Food & Drink Feb 26, 2014 at 4:00 am

Linda Derschang's Latest Is Different

Kelly O


The building isn't condos, it's apartments. I'm glad about that, though the rent is set at that "techies only'" level.
So I guess paid sick leave, which she was against, didn't put her out of business after all.
If you like the cat painting they have the same one at the Fremont Vintage Mall!
I live in the building and it's not techies only. I am a copywriter, my neighbor manages a restaurant, and I recently met a new neighbor who happens to be an architect. I love Tallulah's by the way.
"Tallulah's—named after Derschang's daughter—opened in December in a condo building that instantly created a Capitol Hill micro-neighborhood near the Kingfish and Monsoon. Also new there: Cone & Steiner, which is a grocery for the "conscientious urban foodie," and Hello Robin, which is a nearly violently cute cookie-bakery. I grew up a few blocks from there, and I'd be lying if I said my feelings weren't mixed".

Violently cute cookie-bakery? Is that a slam on Hello Robin? And mixed feelings about the building? Jesus Christ....did you see the piece of shit that was there? Hilarious.
@5, I meant it as shorthand to describe the income levels needed to find those rents doable; of course other professions can generate such incomes. I'm glad you like living there.

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