
Who is Leroy "Pappy" Walker? The only results from a google search cite this single review. I'm just guessing, but it seems the Stranger has done a bash review anonymously. Why? If you didn't like the film, why not say so, instead of printing this shitty little piece of "journalistic" garbage? And what the hell was with that contemptuous and dismissive fake argot? Apparently it's OK for the great Stranger to make fun of a large segment of society, just because they are (or were) a bit less sophisticated - in your narrow view. Sounds like bias to me, but then those pitiful shit-kickers who you just pissed all over are actually my people.
Jack Hall
Summit Ave. East.
Sometimes a critic gets bored, Jack, and just wants to goof around a little. And, for what it's worth, those shit-kickers are my people, too. (Big ups to the Dismal Swamp!) Don't take it hard.

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