this talking about the evils of gay people, shooting planned parenthood doctors, it just has to stop.
Seriously, HGTV. Do you not have Google? They were hardly hiding their views and beliefs, it could have taken an intern 9 seconds to look these guys up, realize that MAYBE it would be bad for your demographic and ad revenue, and say "Ya know what? Maybe not..."
Instead you have to wait for someone else to question your decision for you?
@28 Thank you for the quote marks. I seriously doubt the Biblical Jesus would want any part of those "Christians," other than to denounce them, at least according to my readings.
@22 If only we could make everyone in the country, or at least on the internet, read and understand that strip. (XKCD is repeatedly awesome.)
@Seattleblues: You're not the only straight person here, if you're actually straight, that is. Those of us who have normal straight lives live our normal straight lives without thinking about gay people fucking all the time. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Show must have had poor ratings (or, at least bad enough ratings the network didn't see fit to keep airing it). You can say whatever you want, but if you have good ratings, any network will just issue an apology, and then move on as if nothing happened. We saw it with Duck Dynasty.
@1 Is a "hoowner" the owner of a ho, or the excessively-contracted owner of a hoo-hah? I'm hoping the latter, 'cause the former is just unacceptable. Slaver-pimps should not be on TV.
Question: why does Seattleblues get his posts deleted at the drop of a hat, but Juche's unapologetic racism and anti-Semitism gets to continue clogging up threads?
Can we start a poll about how fast Andrew Sullivan will start clutching his pearls over how the GLBT community is "bullying" these anti-gay twits? (Probably a little less fast than he usually would, since he got hoist on his own petard with the Donald Sterling thing).
@38: I dunno. Delirian has reported him and I've reported him twice. Maybe the staff enjoys watching you give him a good cyber smacking? I know I certainly do.
I was so worried when I clicked that it was going to be the Property Brothers. I don't expect much anymore, but that would have been devastating to me. Can't blame Canada.
"Once upon a time white people used to be able to go on TV and say the most racist shit imaginable (argue against legal interracial marriage, argue in favor of segregation) and keep their jobs and be invited back on TV to say that shit a second time. Then one day you couldn't say that shit (not on TV, at least) and keep your job and be invited back to say that shit again."
Unfortunately, Dan, I must refer you to the BBC's Top Gear. You can say that shit again and again and again, and get away with it.
The market has decided that it does not want to buy this particular piece of crap TV.
You would think conservative, right-wing "free" market capitalists would be cheering. The market has decided it does not want to buy homophobia anymore; it's stock is worthless. The market has spoken.
So, why all the whining, moaning and raging, conservatives? Why all of a sudden do you hate consumer capitalism?
@32 the link says it was a "planned" reality show, so it sounds like it never aired.
Good for HG, although, as others have noted, with the number of gag hosts and its demos, this would have been disastrous. Still, it should be applauded. HG has a lot of objectionable content, but I think its quiet advocacy of gay couples has done a lot of good too.
When will these people learn the difference between "You are not allowed to say that" and "I am not going to spend my marketing dollars supporting you saying that, when it appears that said support is hurting my business." And let's be frank here, you personally may agree or disagree with them, but that all becomes irrelevant when the bottom line starts hurting.
It's not censorship. Homophobes have the freedom to create their own shows and even their own channels if they want to. Besides, if social conservatives don't like to be associated with gay people, then what the hell are they doing on cable TV in the first place? Watch out, homophobes, some of the gay may leak out of the Bravo network and taint the 700 Club....
Censorship (Websters):Act of changing or suppressing speech or writing that is considered subversive of the common good. In the past, most governments believed it their duty to regulate the morals of their people; only with the rise in the status of the individual and individual rights did censorship come to seem objectionable. Censorship may be preemptive (preventing the publication or broadcast of undesirable information) or punitive (punishing those who publish or broadcast offending material). In Europe, both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches practiced censorship, as did the absolute monarchies of the 17th and 18th centuries. Authoritarian governments such as those in China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and the former Soviet Union have employed pervasive censorship, which is generally opposed by underground movements engaged in the circulation of samizdat literature. In the U.S. in the 20th century, censorship focused largely on works of fiction deemed guilty of obscenity (e.g., James Joyce's Ulysses and D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover), though periodic acts of political censorship also occurred (e.g., the effort to purge school textbooks of possible left-wing content in the 1950s). In the late 20th century, some called for censorship of so-called hate speech, language deemed threatening (or sometimes merely offensive) to various subsections of the population. Censorship in the U.S. is usually opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union. In Germany after World War II it became a crime to deny the Holocaust or to publish pro-Nazi publications. See also Pentagon Papers.
Censorship (Websters):Act of changing or suppressing speech or writing that is considered subversive of the common good. In the past, most governments believed it their duty to regulate the morals of their people; only with the rise in the status of the individual and individual rights did censorship come to seem objectionable. Censorship may be preemptive (preventing the publication or broadcast of undesirable information) or punitive (punishing those who publish or broadcast offending material). In Europe, both the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches practiced censorship, as did the absolute monarchies of the 17th and 18th centuries. Authoritarian governments such as those in China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, and the former Soviet Union have employed pervasive censorship, which is generally opposed by underground movements engaged in the circulation of samizdat literature. In the U.S. in the 20th century, censorship focused largely on works of fiction deemed guilty of obscenity (e.g., James Joyce's Ulysses and D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover), though periodic acts of political censorship also occurred (e.g., the effort to purge school textbooks of possible left-wing content in the 1950s). In the late 20th century, some called for censorship of so-called hate speech, language deemed threatening (or sometimes merely offensive) to various subsections of the population. Censorship in the U.S. is usually opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union. In Germany after World War II it became a crime to deny the Holocaust or to publish pro-Nazi publications. See also Pentagon Papers.
I sort of regret that Seattleblues's rants, offensive as they may have been, aren't available for perusal. He's a rare character--just literate enough to seem worth the time to deconstruct, given frequently enough to offering logical fallacy and truism as empirical fact to make him vulnerable to fact-checking, filled with enough self-regard to offer satisfaction in taking him down a few notches, and vile enough to make opposing him a moral necessity.
TL;DR: I hate it when I miss what looks like it would have been a truly delightful opportunity to make him look utterly stupid.
"Censorship may be preemptive (preventing the publication or broadcast of undesirable information) or punitive (punishing those who publish or broadcast offending material)."
Unless you know that the TV show would have featured the brothers proselytizing, your claim that HGTV is indulging in censorship is worthless.
And if you really want to get into discussing censorship, put some cursing on TV in the US and count how many 'religious' 'family values' types complain and call for somebody to be fired.
I agree with Mr Savage that the General public has made it fashionable to be Intolerant! That if you disagree with those in charge of politics, media or the loudest demographics of population - You are labeled as a HATER. Everything you have worked for will now be at jeopardy!
It used to be that we, as a nation would say -
" I do not agree with what you say; but, I'll defend your right to say it!"
As a US veteran - I can tell you this is DEAD! We are no longer a country of Free Speech, rather a nation tipping on the verge of THOUGHT POLICE.
We'd rather persecute those with alternative ideas, thoughts and words! Rather then debate their thinking, good or bad, we now prefer to destroy them for their ways of thinking.
The brothers have every right to vocalize their beliefs. They have every right to act upon those beliefs. They have every right to support groups and organizations that identify with their beliefs. As of today, I am unaware of any law that makes it illegal to support Traditional Marriage.
This is neither a Christian issue, nor a homophobic issue!
This is an issue that a Citizen of the United States should be free to peacefully think, peacefully voice and peacefully act upon his believes.
@58 - Yes, they have all of those rights. And no one has taken those rights away.
I do defend their rights to do all of those things.
I also defend HGTVs right to not be associated with them because of it.
Not being given a TV show is NOT censorship. If that is considered censorship then I am being censored, and pretty much all of us are because we don't all have TV shows.
Everyone has a right to say what they want free of government reprisals. But no where, not now or ever, has freedom of speech included freedom from any repercussions from what you say.
No one can stop you from standing on the street corner and spouting out what ever you want. But that doesn't mean anyone has to stand there and listen, much less provide you with the box to stand on.
He can act on his beliefs and no one is preventing him from doing so. HGTV gets to act on their beliefs too. Welcome to the real world. That's how it works. Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. Your right to free speech does not extend to the point that it takes away someone else's right to free speech, and association is a form of speech.
How do people feel about Super Mario Brothers?
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the Dark Side.
Hence, Darth Seattleblues. Full of fear inspired hate. Now we just have to wait for the apprentice to do his or her job. It's the cycle of the dark side.
@23: Oh how I love to see you squirm. Your grandchildren are going to be embarrassed by you. Your views are headed for the curb SB, and it can't happen soon enough.
True that Subhumanblues, you are indeed worthy of nothing but pity. It is obvious you are incapable of understanding the world around you and are very very frightened. Your ignorance, fear, an anger have reduced you to a subhuman quivering pile of shit.
Censor you, no. Better to expose your ilk to the bright sunshine. Eventually you'll dry up and blow away. Yours must be a lonely empty life. Pathetic.
Instead you have to wait for someone else to question your decision for you?
@22 If only we could make everyone in the country, or at least on the internet, read and understand that strip. (XKCD is repeatedly awesome.)
@Seattleblues: You're not the only straight person here, if you're actually straight, that is. Those of us who have normal straight lives live our normal straight lives without thinking about gay people fucking all the time. What the fuck is wrong with you?
#6 and I just might have to have a little word with you...
Best typo of the day!
Unfortunately, Dan, I must refer you to the BBC's Top Gear. You can say that shit again and again and again, and get away with it.
You would think conservative, right-wing "free" market capitalists would be cheering. The market has decided it does not want to buy homophobia anymore; it's stock is worthless. The market has spoken.
So, why all the whining, moaning and raging, conservatives? Why all of a sudden do you hate consumer capitalism?
Good for HG, although, as others have noted, with the number of gag hosts and its demos, this would have been disastrous. Still, it should be applauded. HG has a lot of objectionable content, but I think its quiet advocacy of gay couples has done a lot of good too.
"Seig Heil" to the new fascists.
"Seig Heil" to the new fascists.
TL;DR: I hate it when I miss what looks like it would have been a truly delightful opportunity to make him look utterly stupid.
Unless you know that the TV show would have featured the brothers proselytizing, your claim that HGTV is indulging in censorship is worthless.
And if you really want to get into discussing censorship, put some cursing on TV in the US and count how many 'religious' 'family values' types complain and call for somebody to be fired.
It used to be that we, as a nation would say -
" I do not agree with what you say; but, I'll defend your right to say it!"
As a US veteran - I can tell you this is DEAD! We are no longer a country of Free Speech, rather a nation tipping on the verge of THOUGHT POLICE.
We'd rather persecute those with alternative ideas, thoughts and words! Rather then debate their thinking, good or bad, we now prefer to destroy them for their ways of thinking.
The brothers have every right to vocalize their beliefs. They have every right to act upon those beliefs. They have every right to support groups and organizations that identify with their beliefs. As of today, I am unaware of any law that makes it illegal to support Traditional Marriage.
This is neither a Christian issue, nor a homophobic issue!
This is an issue that a Citizen of the United States should be free to peacefully think, peacefully voice and peacefully act upon his believes.
I do defend their rights to do all of those things.
I also defend HGTVs right to not be associated with them because of it.
Not being given a TV show is NOT censorship. If that is considered censorship then I am being censored, and pretty much all of us are because we don't all have TV shows.
Everyone has a right to say what they want free of government reprisals. But no where, not now or ever, has freedom of speech included freedom from any repercussions from what you say.
No one can stop you from standing on the street corner and spouting out what ever you want. But that doesn't mean anyone has to stand there and listen, much less provide you with the box to stand on.
He can act on his beliefs and no one is preventing him from doing so. HGTV gets to act on their beliefs too. Welcome to the real world. That's how it works. Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose. Your right to free speech does not extend to the point that it takes away someone else's right to free speech, and association is a form of speech.