A play about a black man becomes a movie about a black woman.


What are you talking about? Tony Scott actually kicked off the Denzel Washington shoots everyone portion of his career. Tony Scott was a hack stylist like Fuqua at his worst. Seriously, did Tony Scott ever do anything that approached his brother's work? Man on Fire certainly wasn't it.
Abyss is relative, of course: "It is good to see a great actor take a break from his fall into the abyss of crap..." ,,,,Best known as a Leading Actor in 41 films, with $3,779,820,469 worldwide aggregate box office, Washington's net worth is 200 million",,,some abyss...
@1 The Hunger, 1983
#3: god damn it, you're right.
It's kind of a dumb comment but I also deeply love Man on Fire. I saw that movie years ago and I still some day plan on visiting Mexico City because of it.
@5, best comment in the film section.

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