

Where's Slog's SOLO review?


Both him and Firefist.


@1 - SOLO doesn't come out for another week dickwad.


SOLO is almost guaranteed to suck because they cast some uncharismatic schlub as the lead and cast a superior in every way actor as a support character.

Donald Glover would clearly have made a better Solo, and they should have just pulled the trigger and done that. All through the movie you are going to be bored with Han Solo himself and want Lando to come back and do stuff.


@4 There's rumors abound that Glover may be getting his own Lando spinoff movie.


I'm primarily invested in Solo because of Glover. I would loooove to see a Lando movie, and that's based on nothing more than his appearances in the trailers.


They really need to just start on the story of Darth Revan, so much cooler than some lame Han Solo prequel.

The Mandalorian Wars too. I want to see badass Mandalorians descending from the heavens on war Basilisks, while all those dumb Onderonian beast riders piss their pants.


First. No one cares about Lando. He is isn't getting his own movie. mark My words dipshits. The Marvel shit is going to crash right about now. See, grownups don't care about your stupid comic books.


You are grown ass men and women jizzing yourselves over getting to see your favorite cartoons made into movies. Be better than that. Grow the fuck up., please.


Art is art inquiastador. :) I'm sure you're not a fan of Jackson Pollack and I doubt you've been to the van Gogh museum in Amsterdam - not that you haven't been to Amsterdam as many Americ'ns have been.

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