Film/TV Nov 20, 2014 at 10:02 am


Damn, truly one of the greats, one of the few members of the profession to prove himself truly adept in all media and in most capacities. He will be missed. Condolences to family, friends and colleagues.
He was ok, but I can't stand nepotism. The spelling of his name never fooled me. No one ever mentions that he was Mayor Greg Nickles grandson.
I loved the film adaptation of Primary Colors so much. It's way better than the book; it's a seriously underrated political film.
@2 Mike Nichols was 83. Greg Nickels is 59. Your "jokes" lack both humor and logic.
"Thank you for your honesty. Now fuck off and die, you fucked up slag."

doh! i thought it said Nichols was 183 years old. Thanks for the heads up.
@3 Agreed. Charlie Wilson's War (2007) proves he remained politically engaged his entire life (I particularly enjoyed Tom Hanks' and Philip Seymour Hoffman's performances in that film).
Agree. He was a great talent. I enjoyed his films by & large. And his comedy with then partner, Elaine May remains innovative and funny. I first heard him on old comedy records.

Mike Nichols RIP.
Not much to say since you already said it. RIP

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