Food & Drink Jul 30, 2009 at 4:00 am

Because It's in Ballard, It Has to Have a Fucking Viking

Hee-larious Scandinavian flair. Victor NG


That scallops kid killed me. He was heckling us for walking by (I love scallops, but was looking for a salty snack to bring to the beer garden) and he was kind of mean about it. But he was effective - he had six or seven people lined up when we walked by him a second time.
lindo, i had the EXACT same feelings about the 'seafood' fest...
The scallops kid is even good when he's off script. He was talking up their sauce for like 2 minutes straight off the top of his head and we ate it up.
Let's write in ALL CAPS to ADD EMPHASIS!
This was my favorite resturan ever.
deliciously funny!
woah, the anonymous trolls totally just imploded my mind with their unfocused scatter-shot of not-applicable restaurant criticism!
Damn I can't believe I missed this event. I was out of town for work but my girlfriend told me the sushi was plain awesome.
@8- I know- impressive Trolltacular comments. I am fully imploded, as well. Good work Trolls, keep it up!
En venninne i Seattle prøvde å sende deg et brev fra meg på epost for noen dager siden. Jeg har ikke hørt tilbake fra deg, Lindy... kanskje du snakker ikke norsk? Men du sa at mora di er norsk, så hun kommer sikkert til å hjelpe deg med å oversette brevet mitt... her kommer det en gang til:

Hei Lindy!

Det var spennende da jeg fikk nyhetene at det var et bildet av meg i The Stranger i uke! Jeg var på besøk hos noen venner i Seattle. De jobber på 'crepe stand' og ville at jeg skulle hjelpe dem å lage crepe til folk i Ballard til Seafood Festen. De var veldig gode crepe, med røykte villaks - fikk du prøve dem? Jeg synes at de hadde smakt bedre om de hadde brukt norsk oppdrettslaks, synes du ikke det?

Det var litt ironisk at du brukte et bildet av meg som symbol av 'norsk-amerikansk kitsch' siden jeg ER norsk (selvfølgelig, siden jeg snakker norsk, sant?). Men kanskje jeg be om det, fordi jeg brukte en amerkansk vikinghjelm. I USA er vikinghjelmene kitsch fordi de er laget i kina! I Norge lager vi dem selv, er de aldri plast, og koster de veldig mye! Folk fra amerika kunne aldri kjøpt en ektenorsk vikinghjelm.

Jeg tror jeg har funnet på en løsning til ditt 'problem' med norsk-amerikansk kitsch i Ballard! Dere kunne sett etter mer olje i Alaska, og så begynt å tjene mer på jobb, og da kunne dere kjøpte dere ekte norsk vikinghjelmer!

Lykke til,

By framing cuisine within ethnic and cultural lines, the Seafood Fest has created a space for people to (1) embrace Norwegian tradition but also (2) to make a caricature, to stereotype. This breeds contempt for kitsch, as well as self-loathing in Lindy West, as she attempts to criticize Ballard while walking around in an ironic t-shirt.
A friend in Seattle tried to send you a message from me by email several days ago. I haven't heard back from you Lindy...maybe you don't speak Norwegian? But you said that your mom is Norwegian, so she can surely help you to translate my it comes again:

Hi Lindy!

It was exciting when I got the news that there was a picture of me in The Stranger this week! I was visiting my friends in Seattle. They were working at the crepe stand and wanted me to help them make crepes for people in Ballard at the Seafood Festival. They were very good crepes, with smoked wild salmon-did you try them? I think that they would have tasted better if they had used native Norwegian salmon, don't you think?

It was a little ironic that you used a picture of me as a symbol of "Norwegian-American kitsch" since I AM Norwegian (certainly, since I speak Norwegian, right?). But maybe I asked for it because I used an American viking helmet. In the USA viking helmets are kitsch because they are made in China! In Norway we make them ourselves, they are never plastic, and they cost a lot! People from America could never buy an authentic Norwegian viking helmet.

I think I have found a solution to your problem with Norwegian-American kitsch in Ballard! You could look for more oil in Alaska, and then begin to earn more at work, and then you could buy yourselves authentic Norwegian viking helmets.

Good Luck,


translated, maybe not perfectly, by Lindy's mom
pohjoismaat ei oo väin yks maa, ja Ballard:ssa ovat erimaalaisia - tanskalaisia, ruotsilaisia, ja jopa suomalaisia! mut aina vittun norjalaisia ja neidän vittun kypäröitä!
Okay this is the Scallop Kids mom:) My son Croix is even funnier on an average day! He loves to help us with our events and not sure where he comes up with some of his words! He told us while we were setting up we had to have a plan to be noticed and in his 10 year old brain he decided this was the way. He did draw in a lot of customers.
If he was mean to anyone please accept my apologies.
It is such a joy for his family to see him all over the internet.
Thank you to all of you we really enjoyed working at the Ballard Seafood Festival and we will see you next year. Knowing how Croix, he is probably planning his selling techniques for our next event!

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