Film/TV Dec 16, 2010 at 4:00 am

And Other Pearls of Blissed-Out Wisdom from Jeff Bridges's Digitally De-aged Lips

3-D razzle-dazzle and eyeball-taxing pixel porn.


god quit babbling. This review is full of fail.
I've never seen such masturbatory writing in a movie review before. If you want to watch foreign films all day while you roll your own cigarettes that's fine. Just don't spill your Trader Joe's wine on other people's media. Your references and mediocre radio station gab belong on an episode of Gilmore Girls, not in print.
ass sphincter says what?
I don't know what's more amusing, the revisionist idea that the original Tron was so much as noticed in its day (why else wouldn't Disney re-release it on DVD to promote its insanely improbably, 30 year late sequel?) or the revisionist negative look back at Avatar from the site that was thoroughly lathering Cameron's asshole for months surrounding its release.
Actually , Worf's begrudging particpation was not on the holo-deck. Q created a separate universe in an attempt to pay Piccard back and show that he did have feeling for Vash. Nerd nerd nerd.
It's every man for himself! Nerd against nerd!
well thats just fantastic.

jason purely writes lineout crap....then he randomly is tasked with reviewing one of the most anticipated nerd movies of the year...WHY?

not even reading it. Wheres Lindy when you need her?
@7 Guess you missed my SLOG crap about Tron: Legacy, including my review of the 20 minute "Tron Day" preview footage.
thoroughly lathering Cameron's asshole

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OK..WTF..Tron was an awesome movie back in the day. And an even better video game! I am looking foward to the all must be too young to appreciate the true value of the movie.
wtf...bring on Lindy W!
I think I'll just watch that Strokes video a few more times.…
@5 You deserve your own avatar in Ironforge for that.
It's weird that you mention shots of the programs folding their laundry, cause that was at least a suggested off-screen activity! When Gem and Sam are going up to the club to meet with Zues she's wearing a clear rain jacket and emerges from the elevator with it folder into a perfect square! I remember it because I was thinking that cyber rain jackets either fold themselves or she actually meticulously did it in the elevator (just like "excuse me while I fold my garment into perfect geometric form.")! I can't be the only one who found that odd and wants this serious lore question answered STAT!
Nice work, Jason. Excellent review!
was the writer even alive when the old tron came out? i haven't seen the movie yet but dam troll on baby. jealous much? your screenplay about a socialist utopia get round filed everywhere you polluted the universe with it ? to quote "why so serious ? "
"It's more about Mouse House showmanship than depth of character, nuance of narrative, or philosophical concerns related to the "digital frontier."

You mean a movie ABOUT A VIDEO GAME DORK AND HIS VIDEO GAMES doesn't sufficiently address the philosophical concerns related to the digital frontier?!?!

Totally fucking shocked, dude. Thanks... looks like I'll be attending that lecture on existentialism INSTEAD of seeing Tron.
Perhaps you should just say you don't like action flicks and save yourself and everyone else some time. It's like you hate every facet if this movie for the sake of being jaded. Many of your complaints about this movie happen to be common themes in almost all action flicks. The movie isn't meant to be a f**king theatrical piece if thats what your professor told you you should be looking for. I'm an electrical engineer and even I can enjoy the silly premise of this movie. I sure hope you are an intern because your writing isn't worth the paper or electricity it takes to publish it.
are you sure that it's leather fetish gear? The still looks more like shiny latex....
I kind of agree with #19. Having just watched the film a second time, I don't get the comments about "dourness" nor "needlessly complex exposition". They generally end most of the middle scenes with some joke: what ... anti-dourness would be expected? And as far as the needlessly complex exposition: what would you cut out?

I thought it was a good movie. *shrug*
I saw the movie last night. I thought it was amazing. As per complaints about the story and pace - it was a PG film by Disney. Anyone looking for real depth from them anymore has obviously never heard of HS Musical or Hannah Fucking Montana.
@#2 I really enjoyed it. But then, I really enjoy Gilmore Girls.
I had the pleasure of seeing Tron this Saturday, and maybe it's because I hadn't smoked weed in a few years, but it was the most rapturous movie experience sence Star Wars. I saw the original Tron when I was 12 and it had a profound affect on my dream imagery. I was a treat to go back to 'the Grid'.
Tron was never cool. neeeeeeeeeeeerds!
Tron has always been one of my absolute favorite movies mostly because I notice something new every time I watch it--it wasn't until I was much older that I noticed the blatant analogy to faith and Flynn's Hero Quest to save his own unbelieving creation.

I first saw Tron Legacy at midnight and walked away with many of the negative feelings expressed in this review, but remembering how my opinion of Tron has grown over time I withheld final judgement. After seeing it a second time and catching a few of the subtlety's (like the fact that Sam's apartment had a Garage door with the name "DUMONT"), I am glad I did. There are some things about Legacy that still bug me (the young Ed Dillinger's appearance on the Grid as a wannabe Merovingian from the Matrix, and Tron's unexplained defection to and from Clu's army), but overall I'm already beginning to love this film.

But to be fair, I'll take ANY excuse to return to the "World of Tron"--even IF the Daft Punk soundtrack plays a bigger role than the title character.
@27 The Devils Thadvocate.

-The Dumont case was a great touch. I was equally impressed at how well the recreated Flynn's apartment (complete with the little handheld game) so many lovely touches and homages to the original. This film was clearly a love letter imo.

-I totally missed Dillinger on the Grid. More sequel fodder to me then than just his small cameo in the board room.

-Tron didn't really defect. CLU infected him with his own programing (remember, CLU cant create only repurpose) but then once Tron/Rinzler fought Sam ("A user?") he began to have his doubts. At the end he was able to rembrace his original programming ("I fight for the users!") and be redeemed. Also catch his color change back to blue as he fell into the sea (a little baptism perhaps?)

So my first question is: Why aren't you reviewing Black Swan? Given your discussion of Tron, that movie seems way more your speed.

Second question: Did you even see the first Tron?

If you had seen the first movie you would have noticed that it's a pretty terrible movie when it comes to artistic quality, writing quality, and overall is a pretty terrible film if you're going to judge it as such. The point is, with both of these movies, that they are fun. That is all they are.

Those two things being said, I still can't figure out what you're saying in your review. You spend half the time bitching and as a previous commenter so eloquently put "thoroughly lathering Cameron's asshole" (thanks LordHumongous) because HOLY SHIT where were you while you were watching Avatar? That movie was a worse CGI masturbatory festival than TRON. The first TRON was about computers and new technology in film. I don't understand how anyone can expect an amazing film discussing the human condition through CGI and computer metaphors, especially if it's coming from Disney, the talking animal factory and the company that makes movies out of theme park rides. Back on track, your review can't decide what to say, argue, or even stand by. You say the movie is iffy at best. I say your review is iffy at best. So what if that acting wasn't amazing? Who cares about the "post–Dark Knight dourness" as you put it. Did you really expect them to go with spandex and black light paint again? Tell me how Black Swan is and I might listen to you.

That being said, I absolutely love explaining it as "Cyberspace Four Loko". Which seems like a backhanded compliment, I just feel like your tastes and expectations for a Disney movie about computers went way beyond what anyone should expect. I have seen this reaction with way too many people. It's a PG Disney film, which will more than anything, sell toys. That being considered the movie was way more than I had expected having gone in with the first TRON film in mind.
So Ive read this review a few times and finally had time to see this film. But man Jason..... you have to man up and say you screwed up this one. You could have written a better review to discuss how much you disliked it. Your comments are downright superflous and you attempt to make yourself edgy. You're trying to hard. Are you trying to write for Pitchfork???

Your comment about the test title is plain silly. And a sequel was thought about years prior with writing starting as 2005.

Then you even point out how "silly" the original was. So going into the 28 year old sequel. You shouldnt expect much.

The movie wasnt soley based on a video game but the marriage of the first encounter of Pong and the computer. And it was originally intended to be animated.

Moreover, Moebius didn't design all of Tron. You are forgetting Syd Mead of Aliens and Blade Runner. So your discussion is somewhat weakened when you mention the surrealism "grooviness" of Moebius. Mead designed the vechiles while Phillip lloyd designed the environments. You could even argue the costume design and the visual effects may best align with the original 70s disco vision.

Then you mention Page's designs which are completely different in function with CGI designs for avatar yet this is practical real designs. hmmmmm. Then the vechiles were designed by a former Volkswagen designer. Sigh.

But yes like SorcererSupreme you are looking way too deep for a bigger meaning. One example: You say you are astonished at something unintentional. Hence looking for a deeper meaning. Flynn asks what happened to Tron when its pretty obvious. Its a PG Disney movie. Why are looking for Inception in this film or Black Swan.

then you generalize about the city.....where everyones partying at a raging techno party of like 30???

Come on!!! You say the plot lacks depth but you say it's convoluted. Wait...... how stoned were you for this film?

Another review by a condescending, artistic sounding douchebag. Relax and write like an average person. I'd get a better review from a random stranger at Wal-Mart.

I saw Tron on Christmas Day, with a friend who had adored the original, and by about an hour later, virtually had forgotten I had seen it. Not that it was bad, and I love action movies, Jeff Bridges and especially Olivia Wilde (in general, and pretty much always), but it was just kind of boring to me. Not well-written, flatly unemotional. I tried to care but just couldn't quite do it. I wish I had talked my friend into seeing True Grit instead.

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