Food & Drink Jul 16, 2009 at 4:00 am

Inside Ballard's Sweet New Bodega

Jake Nelson


wow, you are a terrible writer.
Can't be a bodega unless it's run by a Puerto Rican. Can't be a Coney Island dog with some bullshit sauce from Michigan.
only some fuck-up writing for the stranger would think customer requests are a "brilliantly obvious" way to stock a store.

what's next, accepting cash is a "brilliantly obvious" way to collect payment?

feeble minds are so easily impressed.
consider the failed career of the dude who wrote this review:

He's also the world's foremost authority on the brilliant horribleness of Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls, performing annotated Showgirls screenings at film festivals across the U.S. and providing the commentary track to MGM's special editon Showgirls DVD in 2004.

WOW. How the mighty have fallen. The world's foremost authority on a failed movie from 2004 resorts to earning a sad little living by reviewing snack shops that sell soda and beef jerky.
David has his own personal hater. That's adorable.

@5, oh please. The self-proclaimed "world's foremost authority on Showgirls" stuck reviewing teeny tiny snack shop is damn funny.

I guess David's career didn't quite work out. Better luck next life. Hey anyone know where I can find Cool Ranch Dorritos in Ballard?

Who's my Delaware Valleyan brother or sister??
All I know is it's fucking hot and melty in there.
So, The bodega, a staple of economically depressed area

a place where drugs are usualy sold under the counter. A place where hommies hang out to enjoy another unemployed day.

Leave it up to seattle to make this a new hip way to shop.....
Thank you @2. It's not a fucking Bodega if it's in Seattle. And it should sell fruit and/or flowers out front.
The bodega is a form of the micro economy and example of multipling wealth in the community by supporting local business. Its very basic algebra , known as a multiplier factor. I.E. the more money which you spend on local business, which support local business, the more wealth which you contain within the community. I suppose this is to much for your transplant hipster brains to handle though.
The lower queen anne bodega is called the Manhattan Express, and supplied me with emergency needs including beer, condoms, vitamin water, and the occasional powerbar for many years.

It is owned by an Asian family who take turns managing the business and working the counter. They are incredibly hospitable and remember me even years after I left the neighborhood.

Support these places! And quit bickering, you people who comment on stranger articles to talk shit are definitely more lame than whoever wrote this article.
Call it what you want. But as Dante proved with his hot dog carts, there are a lot of hungry people on Ballard Ave after midnight. So he's put something together to give them what they want. That doesn't seem bad to me.

The beautiful young people (probably not Ballardites but who am I to judge) frolic and hook up, feasting on marshmallows and Spam doused in Thai hot sauce. I am stuck in my paradigm of crackers and cheese watching reruns of Law and Order. Although I live in Ballard scampering to the bodacious new bodega in my pajamas is not practical or appealing. If only the proprietors of Olsen's had tried appealing to the young drinkers maybe they would still be there.
i bet these haters are hungry when stumbling drunk down ballard ave late at night. but dante should tell them, "eat a dick, but not from my store."
Egad. Slog trolls will shit on anything and everything, won't they? Once again, I'm asking myself why I even bother reading these comments.
Egad. Slog trolls will shit on anything and everything, won't they? Once again, I'm asking myself why I even bother reading these comments.
Man, they better get Tastykake butterscotch krimpets! YUM!
#11: Thank you.
Snacks! is HOT!

This we know! We recognize that it is super hot inside Ballard's new bodega, that's why we'd like to offer you a **COOL TREAT** while you shop at Snacks!

We have tasty Otter Pops and Soft Serve cones to offer you (yes, FREE!) while we work to get the store cooled down. We appreciate everyone's patience with the heat in our store. Please know that we're doing everything we're able to cool it down in there to make shopping at Snacks! more comfortable.
The people who criticized the writer of this article need to shhhhhut it, as Michael Scott would say. It was well-written, a smooth read. (Unlike some of the other wordy, over-analyzed crap on this site.)

Great article in my point of view.
Props to dante for coming up from a hot dog cart and now to a store front. As long as you keep the dogs going and the snacks flowing you will be successful at that location. Not too many places to get a quick bite to eat around there late at night. Now all you need are late night Philly Steak Sandwhiches and you are golden.. Along with a tastycake for dessert of course.

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