Food & Drink Jul 9, 2009 at 4:00 am

Martins Off Madison



Nice place, good menu, staff is either too attentive or not at all.

And they seem to be drinking on the job ... that was annoying.

Brunch on weekends is great.
Honestly, I looked at the picture and frankly don't think it is a very happy crowd. I mean I wouldn't want pictures of people smiling like they just had a lobotomy but something a little more friendly.
i agree that the picture with this blurb is not very good for promotional purposes. also, "depending on the time and day"? isn't the point to have specifics? this is a great place, come on, do them right.
Fan of Martins: The time slots for the happy-hour food specials are listed above (see: Happy hours). Martins happy hour is unusually detailed, and I do have a word limit—so in lieu of listing the specific time slots for discounted sandwiches and the specific time slots for discounted appetizers, I grouped them together into an all-encompassing “Food-special” category.

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