The signature dish: chicken and waffles. Kelly O


A white-guy new owner ... check, new joint in an historic black community location ... check. Still, there's something missing from this restaurant review. Oh yeah, HOW'S THE DAMN CHICKEN?
What a yutz.
Wow, my head is spinning. Gentrification done right? You mean, displace all the poor people, but open a soul food place that is an expensive place for the for the new wealthy residents but still the kind of food that was served in the poor people place so they don't feel quite as guilty about displacing all the poor people businesses? In my opinion, it should make it worse. So some black people go there? Well, that should make it okay then. So he hired a black person, not even the cook, well that should make it okay then. Does he have the right to do so. Sure. Is it good food? Maybe. Would I eat there if it were anywhere else? Maybe. But it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I would prefer to think that the patrons just like it becasue it is good food.Anyone there that goes there because it has a flavor of the old neighborhood, or because it is "gentrification done right" deserves the utmost contempt.
Who are you and what have you done with Charles?
For those of us comfortably settled in gentrified Seattle . . . what is the "206 scene"?
"Gentrification only means the transformation of a neighborhood from affordable to expensive, and in the process, the establishment of businesses that service people with deeper pockets."

If the average resident in Central District is making $10/hr - $11/hr (according to the Seattle’s new Minimum Wage Ordinance), then an $8 dollar meal at Fat's might be a little out of budget, especially when the average rent for a 1 bedroom is $1,380* ...I'm sorry to burst your bubble Charles, but the numbers don't lie; if before taxes you are earning ~$19,200/year and rent is ~$16,560/year, you don't really want to take $8 out of your leftover ~$2,640/year for a sandwich at Fat's.

how is cultural appropriation "gentrification" done right
Thank you master for bringing us black folks some fried chicken and minimum wage service jobs, how would we ever have experience these blessings of soul food without you doing soooooo right!
Oh yeah, happy black history month, btw.
You guys know that the writer doesn't have any control over the headline, right?
The writer might not have control over the title but he did have the power to make it clear that gentrification is targeted at communities of color because historically they can be exploited for labor and property with impunity. It also could have avoided making the argument that this form of gentrification is good and ignored that it still works to displace people of color and contributes to homelessness and poverty.
Great example of a total lack of cultural respect. This isn't only gentrification, it's also appropriation. Just review the food and stop showing how ignorant you are. You're making the Stranger a national laughing stock and doing more harm than good for this restaurant.
Funny how the stranger will rail against Amazon for destroying Seattle's culture but will publish an article applauding a rich white man for replacing a black-owned business in a gentrified area. Pretty clear which Seattle the stranger is invested in preserving. You don't care about the displacement of black people from central, you just want to be able to afford an apartment in slu without becoming a sellout.

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