
June 15th, bud.…

My manager and friend loved that place...went there a few times with him. The great thing was it didn't have a single "scene" just a pastiche of people coming in an enjoying pitchers of PBR (before that was something to be talked about).

Things that are lost to Seattle -- being able to get a parking space right in the back of there. Kiss that good bye with all your density.

thanks for the nice words, and sorry for the correction but tonights show is only at the uptown for siff at 9pm.
the showing on june 15th will be at the columbia city theater -…
Jeebus. Fixed. Sorry about the error.
Kiss all that good bye with your destiny.
This documentary is so good. I highly recommend it. I didn't attend as many shows as some people I know, but I did love that place. Brian let me book a couple shows there such as one specifically for my birthday one year where the headliner was a touring band that were friends of mine, AND he let me book a drag show, of mainly drag kings, on a Sunday. Brian always took a chance on everything. The Funhouse is missed but will never be forgotten!!!
I only went to the Funhouse during it's last couple years, but I loved the place. Really excited to see this!
I'm your density. I mean, your *destiny.*
as of 1:20 am 5/22 it is indeed not fixed. sorry to be a dick; it's just unless I read the comments I really would not have understood this and I also happen to be sober this evening. <3

"A Documentary About Beloved Punk Live Music Venue The Funhouse Is Set To Play the Seattle International Film Festival 5/20 & 5/27, @ SIFF Uptown. Both Showings at 9 PM; Live Bands at Columbia City Theater Premiere Include The Hands, Hounds of the Wild Hunt, and The Fabulous Downey Brothers.
RAZING THE BAR will be playing a full week at The Grand Illusion in Seattle, WA Friday, July 11 through July 17, 2014 with bands, special guests, and surprises each night!"

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