Id picked my plants clean of blossoms before I left, but still returned home from a 10-day sojourn to find several Fukushima-sized zucchinis in my garden. (Bananas provided for scale.)
  • Goldy | The Stranger
  • I'd picked my plants clean of blossoms before I left, but still returned home from a 10-day sojourn to find several Fukushima-sized zucchinis in my garden. (Normal-sized bananas provided for scale.)

I'm trying to palm off several giant zucchinis on my coworkers, but so far no takers, and I'm wondering if the collected wisdom of Slog readers might help me make the offering more attractive? It's not an unusual problem to have. So... other than discarding the seeds and maybe peeling the skin if it's too tough, what are your suggestions for making giant zucchinis a delicious treat?