You better be careful making jokes like that, Goldy, considering the Jewish history w/ the blood-libel and all. Some backwards-ass Oklahoma state senatory might get the wrong idea.
My family has provided human fetuses to restaurants throughout the Midwest, including Oklahoma, for YEARS! This bill IS AN OUTRAGE! We have a right to support ourselves by supplying a demand. Without us, those fetuses will only go to waste or be re-purposed for the trampoline industry. Oklahoma, you have ENOUGH TRAMPOLINES!
@8 - The bill makes no mention of aborted cat or dog fetuses. Certainly the good citizens of Oklahoma can make do with this - albeit subpar - replacement for good 'ole American aborted fetus meat.
I would also like to mention, the bill bans both food and products made of aborted human fetuses. I dare say that the good people of Oklahoma may soon find themselves woefully untrampolined. Perish the thought....
Actually, I think I figured this bill out. In banning any and all products, food or otherwise, it is essentially banning the importation to Oklahoma of any products made from embryonic stem cells, since one cannot determine which cells are or are not derived from aborted fetuses. If a legislator wanted to repeal this legislation, the right wing could then claim that Democrats want to allow aborted fetuses in food.
Laraine: It's nutritious, it's 100 percent natural, and now that you're going to have a family, you've got to watch your food budget more than ever.
Classic SNL skit - Placenta Helper
" One short script that the NBC censors cut was a fake ad for Placenta Helper, written by Al Franken and Tom Davis."
I found this using the googles, but the book's around here somewhere.
@11 - I work in a blood bank in the cord blood/stem cell department. We are required to follow "manufacturing guidelines" and legally a transplant unit is considered a product, so actually this could potentially prevent some stem cell products from reaching their recipients.
@5, I would NEVER believe that any duly elected representative in the US Government or those of its States is a functional illiterate without even a child's fluency in modern communications media.
I'm picturing some slightly-below-average-IQ, sheltered, car-salesman good ol' boy being helped onto the internet by an intern, poking around at it boredly for a while, and then staying up for 36 hours straight reading every word in David Icke's forums while occasionally calling out, "HAY, JIMMY! You b'lieve this? Says the guv'mint's been lettin' them lizard-folks perform all kindsa hex-peer-mints ta stayr-lahz anybody's got them a too hah IQ on account 'a they ain't want us figgerin' out their teck-noll-gees, an' they put them 'borted fetusers IN AWR FOOD! This's gotta stop!"
HEK293 are an immortal cell line derived from embryonic kidneys, from aborted fetal tissue. It should be noted that this particular line was isolated about 40 years ago from a single abortion and has been growing in lab incubators ever since. One time isolation of a cell line here, not some underground industry driving a demand for aborted fetal tissue.
They are primarily used in medical and biological research. Pretty neat that something that could've been mere medical waste is now an immortal, valuable research tool. I'm sure the religious right would rather have flavor enhancers injected directly into guinea pig eyeballs though, that would be less of a moral conundrum.
how about if your religion demands you eat human fetus? What then? And the market demands it?
Will they go against the free market, and stop religions from practicing their holy and God-praising faith?
The religious right might just implode if they have to consider such things.
@ 23, that's probably close to the truth of the matter. And I have to admit a brain fart - state houses have been home to some of the droolingest morons known to humanity, so this guy is carrying on a proud tradition.
I love living in oklahoma sometimes! Our legislature is very busy preventing sharia law and trying to overturn DADT on a local level, ending taxes and cutting services for the poor all the while traumatizing women who are receiving medical care.. Ugh. We are an interesting experiment in hyperconservatism. Strange our state has socialist roots.
I wonder if this guy has realized that if this bill passes it will effectively outlaw many vaccines? They are made by growing the pathogen needed for the vaccine in cell cultures made from aborted fetuses (though said fetuses were all aborted in the 1970s or earlier).
If a google search is the sum total research you're giving to an issue, in ANY capacity (let alone one as important as a legislator), you're a fraud.
Also, it looks like someone took A Modest Proposal a little too seriously
I would also like to mention, the bill bans both food and products made of aborted human fetuses. I dare say that the good people of Oklahoma may soon find themselves woefully untrampolined. Perish the thought....
Classic SNL skit - Placenta Helper
" One short script that the NBC censors cut was a fake ad for Placenta Helper, written by Al Franken and Tom Davis."
I found this using the googles, but the book's around here somewhere.
But yeah, this is all about stem cells.
I'm picturing some slightly-below-average-IQ, sheltered, car-salesman good ol' boy being helped onto the internet by an intern, poking around at it boredly for a while, and then staying up for 36 hours straight reading every word in David Icke's forums while occasionally calling out, "HAY, JIMMY! You b'lieve this? Says the guv'mint's been lettin' them lizard-folks perform all kindsa hex-peer-mints ta stayr-lahz anybody's got them a too hah IQ on account 'a they ain't want us figgerin' out their teck-noll-gees, an' they put them 'borted fetusers IN AWR FOOD! This's gotta stop!"
HEK293 are an immortal cell line derived from embryonic kidneys, from aborted fetal tissue. It should be noted that this particular line was isolated about 40 years ago from a single abortion and has been growing in lab incubators ever since. One time isolation of a cell line here, not some underground industry driving a demand for aborted fetal tissue.
They are primarily used in medical and biological research. Pretty neat that something that could've been mere medical waste is now an immortal, valuable research tool. I'm sure the religious right would rather have flavor enhancers injected directly into guinea pig eyeballs though, that would be less of a moral conundrum.
Will they go against the free market, and stop religions from practicing their holy and God-praising faith?
The religious right might just implode if they have to consider such things.
Or perhaps he misunderstood this product?…